
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, January 29, 2020

People Just Don’t Trust Governments

But then, if Mahathir does that, although he may retain the support of DAP, he will lose Malay support and that would be worse than losing DAP or Chinese support. Either way Mahathir is pinned into a corner and the only way out would be to resign and hand power to Anwar Ibrahim. That is what the issue is all about. They created the 1MDB issue to oust Najib Tun Razak and now they are creating the UEC issue to oust Mahathir.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
If you are wondering why so many conspiracy theories are floating around regarding the Wuhan coronavirus, the answer is actually quite simple. People just do not trust governments and they know governments will lie and hide the truth. And they know governments are also, on many occasions, behind whatever conspiracy which the people are talking about.
And can you blame them? Since the beginning of time governments have never been honest and truthful with the people. Governments always lie, hide the truth, and feed the people with fake news. Only the very gullible and dimwits would believe what governments say. And in Malaysia that would represent about 60% of the people, who believe that the Pakatan Harapan leaders can walk on water and turn water into wine.
About 528 years ago, the Spanish government spread the story that Jews were the cause of babies dying (through some sort of witchcraft) and that Jews were kidnapping and eating babies. This resulted in the expulsion of Jews from Spain. What the government actually wanted was to confiscate Jewish assets to fill their coffers.
(Refer the Alhambra Decree or the Edict of Expulsion. The edict was formally and symbolically revoked almost 500 years later on 16th December 1968 following the Second Vatican Council.)

The Nazis are not the only ones guilty of lies, fake news and propaganda

The new Nazi government of Germany burned down the Reichstag on 27th February 1933 so that they could blame it on the opposition and declare an emergency. Then they eliminated all opposition to the government.
Throughout history governments have been dishonest and criminal in its actions and the people have never been told the truth. The Kennedy administration never told the people the truth about the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Bay of the Pigs invasion that almost triggered a nuclear war and possibly the end of the world or Armageddon. In fact, we still do not know the truth behind the Kennedy assassination or Marilyn Monroe’s death.
The truth regarding the Vietnam War and the ‘Cambodian Campaign’ that followed it were hidden from us for so long, as was the truth regarding Agent Orange. What about the bombing of the New York Twin Towers and the so-called WMDs in Iraq that led to the invasion of Iraq and the ouster of Saddam Hussein?
And did Bin Ladin really exist and was he really killed? Maybe one day in future the truth about that would be revealed and considering the Saudi elite were smuggled out of the US just before 911 gives an impression that there is more to the story that what we have been told.

Have we been told the truth regarding 911?

Yes, all governments lie and spread fake stories, never mind which government. And Malaysia is as good as the other countries in the skill of spreading lies and fake stories.
Memali was one example. Now we know that Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad was not in China after all when the killings occurred. And why did they want all those people killed instead of simply arresting them? They say it was to frighten the non-Malays and show them what will happen if PAS ever came to power. Probably in future after Mahathir is dead we will know the truth.
Operasi Lalang, just like May 13 and Memali, were also engineered. And is it any surprise that DAP’s Prime Minister, Dr Mahathir, was behind all three? And the man who was tasked with the execution of Operasi Lalang was the then Education Minister, Anwar Ibrahim, through the Chinese schools non-Mandarin educated headmasters controversy.

Dr Mahathir and Anwar Ibrahim engineered Operasi Lalang to keep Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah out just like May 13 was engineered to topple Tunku Abdul Rahman

The Bank Negara FOREX disaster was another government cover up. In 1993, Anwar even lied to Parliament about what really happened but today we know the truth. Lim Kit Siang wanted Mahathir to pay for this ‘crime’ but then it was Anwar, and not Mahathir, who deceived Parliament and the people.
The deception goes on and on so you can understand why people do not believe what China and Malaysia say about the Wuhan coronavirus affair. What we know about what governments have done over just the last 500 years is probably merely 1% of what really happened.
And if we go back 2,000 years to the time of Jesus Christ it is even worse. That makes one wonder how much of what the Church tells us is true and how much of it is fake news. However, going by the track record of how dishonest governments are, everything they tell us has to be taken with a pinch of salt since honesty is not what governments practice.
The Jews and Romans, too, had their version of Goebbels back in those days and what they spun was a story to suit their propaganda needs. And the Jesus Movement needed to perpetuate the perception that Jesus was immortal and could not die since he was the Son of God.

“Be that as it may, the long hard road back for the Pakatan Harapan government to restore public trust and confidence must lie in its ability in 2020 to deliver the promises.”

Anyway, after GE14 in May 2018, the new Pakatan Harapan government has proven that it, too, spins lies and spreads fake stories. Lim Kit Siang said today the Pakatan Harapan administration has a long and daunting task to restore public confidence in the government (READ HERE).
Yes, Kit Siang admits that Pakatan Harapan is suffering from a trust deficit. Malaysians no longer trust Pakatan Harapan or have confidence in the government. But the “long and daunting task to restore public confidence in the government” that Kit Siang talks about is easier said than done. It takes one day to lose it but years to get it back.
The people have accepted the fact that Pakatan Harapan is not being honest or transparent with the people. And that is why they do not believe what the government says, either about the Wuhan coronavirus or whatever. Anyway, the story that the coronavirus is man-made and that the US planted it in Wuhan to hurt the Chinese economy in the ongoing US-China trade war is juicer than the story that it is because the Chinese eat snakes. Sigh…if Adam and Eve were Chinese they would have eaten the snake instead of the apple and today we would all be living in the Garden of Eden.

“We reached a consensus that DAP will withdraw from the government if UEC is not recognised.”

Today, DAP said if the government does not approve or recognise the Unified Examination Certificate or UEC then DAP might resign from the Pakatan Harapan government (READ HERE).
Actually, what DAP is doing is they are threatening Dr Mahathir and are using the UEC to do that. Without DAP, Mahathir cannot stay on as Prime Minister because he will not have the numbers. Pakatan Harapan now has 129 seats and minus DAP’s 42 that would bring it down to 87, far short of the required 112 seats in Parliament. So, Mahathir needs DAP, which means, as Education Minister, Mahathir needs to approve or recognise the UEC.
But then, if Mahathir does that, although he may retain the support of DAP, he will lose Malay support and that would be worse than losing DAP or Chinese support. Either way Mahathir is pinned into a corner and the only way out would be to resign and hand power to Anwar Ibrahim. That is what the issue is all about. They created the 1MDB issue to oust Najib Tun Razak and now they are creating the UEC issue to oust Mahathir.

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