
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

BN Politics: The 3 Cs of Cooperation, Collaboration, and finally, Copulation

BN Politics: The 3 Cs of Cooperation, Collaboration, and finally, Copulation
FROM THE BLOGS Desi's Theory on BN Politics: The Three Cs of Cooperation, Collaboration,and finally, COPULATION. This is the political practice of UMNO/Barisan Nasional that their leaders apply on anyone NOT yet aligned with its camp. Remember how an Pakatan Rakyat duly-elected Perak government was seduced and finally stolen by the UMNO-BN goons working in cahoots with business tycoons, and endorsed by a royalty meek-and-mild?
And it is NO SURPRISE to Desi that the socalled "popular" blogger RPK has finally succumbed to the last stage of UMNO's 3Cs. Yes, the royal blogger now in socalled exile in the UK is about to reah a climax in the epochal act as demonstrated so openly -- and to me a an impending pathetic ending with the GE13 -- by his interview, blurbed on frontpage and prominently displayed over THREE PAGES in the New Sunday Times today.

I won't detail this soul'd out interview of a once-upon-a-time blogger-actvisit heading the FreeAnwarCampaign now peddling medicine for UMNO. Why do you think the leading English MSM-propaganda-ganda-wang-anda would give him such generous space. This same guy who had headlined so often in his M2day blog highlighting that Rosmah was at the scene of the murder of Mongolian beauty Altantuya.

Today's interview is the culmination of the "collaboration" he offered to another UMNO mouthpiece TV3 a special interview just before the last Sarawak state elections in order to maximise damage on the Opposition. His latest reprisal is a repeat performance except the NST act reaches a climax I have never seen before in an ertswhile Anwarista head completely "selling out"/soul'd out the Opposition cause of changing the present regime of 54 years at Putrajaya.

Dear ER, this is just my INTRO for a long piece. I need to adjourn for New Year lunch to come back refreshed and energised to take on a Face-Off opponent who is not above cooking up fiction to put his enemies down. READ MY POST YESTERDAY which includes an olde item that was the real start to a regretful ENC'UNTER WITH THIS ROYAL BLOGGER enjoying immunity hyde-ing out in Manchester, UK, but giving his ntyerview to the NST from out of Singapore. I have called him a "coward" before, and I reiterate the same moniker for one socalled fighter for a better Malaysia but chooses to live in luxury to enjoy the best capitalist life that Londoin has to offer. But only for those with deep pockets. So the natural question arises: Who is lining RPK's pockets for the moment?



RPK: “Anwar may become irrelevant”

By Ahmad Fairuz Othman
news@nstp.com.my | 0 comments

ASSESSMENT: Raja Petra faulted Anwar both for his ineptitude in improving the economy of the PKR-led Selangor state and for turning his latest sodomy trial, bogged down by prolonged delays, into a political circus.

