
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, April 13, 2022

UNPRECEDENTED : Saudi TV Mocks Joe Biden

 This is unprecedented. Some Saudi TV has made a funny skit making fun of the American president:


Saudi Crown Prince Mohamed bin Salman or MBS has said it recently that Saudi Arabia cannot be bothered anymore about what the United States says (about them).

In a break from American - Saudi tradition,  Joseph Biden did not call the Saudi king after becoming president.  America has also withdrawn completely from Iraq, Afghanistan and scaled down elsewhere in the Middle East.  The US reduced its Patriot missile batteries in Saudi Arabia which has resulted in some Houthi ballistic missiles hitting their targets inside Saudi territory.

But since the Abrahamic Accords Israel has become the Protector of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf nations. So the Saudis have realised (like many other countries) that they cannot depend on America forever.

Then after Ukraine and the oil price hikes, Joe Biden did call the Saudis and the UAE not once but twice to get them to increase their oil production. Both refused to answer Biden's phone calls. Then Biden sent British PM Boris Johnson to meet and speak to the Saudis directly to increase their oil output. Again the Saudis and the UAE said no.

And now Saudi TV is making fun of Joe Biden. 

The Saudis have also entered negotiations with China to receive Chinese Yuan currency as payment for China's oil imports from Saudi Arabia - instead of US Dollars. This is a very dangerous precedent for the Saudis. Both Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi were killed for the exact same reason. 

I believe the British are already planning to take out the Saudis from Saudi Arabia.  

 The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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