
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, August 1, 2010

Anwar Is Jealous With Mohd Saiful Bukhari

By Satu Hala


Anwar Ibrahim is jealous like crazy when he learnt that Saiful is in love with a deputy public prosecutor identified as Farah Azlina Latif.

Anwar will never have the chance to own Saiful again.

Bye-bye Anwar, Saiful already have a new girlfriend. Anwar used to buy underwears for Saiful. Now, Saiful dragged Anwar into court for allegedly sodomite him.

Due to the ignite and burning jealousy, Anwar had instructed Raja Petra Kamaruddin to revealed about the realationship between Saiful and Farah.

Anwar then instructed his lawyers to pressure the judge for an explanation about the alleged relationship revealed by Raja Petra.

Anwar in his blog had revealed up to two entries about the realtionship.

What else to say...

The motive that Anwar revealed about the relationship is to inform the public about his claim that Farah who is a junior DPP had gave Saiful classified information which could jeapordise his sodomy trial.

Anwar is jealous that he tried to destroyed Saiful love life.

However, it is uncertain how true of the relationship because the matter was revealed by Raja Petra who is a liar himself.

Attorney-General chambers also do not want to take any risk and comprimise in the latest development.

It was reported that Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail said that AG chamber cannot comprimise in issues that will detroy the good name and creadibility of the department. Gani said he is serious looking into the allegation.

Gani in a press conference at his office said the allegation will make things difficult for AG chambers. However, Gani added personal matter that will effect the department must be countered seriously. This is to assure that the case will run smoothly without disturbance.

In this issue, there is nothing at all to make it big except for Anwar jealousy. However, it would be big if the deputy public prosecutor is in a relationship with Anwar.

The job of the deputy public prosecutor is to assure the suspect are being charge.

As an example, if Anwar is in love with a deputy public prosecutor who is also a man and it would be a problem for him. The love between both of them will effected the trial because DPP would not perform its duty to assure his client is guilty as charge. The DPP might also sabotage such cases

It would be the same scenario if Saiful have a relationship with a DPP. However, the problem will not be big as the DPP is only a junior.

Maybe the DPP will work harder to win the case because of his love toward Saiful.

What type of information from the DPP can Saiful obtained to disturb the trial?

In the sodomite case, all the information come from Saiful himself because he is the victim,

All Saiful statement will be used in court. The prosecution team is not prosecuting Saiful in this case but reresenting hin for his interest.

They are like an unofficial team.

The problem will occur between Saiful and Farah. The problem will not be big because the chamber had taken an action about this matter. No need to make the issue into chaos because Anwar defence team need to find a good reason to answer to Saiful rather than finding reason for the case to be step aside in court.

courtesy of Malaysia Instinct

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