
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, August 1, 2018

An Open Letter To Sungai Kandis (And Other) Voters

Ok let’s forget the 100 day KPI. Ok never mind lah, we give you a chance. “Husnuzon” like they say. Ok ok, so in any election, people tend to over-promise. Then the reality of fulfilment comes after the win. Ok we BN guys won’t harp too much about it. Let’s just see what you have got right Now. Starting with the first:
1. A perennially-angry, bitter and frustrated man at the top. Angry and frustrated that none of his succession plans have worked yet. Everywhere he turns, the door is closed. He keeps hinting he has “not much time left”, yet nobody in PH seems to bother. So be honest. What happens when the old man finally goes? Seriously guys, Who’s in charge?
2. A bunch of people with very low IQ leading important portfolios. No, I’m not talking about academic degrees, I am talking about IQ. PH leaders may have a string of degrees from US to Australia yet struggling with common sense stuff. Some of their stupidity almost beggars belief. E.g. a good PKR lawyer friend (and State Information Chief) actually told me Amar Bhai had to raid Najib’s house immediately because Rosmah was about to “destroy the loot”. (No kidding folks! I almost fell off the chair myself.) I sarcastically asked him if DS Rosmah had a E license from JPJ and planning to drive a Alam Flora truck to dump her handbags into the Batang Berjuntai landfill at midnite on May 9. Believe it or not, he actually took time to think!
3. Even the learned Dr Maszlee seems to be struggling to understand the simple difference between a Dasar (Policy) and an Admin (Pentadbiran) matter. Bro, changing the shoe colour is Not “Dasar” la. To change uniform, you only need to issue a Pekeliling (Circular). That’s it. For example STPM guys now are wearing jeans. Because a new circular said they are considered pre-university level and so relaxed the uniform rules to prepare them for university life. Habis cerita la. Why call for a PC and announce the shoe change like it’s going to affect the destiny of our country?
Bro, all you have to do is issue a Pekeliling stating that black shoes would be used from 2020 and therefore, 2019-2020 would see a transition whereby both white and black shoes would be allowed. This would: 1) prevent parents from complaining they had already wasted money buying white shoes, 2) prevent retailers from hurriedly trying to rid surplus stock and 3) prevent suppliers from making sudden orders from manufacturers. Senang kan?
4. The same with our beloved Finance Minister and his Defence counterpart. Personally, I like Mat Sabu for his friendly demeanour and smiley disposition. But really, is he the guy who should be in charge of defending 332,000 sq km of sovereign territory? After 2 months, he STILL doesn’t know the difference between asset acquisition and a maintenance regime. “Maintaining” military assets has nothing to do with the need to acquire assets in tandem with evolving threats and challenges. But rather than study his own portfolio, he tries to appear macho by sabre-rattling US and China over the South China Sea. Really Abang Mat? You plan to attack them with what? Forks and spoons?
And let’s not get started with that buffoon Lim Guan Eng. I used to call him a friend during my early DAP days whenever we met in my plane and chatted about stuff. Now he’s run out of ideas after looking like an idiot with all sorts of mismatched numbers dropping out of his accountant ears. So what does he do? Call for another PC and pretend to be anti-Semitic like his boss, issuing stupid statements against Israel which is completely out of his depth. Really Lim? You think the Malay electorate will be impressed and suddenly start chanting “Hidup Lim?”
5. Then you have a bunch of Chinese, Indian and Lain2 lawmakers who are still in La La Land and think the “Malays have been overthrown” (seriously, I’ve heard that from Pakatoons). So each tries to assert his ethnic identity in a stupid way – like that thalappa stunt, idiots wearing songkoks terbalik, bringing temple figures and so on. Even the quiet Baru Bian wasn’t spared with clowns waxing lyrical about “Lun Bawang control of government” – which is why he wore whatever headgear his puppet masters wanted.
So back to the question, what kind of government do we have now? A bunch of paper-qualified bozos who are all good as accountants, lawyers, engineers, cooks, etc,. but have NO inkling on how to run a country. And this is why Investors are running away. Being good at what you do is one thing. Being able to govern is another. I am a bloody good pilot, heck I might even think I am the best pilot just because I wrote a 539-page book about civil aviation. But if Najib called me up and said “Bro, I need some Indian votes. Can I restructure the DCA into a full-fledged Ministry out of the Transport portfolio and name you inaugural “Timbalan Menteri Penerbangan Malaysia”?
I’d say “Thanks but Hell No Datuk Seri.” Because I know my limits. I don’t mind working for Datuk Azharuddin first for a few years, learn the ropes and then allow myself to take the job. Despite my PhD engineering degree and two ATPL qualifications!
I suppose that’s the difference between people who are really educated and those who think they are educated. Whatever the case, look at the fruits of what Malaysia has since May 9. Or lost. 2 billion market cap wiped out already! Still blaming it all on Rosmah Mansor’s handbags?
Seriously Pakatoons, WAKE UP!
From Captain TK

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