
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, October 1, 2021

How much does the average minister cost the taxpayer?


If there is one word to describe our ministers and MPs, it would be 'shameless'.

Putrajaya has been tarnished by many scandals, but the latest revelation by Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman, over the swollen expenses claims by ministers and MPs, is an insult to the rakyat.

The political elites appear to have a breathtaking sense of privilege and entitlement, and it is disturbing to note that the culture of greed is rampant among our ministers and MPs.

We want our MPs and ministers to have the resources to do a good job, but we are also worried about the ever-growing cost of politics.

Can't the political elite display a modicum of contrition? Many scandals have rocked the nation, but many MPs appear to be lining their own pockets and serving themselves at the expense of the rakyat. What happened to values? What happened to serving the public?

One question needs to be asked: "How much is the taxpayer forking out to fund each MP?"

During the lockdown, many people were working from home. Did the MPs charge the taxpayers for increased electricity costs, such as their increased air-conditioning bills, for working remotely?

Before the lockdown, lighting and houses being kept cool with fans or air-conditioning would just be for morning and evening use; but with many people working from home, these appliances will be necessary for most of the day. Does any company offer to pay the increased home-working costs of their employees?

MP for Muar and former youth and sports minister Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman

MPs and ministers have the luxury of the rakyat paying for their increased utility bills, but most, if not all workers, will have to absorb these costs themselves.

Syed Saddiq said that a cabinet member is paid RM50,000 a month. During this coronavirus pandemic, many people have lost their jobs or had their wages slashed. Why does the same not apply to MPs and ministers?

He also listed some of the other benefits which a minister receives. They include a lavish home in Putrajaya, a car, a driver, a licence plate that is worth hundreds of thousands of ringgit, an approved permit (AP) to import luxury cars and a plot of land in Putrajaya.

What is the reasoning behind the licence plate that is worth a lot of money? Why should the minister be given an AP? Why should he receive any land? How long have successive governments been generous with taxpayers' money? Why has no other minister or MP exposed this expenses scandal before? Did they keep quiet because one day, they hope to be at the receiving end?

Would an accountant be able to work out the total amount of money that the taxpayers have paid over the decades to these ministers? Will he provide the figures for each year, ever since this abhorrent practice was started?

White flags have been raised

No wonder we see the same old, inefficient and gormless faces every five years. Why would anyone who does very little work, but who is still able to enjoy these benefits, give up the day job as a minister? If Malaysians were getting value for money from these ministers, then that is a different story altogether.

Syed Saddiq said that ministers could claim meal expenses and holiday allowances. Why should the taxpayer be further burdened, especially during this pandemic, when most if not all families are struggling to survive? Food prices have increased. Some people have flown the white flag because they cannot afford to buy food. Breadwinners are without a job. Many can't even pay their house rent or mortgage, but ministers get to enjoy luxurious benefits while everyone else is forced to tighten their belts.

What is the sense or logic behind the daft decision to pay holiday allowance to ministers? Their transport to and from work is at our expense, as are their meals, their holidays and their luxury cars.

Seri Perdana, the prime minister's official residence in Putrajaya

Are their home renovations, their furniture, their kitchen refurbishment, their children's education, their maids, their utility bills and their dress allowances also funded by the taxpayers?

A minimum of RM100,000 holiday allowance for married ministers is more than what most graduates earn per year. A down payment for a reasonable flat in Kuala Lumpur is probably less than this minimum travel allowance.

The gratuity payments of RM1 million for ministers is both shocking and scandalous. Why should there be repeat gratuity payments each time a minister is reappointed? Why should non-performing politicians be given a ministerial status which qualifies them for these extremely generous gratuities?

The money paid out to ministers and MPs should be tabulated and itemised. It should chart the most expensive MP and what his claims were used for. Who is the MP who claimed the least?

Did anyone charge for staffing and office costs? How much was spent on maintaining their office? Did these costs rise every year? What was the percentage increase? Were these costs above the rate of inflation?

The economy is suffering and the Treasury is running out of money. The pandemic is adding further strain on the public purse.

Our MPs and ministers should limit their expense claims to show that they are in solidarity with the rakyat. Change the law to curb their excessive greed.- Mkini

MARIAM MOKHTAR is a defender of the truth, the admiral-general of the Green Bean Army and president of the Perak Liberation Organisation (PLO). Blog, Twitter.

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of MMKtT.

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