
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, December 29, 2017

Upko: ‘Desperate’ Warisan twisted Tangau’s remark on RUU355


KOTA KINABALU: Barisan Nasional’s Upko today accused Moyog assemblyman Terrence Siambun of being “too desperate” by twisting remarks made by Upko acting president Wilfred Madius Tangau on Umno-PAS cooperation.
Upko information chief Albert Bingkasan said Tangau only referred to Umno and PAS cooperating in matters of “akidah” (faith).
“Politically, however, Umno and PAS remain in different camps. And they are set to contest against each other including in states like Kelantan where PAS is the ruling party.
“It is a very weak attempt on the part of Siambun. Clearly it is a case of being too desperate”, Bingkasan said in a statement.
Siambun, who is Parti Warisan Sabah treasurer-general, yesterday claimed that Tangau had given the thumbs up to the proposed amendment of Act 355 or RUU355 sought by PAS.
RUU355 refers to the private member’s bill from PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang to amend the Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act increasing punishments for various offences committed by Muslims.
Bingkasan said Upko’s stand on Hadi’s bill was stated by its secretary-general Donald Mojuntin.
“One of Upko’s trademarks is our consistency. Tangau is the Upko chief, Mojuntin is his tag team. How could they have two different party stands?
“Anybody who can read (the news reports) knows Tangau never mentioned about Act 355 when met by reporters at Upko’s Christmas open house,” he said, adding that he was there and knew what was said.
Bingkasan reminded Siambun and Warisan deputy president and Penampang MP Darrel Leiking that they gave full support to RUU355 when they were still in PKR.
He also reminded them that RUU355 had been amended three times during former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s rule.
“The first was in 1984 to give more powers to the shariah court in meting out punishments, the second was in 1989 to cover Sabah and Sarawak and the third was in 1997, albeit for definition.
“Warisan should ask Mahathir, now the leader of the opposition Pakatan Harapan about this,” he said. -FMT

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