
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Lim Kit Siang Must Be Utterly Mad And Delusional

Kit Siang lied when he said yesterday that Najib betrayed Abdullah. The truth is Najib refused to betray Abdullah and Mahathir got so angry. In fact, Najib even refused to turn against Khairy Jamaluddin and help Mukhriz win the party election in 2009 and 2013 and this made Mahathir even angrier. And that was when Mahathir decided to oust Najib: because he refused to help Mukhriz win against Khairy.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
Yesterday, Lim Kit Siang made a blog posting entitled ‘Najib may have the world’s most expensive strategists and propagandists but money cannot buy wisdom’. This is a classic example of someone saying something when he has absolutely nothing to say and wants to say something for the sake of saying something.
Somehow politicians have the impression that if you do not say anything, or you are not heard, then you become irrelevant. So, Kit Siang’s blog posting yesterday was meant as a ‘hey guys I am still around’ exercise.

Kit Siang’s blog posting yesterday was full of nonsense and lies

But then, as Kit Siang himself confessed, he has said and written tens of millions of words in his political career. So, what more can someone who has already said too much say? I suppose he can just say more of the same thing. And what Kit Siang said yesterday is merely a repeat of what he has already said many times before. Malays would call it takde cerita baru, semua cerita lama.
Why not Kit Siang come out with something new to say? Why keep talking about cerita lama? Does Kit Siang think if he keeps repeating the same old stories they might suddenly become a new story like a frog transforming into a handsome prince?
Kit Siang is not informing the voters as to what DAP or the opposition pact is going to do for Malaysians if they happen to form the new federal government. He is not telling Malaysians how DAP and the opposition pact is going to abolish all forms of taxes and charges (GST and toll charges being just two of the many) and give Malaysians free education, free health care, free use of highways, free water, free electricity, etc., while building more schools, more hospitals, more roads, and much more.

Kit Siang’s ‘political strategy’ is to scold and curse Najib and make all sorts of false allegations against the Prime Minister

Yes, instead Kit Siang is scolding and cursing Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak in his blog posting yesterday.
For nine years since 2009, Kit Siang and his opposition pact have been scolding Najib. Then, in 2014, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad joined Kit Siang in scolding Najib. For years they have been scolding and cursing Najib. And in Kit Siang’s blog posting yesterday it was the same — he merely scolded and cursed Najib.
It is really puzzling and a great mystery as to why Chinese politicians just love scolding and cursing their opponents. Is this a cultural thing or is it in their DNA? Can’t they debate nicely? Why must they keep barking and foaming at the mouth like mad dogs? And Kit Siang is the father of all mad dogs. Menyalak tak habis macam anjing gila.

Kit Siang’s biggest problem is in trying to explain to the Chinese voters why did he did a U-turn after 35 years of cursing Mahathir

Kit Siang appears desperate and his posting yesterday shows it. His biggest problem is how to explain to the Chinese voters why he is working with Mahathir after what he has said about Mahathir since 1981. You cannot curse a person for 35 years from 1981 till 2016 and then suddenly do a U-turn and hug and kiss that person. Kit Siang knows that many Chinese are now put-off by his U-turn regarding Mahathir and that is going to cost DAP many votes.
So now Kit Siang is trying to say that working with Mahathir is not a pariah thing to do but a noble thing to do and that he has always worked with retired Prime Ministers since the First Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman.

The Tunku would never work with Kit Siang who is PAP’s agent to grab power in the Chinese states

I had worked with three of the six Prime Ministers of Malaysia after they had stepped down from the highest office of the land – Bapa Malaysia Tunku Abdul Rahman, the third Malaysian Prime Minister, Tun Hussein Onn, and the fourth Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad.
Surely, Najib is not suggesting that Tunku Abdul Rahman, Hussein and Mahathir became traitors when they stepped down as Prime Minister and co-operated with DAP in the cause of truth, justice and freedom for Malaysia?
Kit Siang is delusional and is lying through his teeth. Since when did Tunku Abdul Rahman and Tun Hussein Onn work with DAP? Gila punya orang!

When Hussein Onn retired he stayed retired and never worked with Kit Siang like the DAP leader claims

