
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, March 19, 2011

"Et tu....Maximus ? "

The Chinese had Wang Jingwei, the Americans had Aldrich Ames, the Romans had Brutus and the Jesus had Judas Iscariot. Today the Christians in Malaysia have Maximus Ongkili.

This bumbling piece of shit is a disgrace to all Christians and to all Sabahans. Does he even not know Christians make the majority of the population in Sabah and Sarawak ? Does he even know that without Sabah and Sarawak there is no BN ? Does he also not know that Sabah and Sarawak are the "fixed deposits" for UMNO ? Or is he just a plain moron who is blinded by corrupt UMNO money into selling his religion ? ( read here)

Imagine this "traitor" telling Christians that
...."This is a government decision and we must accept it." What Max, you'd accept anything this government decides as gospel truth and accept it in like a slave ?

What an idiot he must be ! No wonder this BN government is so arrogant and can bulldoze any law in the parliament when they have stooges like this to implement them. Who is advising this spineless "leader" to swallow this shit, anyway ? He does not have the intelligence to speak on our behalf. And there is no room to "negotiate"anything where religion is concerned as clearly stated in our Federal Constitution you moron, can you get that into your pea-brain head you.....Maximus Idioticus !

Do he even know Christian churches were built by the Portuguese and the Dutch here in the then Malaya long before Islam even came to our shores. So don't tell me Christianity has no footing or say in this country. Most churches in this country were built years and years before mosques were built. We have never had this "belittling" of the Christian religion by all the other prime ministers before that old and senile racist Tun came to power. Why ? All this while the "good-for-nothing"BN Christian members of parliament have not uttered a single word of protest while they allowed the UMNO bigots to savagely butcher and defile the confiscated Christian holy book. Only PAS a Muslim party has come out strongly to protest the Home Ministry's unnecessary actions of confiscation of the Bibles. Is Islam more universally tolerant in PAS then in UMNO ? Certainly I'd say yes !!

Because the Muslims in PAS are more steadfast in their belief of their Quran and are never threatened by influences from other religions. They are by far more honest in their sincere embracement of brothers of any and all other religion just like our prime ministers from the time of our founding father the Tunku but which ended when that sneaky and spiteful "Indian" dictator took over for 22 damn years undermining and destroyed the "unity" factor to "divide and rule by race and religion" of this then secular and multi-racial country in 1981 !

Sabah and Sarawak must show their disgust and displeasure of this BN government's actions and their "spineless" Christian ministers in the next GE or forever be doomed !

Sheeesh !

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