
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, February 26, 2022

1MDB - If you do the crime then you must do the time, there is no statute of limitations on crime.

 In the 1970s there was an American crime series on TV called Baretta, played by Robert Blake (who played Tony Baretta). Baretta would say 'if you do the crime then you must do the time'.  

"Beretta" is also the name of a famous Italian gun brand which was founded 496 years ago in 1526. They make some really beautiful and well regarded guns including the world famous M70 and M71 pistol (favoured by assassins) which fires a 0.22 calibre bullet. Here is a picture:


Tony Baretta's famous line 'if you do the crime then you must do the time' inflicts a heavy burden on people who have committed crimes. Indeed there is no statute of limitations on crime in all countries around the world. Once you commit a crime, then you are liable to be caught, charged and punished no matter how long it takes. If you have escaped being caught until today, you never know - there might be that 'knock knock' on your door at 3 am in the morning. 

The 1MDB thievery is now into its 13th year - if you backtrack it to 2009 when it was still the TIA (Terengganu Investment Authority).  How quickly time flies. 

Yesterday more news was published about another person who had come to possess expensive property overseas, possibly acquired through stolen funds from 1MDB. No direct involvement but a convoluted collateral discourse. And the MACC has announced that the person's bank accounts have been frozen etc etc.

As I said - THIRTEEN years after the events happened. 

The trial of Roger Ng and Tim Leissner  are just getting started in New York - also THIRTEEN LONG years after the event. 

NINETEEN YEARS after Leissner went to bed with some of those women here in Kuala Lumpur. 

And this story is not over. More names will likely be mentioned in New York. They should be. And I hope they are mentioned. There are still some people who are walking around scot free despite the fact that they have stolen millions of Ringgits of our money.

The political landscape of the country has changed.  There are no more permanent centers of power. We really have no idea who will be in power two years or five years from now. It could be anyone. It could be me (ha ha). 

Plus the average politician is still as dumb as a doorknob - or worse. Even if they win elections the country is headed downhill. Why? Because the politicians are not competent in anything - except stealing and womanising.

Politicians therefore are in very short supply of real issues which they can champion.  Catching the 1MDB crooks and other crooks could become a favorite past time for politicians looking for quick publicity. Especially if the crooks are not a political liability or (better still) they can embarass the 'other side'.

The person whose bank accounts were frozen yesterday has zero political liability. Meaning no one will "protect" or 'stand up' to champion the person's cause. Can be sacrificed. It might even make the politicians look good.

So to the other 1MDB crooks (and also the other non 1MDB crooks) if you do the crime then you must do the time.

THIRTEEN years have gone by so quickly. You may be in your 50s, 60s or even 70s now. Who knows maybe in another three years, five years or 10 years there will be that knock on the door. 

Imagine the stresses and the tensions that you will have to endure at such an old age. Or that they may confiscate your houses and properties and deprive your children of your ill gotten wealth. What a terrible legacy you will be leaving for them.

Indeed what a terrible deed you have done.   'if you do the crime then you must do the time'.  

It is better to own up and confess to your crimes now. 
Just return all the money you took. 
Like Goldman Sachs did - and got away with it.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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