
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Mahathir Is Too Late, Malaysia Is Already Divided…Forever

If PAS and Umno unite, which will result in 70-75% of the Malays voting for the opposition, that is bad for the country because the country will become divided. If PKR and DAP unite, which will result in 90-95% of the Chinese voting for Pakatan Harapan, that is good for the country because the country will become united.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said Umno-PAS unity is bad for the country. This contradicts what Mahathir has been saying since June 2006 when he first launched his campaign to oust then Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
For 13 years, Mahathir has been going around the country telling Malaysians that the fall of the great Malay empire of Melaka in 1511 was because the Malays were divided. Because the Malays were not united, the Portuguese colonised the country followed by the Dutch and then the British. It was not until almost 450 years later before Malaya became independent again.
Actually, that is not quite an accurate narration of history but then Mahathir has always related his version of history to suit the message he is trying to deliver. For example, Mahathir failed to mention that Melaka fell because the Mamak traders betrayed the Malays. Coincidentally, Anwar Ibrahim is Mamak, as, of course, is Mahathir.

From 2006 to 2009, Mahathir asked the Malays to unite to save Malaysia from being occupied or colonised by ‘others’

Anyway, Mahathir then told the Malays if they do not unite then one day Malaysia will, again, fall into the hands of other people. Mahathir left it to the imagination of his audience as to who these ‘other people’ are. But this was in 2006 and ‘other people’ then meant PAS, PKR and, in particular, DAP.
Mahathir was appealing for the Malays to unite to save the country. But he did not mean unite under Anwar Ibrahim (also meaning PAS, PKR and DAP). He meant unite under Umno. But then Umno was weak because it had a corrupt Prime Minister — Abdullah Badawi. Hence Abdullah Badawi needs to be ousted and replaced with someone else (who Mahathir will name later).
Yes, that was Mahathir’s 2006 message right up to 2009. All Malays must unite. They need to unite under Umno. Only then can the country be saved from being occupied or colonised by ‘others’. If not, the Malays will become hamba di negara sendiri (slaves in their own country).

Today, Mahathir says Malay unity is bad for the country because it divides Malaysians

In 2006, the Malays were told they must unite to save the country. Today, the Malays are being told, if they unite then the country is finished because unity between Umno and PAS will divide the country. Aiyoh, first you ask me to lie on my back. Now you ask me to lie on my stomach. Decide lah which way you want to screw me! Confusing lah!
If PAS and Umno unite, which will result in 70-75% of the Malays voting for the opposition, that is bad for the country because the country will become divided. If PKR and DAP unite, which will result in 90-95% of the Chinese voting for Pakatan Harapan, that is good for the country because the country will become united.
Hello, Atok, what logic is this?
This is just like the DAP logic. When 75% of the Malays vote for PAS-Umno that is racism. When 95% of the Chinese vote for PKR-DAP that is democracy.
When the Chinese attack Islam and Prophet Muhammad, that is freedom of expression. When the Malays attack Chinese schools and Chinese education, that is racism.

Malaysia became divided into Malay-Malaysia and Chinese-Malaysia ever since 2006

The truth is, Malaysia is already divided and has been for many years now. In GE14, only 25-30% of the Malays voted Pakatan Harapan, while the 90-95% of the non-Malays voted Pakatan in GE14, GE13 and GE12 — yes, for the last three general elections.
Since 2008, Malaysia has been divided into Malay-Malaysia and non-Malay-Malaysia — with East Malaysia as the third bloc.
The only difference is, while 70-75% of the Malays voted against Pakatan Harapan, meaning voted for Umno and PAS, that 70-75% was split into two. Today, that 70-75% is one bloc of votes, not two blocs. That is the only difference.
Never mind if Umno and PAS unite or not. 70-75% of the Malays are still not going to vote for Pakatan Harapan. 70-75% of the Malay votes are going to be split between Umno and PAS. Today, 70-75% of the Malay votes are going to be lumped together under one, Umno-PAS.

The Malays are now prepared to put aside their political differences in the interest of the ummah

So, this has nothing to do with dividing Malaysia. Malaysia had already been divided long ago. Malaysia had been divided into four. Now, Malaysia is divided into only three – Pakatan, Umno-PAS and East Malaysia.
East Malaysia owns 57 parliament seats and the balance of 165 is shared between Umno-PAS and Pakatan Harapan — 102 for Umno-PAS and 63 for Pakatan Harapan (if zero seats for MCA, MIC, Gerakan, PPP, PSM and PRM).
That is what really frightens Mahathir about the Umno-PAS cooperation. This has nothing to do with dividing Malaysia into a Malay-Malaysia, non-Malay-Malaysia and Eastern-Malaysia because that happened more than 10 years ago since 2006 and Mahathir is one of the reasons why it happened.

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