
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, April 12, 2022



"Indonesian President Joko Widodo appeared to dismiss a plan floated by senior cabinet official to extend his time in office as thousands of university students are set to protest in Jakarta over the move along with the rising costs of basic goods.

Rumors have persisted for months that the leader known as Jokowi could seek to amend the constitution to run for a third term after the pandemic sidetracked his ambitious infrastructure agenda, including the construction a brand new capital in Borneo. While he remains popular with voters, the issue could create discord within certain sections of the population concerned about a return to an era of former president Suharto who ruled for three decades with an iron fist until his ouster in 1998."


 "kami tidak percaya kepada partai...
kami tidak percaya kepada pengkhianat rakyat"



Di Jakarta mereka demonstrasi untuk mempertahankan hak rakyat dan hak asasi.

Di Malaysia pula berpuluh ribu orang bodoh pernah demonstrasi untuk mempertahankan hak pemimpin mereka untuk liwat bontot lelaki. 

Itulah beza besar antara pejuang-pejuang Indonesia dan orang bodoh bahalol di Malaysia.

Jadi di Indonesia sejak 25 tahun yang lalu mereka telah membuat perubahan yang positif dan baik bagi masyarakat mereka. Kemungkinan besar demonstrasi pusingan ini pun akan membawa perubahan yang berguna bagi mereka.

Di Malaysia pula sesudah memperjuangkan hak pemimpin mereka untuk liwat bontot lelaki tiada perubahan yang significant berlaku. Negara dan ekonomi makin hancur, orang makin susah,  pimpinan makin dungu. Dan pemimpin pemain bontot itu serta puak-puak yang mereka sokong dulu sudah berbaik-baik dengan musuh politik mereka pula. Mereka sudah sign MoU pula!! Dan Parti Lebai sudah bersumbang mahram dengan parti kleptokrat. Bossku bagi depa duit 1MDB RM90 juta !!

Itulah beza besar antara orang Indonesia dan orang Malaysia. 

In Jakarta in the late 1990s and now the Indonesian people have demonstrated in the streets to fight for their rights. 

In Malaysia in the late 1990s tens of thousands of stupid people demonstrated in the streets to defend the rights of their leader to screw the backside of his male friends. 

And we can see the difference. In Indonesia over the past 25 years there have been significant changes in their society and in their government. And we can assume that with this present round of demonstrations there will be more positive changes in Indonesia.  (They simply cannot ignore the energy of all those tens of thousands of young people in Jakarta - whatever the arguments are for or against them).

But in Malaysia after 24 years the same shit is still floating around. The country is more corrupt than ever, the racists and the religious extremists are more extreme than ever, the people are dumber than ever, the country is just going to the shits.

This is the difference between fighting for your rights (which you did not) and fighting for someone's right to screw someone's backside (which many of you did).

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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