When Mahathir closed down Umno and formed Umno Baru, the Tunku and Tun Hussein refused to have anything to do with Mahathir or Umno Baru. They treated Mahathir like a low-class pariah for what Mahathir did to both Umno and the Monarchy. So how can Kit Siang even do the unthinkable of comparing Mahathir to the Tunku and Tun Hussein when both Tunku and Tun Hussein regarded Mahathir as a pariah?
Only pariahs would work with pariahs. And that is why Kit Siang is very happy to work with Mahathir after 35 years of cursing him. Tunku and Tun Hussein were statesmen. Mahathir is a destroyer. Mahathir destroyed Umno, race relations, freedom of speech, media independence, the judiciary, the independence of Parliament, Malaysia’s economy, etc. He even tried to destroy the Monarchy but failed and now it is payback time for Mahathir.
Tunku would never even give Kit Siang a second look. Tunku never forgave Lee Kuan Yew and PAP for what they did and DAP is merely PAP in different clothes. DAP is Singapore’s ‘back door’ to Malaysia and Tunku knew this. He knew that the PAP-DAP plan is to eventually grab political power in the ‘Chinese states’ such as Penang, Perak and Selangor.
The truth is Tunku would rather die than commit a treacherous act of working with a PAP lackey like Kit Siang. Tunku may have had many weaknesses but treachery is definitely not one of them. And for Tunku to work with Kit Siang, as Kit Siang wrote in his blog, that would be the ultimate act of treachery.

Tunku regarded Kit Siang and DAP as Lee Kuan Yew’s agent to grab power in the Chinese states

So, Kit Siang should stop trying to con the younger generation voters who are not too informed about Malaysia’s history. Kit Siang may be a contemporary to Mahathir but he is not even close to the level of Tunku and Tun Hussein. Tunku and Tun Hussein do not work with pariahs like Kit Siang and Mahathir. So stop being delusional.
Kit Siang says Najib betrayed Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. That is one big lie. Najib refused to betray Abdullah and even publicly announced that as the Deputy Prime Minister he is loyal to the Prime Minister. And this made Mahathir very angry. Mahathir was so angry that Najib refused to betray Abdullah and instead publicly announced his loyalty to Abdullah that Mahathir negotiated with Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah to take over as Prime Minister.
Yes, Mahathir wanted Ku Li to challenge Abdullah and oust him and take over as Prime Minister because Najib refused to do that. But there was a string attached. And when Ku Li rejected that string attached Mahathir abandoned Ku Li as well.
So, Kit Siang lied when he said yesterday that Najib betrayed Abdullah. The truth is Najib refused to betray Abdullah and Mahathir got so angry. In fact, Najib even refused to turn against Khairy Jamaluddin and help Mukhriz win the party election in 2009 and 2013 and this made Mahathir even angrier. And that was when Mahathir decided to oust Najib: because he refused to help Mukhriz win against Khairy.

Najib refused to betray Abdullah and this made Mahathir angry

Kit Siang ni dah gila. Kit Siang should seek professional help before his dementia becomes worse. He is talking a whole load of poppycock and nothing of what he says is true.
Kit Siang says money cannot buy wisdom. Yes, Kit Siang should look into a mirror to see how true that statement is.
Kit Siang further said, “During the 2004 General Election, Abdullah campaigned as modern-day Justice Pao to fight corruption and abuses of power.” In that case why did Kit Siang condemn Abdullah in 2004 and 2008? Why did Kit Siang and DAP not work with Abdullah and support him since ‘Abdullah campaigned as modern-day Justice Pao to fight corruption and abuses of power’?
What nonsense is Kit Siang talking? Nanyuk ke dah gila?
Kit Siang said he forgives Mahathir for arresting and jailing him. But, of course, he forgives Mahathir for arresting and jailing him. Kit Siang knows he is guilty of pushing Malaysia to the brink of a race riot so he deserves to be arrested and jailed. That is why he forgives Mahathir. And Mahathir is prepared to be used by DAP. So that is even more reason for Kit Siang to forgive Mahathir for his past sins and crimes.

Tan Seng Giaw is proof of Kit Siang’s nonsense and lies

Kit Siang’s most classic statement is, “…whether one should remain loyal to persons and political parties even when these persons and political parties have betrayed their founding principles, becoming arrogant and corrupt, or whether one should be loyal to truth, justice and freedom.”
I almost fell off my chair when I read that one. It is almost as if Kit Siang was talking about his own son, Lim Guan Eng. That sentence can read “…whether one should remain loyal to persons like Guan Eng and political parties like DAP even when these persons and political parties have betrayed their founding principles, becoming arrogant and corrupt, or whether one should be loyal to truth, justice and freedom.”
Wow! Talking about spitting into the wind! Does Kit Siang even realise that what he said is what is happening in DAP? What has happened to all those DAP leaders who do not toe the Lim Dynasty line? For decades all those who tak sebulu with Lim father and son do not last in DAP.

Why is Kit Siang hiding behind Wan Azizah’s sarong?

Kit Siang does not even have the guts to fight like a man. He hides behind Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail’s sarong and takes shelter under PKR and the Mata Dajjal logo. He cannot face the Malay voters so he Melayukan DAP by contesting under PKR. And if Kit Siang is so confident of the so-called Malay Tsunami, why do all the DAP candidates hide in Chinese-majority seats? Contest in Malay seats and let us see how real that mythical Malay Tsunami is.

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