
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, May 7, 2023

Dr M's 'Malay Proclamation' not feasible for a multi-cultural Malaysia, says DAP


KOTA KINABALU: The "Malay Proclamation" mooted by former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is merely a political tool and not feasible for a multi-cultural nation like Malaysia, says DAP.

DAP central executive committee representative Khoo Poay Tiong said they are using it as a tool to garner support ahead of the six state elections in Penang, Selangor, Negri Sembilan, Kelantan, Terengganu and Kedah.

He said those in favour or proposed the Malay Proclamation had been in the government before and actually know that the government takes care of its citizens regardless of race or religion.

Khoo said the "Malay Proclamation" was contrary to the current government which is trying to protect the rights of all Malaysians.

"This is a multi-racial nation and just looking out for one race is unhealthy for the country and its development," he said after attending the Sabah DAP annual general meeting here on Sunday (May 7).

He said the government wants a healthy form of unity where everyone's rights are taken care of without jeopardising the special rights and privileges of bumiputras and Malays.

On March 19, Dr Mahathir launched a 12-point declaration that listed the ways the community was allegedly being affected economically, socially and politically in the country.

He had then called on all who supported the Malay struggle to sign the proclamation.

Earlier in the AGM, Sabah DAP chairman Datuk Frankie Poon said there was no space for anyone wanting to be heroes or little Napoleons within the party as this would only bring the party down.

"We can build a strong and great nation with strong policies if we all work together in accordance with the needs of the masses," he said.

He said although in Sabah alone there were many political parties with differing policies, the main aim was to work for the people and bring prosperity to the nation.

"To build a nation with multi-racial groupings, ethnicities, different religious beliefs and multi-cultural backgrounds requires much effort. All these should be our strengths rather than our weaknesses," said Poon.

He also paid tribute to past DAP leaders such as the late Karpal Singh, Lim Kit Siang and others who have built the party to where it is today, saying DAP would not be the party it is today if not for the contributions and struggles. - Star

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