
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, April 11, 2022

Democracy Means Free To Change Party Affiliations


Did the Pekan voters vote for Najib Razak, Umno, or Barisan Nasional? They voted for Najib. If Najib had contested Pekan as an independent or as a PAS candidate, he would still have won. Pekan wanted Najib, not Umno or BN. If they wanted Umno or BN, then no need for Najib to contest in Pekan. In GE15 field Lokman Adam since the Pekan voters vote for Umno and BN and not for the person.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

De facto Law Minister Datuk Seri Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar told Parliament today that 39 MPs have changed parties since Election 2018 to date, causing political instability and jeopardising Malaysia’s practice of democracy. (READ MORE HERE)

Malaysians can sometimes be such donkeys, braying non-stop and bitching and whining at everything. Too hot complain. Too cold complain. Never the right temperature.

There is one word that is overused in Malaysia, and that word is democracy. Everyone talks about democracy, but no one understands what the word means.

Definition of democracy: a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation (wakil rakyat) usually involving periodically held free elections.

Okay, question: does Malaysia hold free elections very five years or so where the people are able to choose their wakil rakyat?

Answer: yes.

That means Malaysia is a democracy lah! Apa lagi complain? What happens AFTER Malaysians vote in their wakil rakyat does not matter. Whatever the wakil rakyat do, or do not do, does not affect democracy. Democracy only involves the manner in how you choose your wakil rakyat. It does not involve what these wakil rakyat do or do not do after that.

The wakil rakyat can run naked in the streets and Malaysia would still be a democracy. The voters cannot complain and say they did not vote for the wakil rakyat so that he or she can run naked in the streets. And if the wakil rakyat run naked in the streets he or she need not resign so that a by-election can be held.

Okay, some say they chose their wakil rakyat based on that wakil rakyat is from a certain party, and if he or she changes party then the deal is off.

In other words, you voted for a particular wakil rakyat because he or she is, say, from Umno. So, if he or she leaves Umno and joins another party, then he or she must resign, and a by-election must be held. You did not vote or a wakil rakyat so that he or she can jump to another party, you argue.

Okay, then in future put only the party symbol on the ballot paper so that you can vote for the party and not for the person.

Did the Pekan voters vote for Najib Razak, Umno, or Barisan Nasional? They voted for Najib. If Najib had contested Pekan as an independent or as a PAS candidate, he would still have won. Pekan wanted Najib, not Umno or BN. If they wanted Umno or BN, then no need for Najib to contest in Pekan. In GE15 field Lokman Adam since the Pekan voters vote for Umno and BN and not for the person.

Okay, you also did not vote for a wakil rakyat so he or she can steal the taxpayers’ money. So, if the wakil rakyat steals the taxpayers’ money, should that wakil rakyat not also resign so that a by-election can he held?

You also voted for a wakil rakyat because he or she promised to uphold Islam. If that wakil rakyat refuses to implement sharia laws such as hudud, should he or she not resign so that a by-election can be held?

Stop talking about democracy if you do not understand what it means. Your democratic right ends at the ballot box. After that you have no more rights until the next general election five years later. Hell, you do not even have the right to leave Islam or to cross-dress and live with your gay partner.

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