
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, March 26, 2011

When Malay politics get filthier...

I am saddened by the latest political development. I guess many of us, especially the Malays agree to my opinion that the Malay politics are getting filthier each day.

While PM Najib is proud of the 'new political model' which helps solve many issues within the ruling party, Umno is becoming more vulnerable to politics of a la Mafia. In other word, 'Islam' does not make them a matured race.

I am not sure what is the take here. What is there for rake. When former Melaka CM Rahim Tambychik and his two friends in the 'Datuk T' team exposed the sex video purportedly starred Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim and an unidentified woman, I began to contemplate what sort of politics were involved.

Many Malays, including Umno leaders like it. They enjoy it so much that Bukit Aman and Home Minister Hishammuddin didnt do anything to contain it.

I recall the time when Chua Soi Lek's sex video was in the market. And many years ago when the cartridge containing the 'self-recorded' sex scenes of former Dewan Rakyat deputy speaker D P Vijandran went into circulation, the Home Ministry and the police were quick to issue warning - that whoever was in possession of such materials would be nabbed.

However, the latest sex scandal seems to become a hit. The police didnt take any action against those who have it. Rahim and Co in fact was given a 'soft permission' to call up members of the media for a sneak preview of the video.

Whether Anwar really is the star of the movie of not, is not the issue. The point here - why didnt the authority act on those in possession of the porno video? And now that it is already in circulation, the chance to retrieve and halt it is almost impossible.

Why let Rahim and Co be given the privilege and 'immunity' to conduct the preview? If I am the IGP or Home Minister, I would reprimand Rahim and friends when they surrender the videos to the police yesterday. They should be put to question.

So, when Anwar and some quarters hurled accusations that some police personnel were involved in making the 'movie', we found it not easy to come up with a denial because our actions were in 'collaboration' with Rahim and Co. Why didnt anybody question their motive?

I am not for Anwar. I wont let him get a chance to become our No. 1 leader but lots of sympathy is going for him. Rahim has provided good ammunition to Anwar and the Opposition for them to fire back at the government during Sarawak State election on Apr 16 and probably general elections later this year. Yes, it actually backfires!

Malay politicians, journalists and bloggers are also riding high on this issue. Apart from Rahim, so many others are trying to become hero in killing Anwar. Almost each and every one of them wants some credits in it.

As I mentioned in my previous posting, it was not a surprise that it came from Rahim as Anwar his No.1 enemy for what happened in the early 1990s. His two friends were just taking a free ride - one lousy businessman while the other a cheap politician.

So, what is the direction of Malay politics from now on? Sex scandal is becoming a popular tool to kill someone. Create or dub it, out they go. Soi Lek was lucky because MCA members recognise his ability to lead while the sex scandal is his personal, very personal matter.

Info Minister Rais Yatim too was almost shattered by such politics when bloggers and journalists - whether they are pro or against the govt - 'worked together' in manipulating his maid issue. And all of them are Malays, the MELAYU (take out the ME, they will forever remain LAYU).

I dont think this is the new political model mentioned by Najib yesterday. Or is it just part of? Sooner or later, more sex elements would be used to bring down someone. When all Malay politicians are so engrossed to become heroes in Anwar's case, Umno members and the rakyat remained neglected, nobody to fight for their cause.

Anwar is becoming the top priority among the Malays, within Umno politics. Whether there is a cahoot against him or not, I couldnt be bothered. He still gotta settle his court case because the more it drags on, the more it will excite Malay politicians.

In the end, what will happen to the rest of our priorities - jobless, poverty, spiraling prices, low wages, education, moral decays among youth, etc? Who will attend it? Barack Obama? Or Osama bin Laden...or Netanyahu?

But why not? Our politics are already at par with theirs - where murders and sex scandals are the Malay politics main agenda!

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