
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, April 12, 2022

SPA to review contract doctor applications rejected by the system

The Public Services Commission (SPA) said it will look into the issue of contract doctors getting rejected for permanent positions after applying through its system.

This comes after the Malaysian Medical Association (MMA) cited “technical issues” as among the reasons the doctors’ applications to the SPA have been rejected.

SPA chairperson Zainal Rahim Seman told Malaysiakini that the main reason why applicants were rejected was that they failed to list their Malaysian Medical Council (MMC) details in their applications.

“Out of the 3,213 that applied, through our SPA, we only see that 817 qualified because many did not register for their MMC registration number.

“The system automatically disqualifies them because, without this (registration) number, we cannot be sure if they are really a doctor or not,” he said yesterday, during a phone call with Malaysiakini.

However, Zainal gave his assurance that the SPA would check on the applicants’ registration with MMC.

“If they are registered they will automatically be registered in the system. We will make it easier for them because some of them may find it difficult to open up the system again.

“I have (issued a directive) to print out a list of all those that have been disqualified and check with the MMC. If there is a number, then we will qualify them,” he said, adding that the matter should be resolved by this week.

Permanent posts

Zainal also said that for the year 2022, only 3,586 positions were made available by the government for permanent posts, including doctors, pharmacists and dentists.

However, next year, 2023, will see over 4,000 posts made available, he said.

MMA president Dr Koh Kar Chai

Yesterday, MMA president Dr Koh Kar Chai claimed that contract doctors’ applications for permanent positions have been rejected without any reason provided.

“MMA has compiled data from 533 doctors and from the feedback received, some of the doctors had not filled in their MMC details in their applications as this was earlier not mandatory, but was later made mandatory. This caused a discrepancy in the application process.

“There were also limited options to select from, in the section on choosing their field of specialisation, while some doctors had claimed that their application may have been affected because they did not fill in their CGPA marks,” he said in a statement.

CGPA requirement

Zainal said that the cumulative grade point average (CGPA) requirement in the application was something that applicants could not “run away” from.

“CGPA is a requirement of the scheme, one that you cannot run away from. You should know your CGPA.

“If you produce your certification, the CGPA is automatically inside the certificate… how can we judge you if you are without CGPA?” Zainal added.

This issue was first highlighted by Hartal Doktor Kontrak on Twitter, who claimed that a contract doctor, whose application suddenly had missing details, was told by an SPA officer to reapply again next year.

Koh said that Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin had been informed of the matter last Thursday, and had given his assurance that the issue would be addressed.

“We have also followed up with a letter to the Health Ministry proposing that the application process be improved and simplified.

“In the letter, MMA had offered to assist the government with drafting guidelines for the application process,” Koh added. - Mkini

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