
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, August 2, 2011



YET THE Sabah BN Youth seemed to be so proud of the turnout. Are they threating this as a BN supporters’ gathering? The huge turnout only shows how desperate for jobs are our youth, school leavers and graduates.

The job seekers came from Kota Kinabalu, Tuaran, Ranau and other places. It is obvious that at least 23,000 of the applicants will go home remain jobless, disappointed and frustrated. What makes the BN youth so proud of the turn out?

The BN Youth even said the job fair 2011 organized by national BN Youth last March in Kuala Lumpur was so successful that they made it into the Malaysia Book of Records. How do they measure their success? by the number of turn-out or the number of jobs offered to the applicants? How many eventually got employed?

In the case of Sabah, there were 6,345 jobs offered as claimed by the BN Youth Chief Awang Kadin Tang. Do tell us where and what are the type of jobs being offered.

Awang also claimed that 29,950 applied for the jobs was an overwhelming response.

Indeed it is overwhelming because after the BN government had been talking about creation of 57,000 jobs by Sabah Development Corridor since 2008, there is still such a huge number of unemployment in Sabah.

Awang Kadin Tang, BN Youth Chief for Sabah had misconstrued the high number of unemployment to be the success of the job fair.

In the same tune, our State Secretary Datuk Sukarti Wakiman described the turnout of 300,000 illegal immigrants at the two-week 5 Ps registration exercise as good response. How ironical to say that the exercise is a success when in the first place the illegal immigrants should not be here? How many more are still in the hiding?

The huge number of illegal immigrants in fact shows how vulnerable is our defense at the border and how low is our sovereignty when we have such a huge number of illegal foreigners in our midst.

The State Security Council must decide what is best for the country and Sabah, decisively, firmly and without delay.

- Sabahkini

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