
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, April 1, 2022

The Infamous Rape Fatwa - Quite Devilish Thoughts

 Over the past week I received the following from at least two people - both non Muslims. Its an old story from 2014 but obviously it has gone viral again. 


You must have guessed it by now, this is not anywhere 
in the Quran, not in Surah 2, 4, 9 nor in any other Surah 

Much has been written about this and if you Google 'Suad Saleh rape fatwa' there are pages of references. I found the following (for example) which simply denies the lady said any such thing. 


But it does say:

When Islam emerged, (in order to put slavery in order) Islam stated that only if the war is a legitimate war, then only the prisoners from the war might be slaves. However, the war has to be legitimate and waged against the enemies.

Then it also says the following : Islam says, a woman is either a wife or a slave girl and you can own someone as your slave girl only if you catch the woman as a prisoner – through a legitimate war.  

(Err..this is also not in the Quran at all. There are no such things in the Quran.)

I can share here what the Quran says about the treatment of prisoners of war.

There is a very specific verse in the Quran on what to do with the prisoners of war. Here is Surah 47:4,


Surah 47:4 If you encounter (in war) those who disbelieve, you may strike the necks. If you take them as captives you may set them free or ransom them, until the war ends. Had Allah willed, He could have granted you victory, without war. But He thus tests you by one another. As for those who get killed in the cause of Allah, He will never put their sacrifice to waste. (Khalifah)

Surah 47:4 Now when ye meet in battle those who disbelieve, then it is smiting of the necks until, when ye have routed them, then making fast of bonds; and afterward either grace or ransom till the war lay down its burdens. That (is the ordinance). And if Allah willed He could have punished them (without you) but (thus it is ordained) that He may try some of you by means of others. And those who are slain in the way of Allah, He rendereth not their actions vain. (Pickthall)

fa-ʾidhā laqītumu alladhīna kafarū - Thus when you meet the disbelievers

fa-ḍarba r-riqābi - then smite their necks

ḥattā ʾidhā ʾathkhantumūhum - until when you rout them

fa-shuddū l-wathāqa - then firmly secure (them)

fa-ʾimmā mannan baʿdu - then release (them) after that

wa-ʾimmā fidāʾan - or then ransom (them)

ḥattā taḍaʿa l-ḥarbu ʾawzārahā - until the war ends its burdens

dhālika - that (shall be so)

wa-law yashāʾu llāhu - and if Allah wills

lan-taṣara minhum -  no help is needed from them

wa-lākin li-yabluwa - but He wishes to test

baʿḍakum bi-baʿḍin - some of you with some others

wa-lladhīna qutilū fī sabīli llāhi - and those who are killed in Allah's path

fa-lan yuḍilla ʾaʿmālahum - thus He does not forget their deeds

This is a description of war. Fight the enemy. Subdue them. Seize them (as prisoners of war - POWs) or ransom them. Or wait until the war ends (meaning when POWs are exchanged or sent home).  It is no different from the Geneva Conventions on the Conduct of War. 

The vast majority of war combatants have always been men. Women, children and the old are usually civilians. Nowhere does the Quran say that women (civilian or combatants) can be captured and then raped 'to humiliate them'.

The Quran also says clearly (4:19) that women cannot be inherited / acquired by compulsion or force: 


Surah 4:19  O you who have believed, it is not lawful for you to inherit women by compulsion / force . . . . . (Sahih International)

Then Surah 24:30 tells the believing men to subdue their desires and remain chaste:

Surah 24:30     Tell the believing men that they shall subdue their eyes (and not stare at the women), and to maintain their chastity. This is purer for them. Allah  is fully Cognizant of everything they do.

Surely the graduates of Al Azhar University would uphold this verse to the letter.  Raping women is not an option, it is simply the work of the devil (shaytan).

And there is certainly no slavery in the Quran. The word for slaves is raqaba. 

For example the Quran addresses the Children of Israel. Moses was sent to free the Children of Israel from the cruel slavery of the Pharaoh. The Quran says the Pharaoh murdered the Israelites, raped their women and kept them in bondage. 

[Surah 28:4] Pharaoh turned into a tyrant on earth, and discriminated against some people. He persecuted a helpless group of them, slaughtering their sons, while sparing their daughters. He was indeed wicked.

Hence Moses was sent to save the Israelites from their terrible slavery. Throughout its pages that has been the mission of the messengers - to free the people from slavery, persecution and ignorance. 

Nowhere does the Quran say that you can rape female captives (including civilians) just to humiliate them. That is just a satanic idea. 

This is not the first time that so called "religious scholars" from Al Azhar University in Cairo have said really stupid and ridiculous things. In 2007 the Al Azhar University became infamous over the adult breastfeeding (click here)  fatwa. 

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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