SINGAPORE: Raja Petra Kamarudin has said Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, who is fighting his latest sodomy charge, will be politically irrelevant and fade into oblivion if the opposition failed to take over Putrajaya in the coming general election.
With the opposition coalition “in a mess” due to infighting, and Anwar’s inability to hold a firm grip on PKR’s “crown jewel” of Selangor, the chances of Pakatan Rakyat winning power will be at stake, said Raja Petra, once a staunch supporter of Anwar.
“Like an Elvis Presley song, It’s Now or Never. But the question is can it be now?” the UK-born Selangor prince, now living in exile in Manchester, told the New Sunday Times in a rare interview.
Raja Petra, 61, has been a long-time supporter of the opposition and was instrumental in the first campaign to free Anwar from jail 11 years ago. Both have since fallen out.
Raja Petra had disappeared after two arrest warrants were issued against him for failing to attend court hearings in April and May, 2009. He had claimed to be in a self-imposed exile.
In the wide-ranging interview, he also gave a frank assessment of the government’s transformation programme spearheaded by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, the current state of the Pakatan coalition and the emerging role of the so-called “third force” in the Malaysian electoral system.
In the two-hour interview at a hotel suite in Singapore, he launched a scathing attack on Anwar, whom he spent years fighting for his freedom from his jail sentence following his earlier corruption and sodomy convictions.
He faulted Anwar both for turning his latest sodomy trial, bogged down by prolonged delays, into a political circus and for his inability to improve the economy of the PKR-led Selangor state, raising question marks over his leadership. (Anwar is the economic adviser to the Selangor government).
The sodomy trial has taken a very long time and the verdict is not due until Jan 9.
“There were like 50-60 postponements during the trial,” Raja Petra noted.
He said the most important thing was not whether Anwar would be found guilty or otherwise.
“To me the issue of Anwar is not whether he is or not guilty with sodomy. The issue is whether he is the best person to run the country. Can he run the country? Now you might be the most God-fearing man on earth, you can be absolutely clean. But if you cannot run the country, you cannot run the country,” Raja Petra said.
Likewise, Anwar has also not seen much success in Selangor: “What's your advice? In the last three years since you been economic adviser, you've gone overseas 60 times in mere three years. Shouldn’t you be staying home running the state? Running the party? Running the coalition?…The coalition is in a mess. People are fighting with each other,” Raja Petra said.
“He seems to be running away.”
Raja Petra warned opposition supporters against turning the fight for justice into a struggle for Anwar.
"Even when Mandela went to jail for 27 years, there was no campaign to free Mandela. Even though there were groups, the Free Mandela Group. It was a campaign to end apartheid,” he said. “I am sure Mandela is a much bigger figure than Anwar by far, in terms of historical importance.”
Raja Petra said Anwar’s leadership of Pakatan was out of political expedience. “Pakatan will back Anwar as long as they still harbour hopes of forming the next federal government. But if come the next election, and if Pakatan fails to form the next federal government, Pakatan has no use for Anwar anymore, especially Pas and DAP.”
Raja Petra also said both sides of the political divide would have to work hard to win the sizeable “floating voters” in the coming election.
“There’s this group which is actually floating and this is a big group. This is 30 to 40 per cent. They are prepared to swing either way. At the moment, a lot of them will still give Pakatan the benefit of the doubt. But also a lot of them are beginning to lose confidence with Pakatan.
“At worst, if they are not prepared to give Barisan the confidence, yet not prepared to give Pakatan the benefit of the doubt, they will abstain from voting.
He said the Egypt-style people’s revolution was not an answer for Malaysia due to the delicate racial balance.
“They (Chinese voters) don’t want Tahrir Square type of change. But if then you merely embark on evolutionary changes, small changes. I think it's time Najib grabs the bull by the horns and call a spade a spade.”
He said Umno, the backbone of Barisan Nasional, too needs an internal transformation. “Najib must be prepared not only to take a knife but take a chainsaw and cut whatever needs to be cut.” - ENDS
Let me enlighten a little on what the THREE Cs of UMNO/BN politics is about. Having been the only government we know, the UMNO-led BN coalition, first as the Alliance, now as the hugely expanded Barisan Nasional, most of the Malaysian population would have tasted the first stage of UMNO's political modus operandi. Our daily life would somehow lead us to CO-OPERATING with the government apparatus toi make life easier. There is not much problem at this infant stage.
Only when an individual, usually starting with working life, more so going into doing business in the private sector, the individual is forced to "COLLABORATE" with the government of the day -- to obtain projects, or tie up with BN leaders to further their business interests. Still acceptable at most times for the individual with an alert mind -- to keep the "dirty hands" of UMNO political-goons who want money but don't want to work but they thrive on "bodekism" which is entrenched culture in UMNO top political echelons and top government ranks. By now, many of the Malaysians who are collaboraters with UMNO bigwigs would have landed up with Datuk or TanSi titles!
Ah, the next phase is the most alluring, and dangerous to one's health -- physical, moral and after-life. And in my humble opinion, RPK had entered this stage of BN politicisation process ie COPULATION -- because he has illusions of being a prime mover in THE CORRIDORS OF POWER.
RPK, let's face facts regarding your background. You have had dalliance with former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad, which I believe were the days you thrived doing business. I don't know your history then so I would be kind you were at the COOPERATION STAGE.
Then you moved into the next phase of COLLABORATION with DS ANWAR IBRAHIM after his fall from UMNO grace as deputy PM and UMNO president, stepping into leadership role at FreAnwarCampaign in the challenging years of Anwar spending time for more than six years behind bar (at Sungai Buloh Prison). I was then a journalist, and you earned my respect, especially later when Anwar was feed, and you started your blogportal malaysia-today. Then PM Mahathir -- your benefactor once -- became your enemy because then you still had some humanity devoting time and resources in getting a fair trial in the court of public opinion for Anwar charged in court on "trumped up" charges, this the majority of Malaysians know that. I am adopting the same logic that RPK used in his NST interview claiing he's speaking for "voters" who charged that Anwar's role as economic adviser in the SElangor state government did not help in the fight against corruption. And that PR will lose Selangor back to the BN, if you believe RPK's reliably-informed sources from half a world away seated in his London or Manchester luxury apartment or hotel.
Then towards the latter part of year 2010 and greater part of 2011, "you seemed to change and you acted strange" (hey, quoting from Elvis' "Are you lonesome tonight?" can?) AND I HAD CAUSE TO DOUBT YOU! The TV3 interview was the first act, based on copulated script according to UMNO -- BECAUSE YOU CAN'T DENY TV3 IS AN UMNO PROPAGANDA MACHINE!
And with today's act 2. you have entered the BN-UMNO's political stage of SOUL'D OUT COPULATION -- you appear in thy naked glory of what an expensive sellout to the BN political apparatus looks like. I think your son who was once arrested for alleged "theft" and could have used by the UMNO politicians as leverage against you to ensure you graduate from Collaboration into the Copulation stage shows the mighty power of Vitamin M! ADUN YEE YET FOONG of Perak who collapsed the PR-led Perak government -- for RM24million as RPK's M2day did allege -- now has a more expensive "class" mate in you, the "great"RPKas one online portal described you. To those few who still give some benefit of the doubt to RPK, I hope you share my conclusion this NST interview provides the final proof the once-esteemed blogger-activist has completely SOUL'D OUT!
Stay Tuned...
(Desi will come back after an early dinner...as I have been hinting to you, I am a real capitalist on wickedends, what more on this first day of a YEAR TO POTENTIAL CHANGE AT PUTRAJAYA!:)
I surfed to fellow blogger Din Merican's and found he also ran RPK's interview, to which I added this comment:
"I second Didi’s and michatan2000′s comments — I believe it is RPK — hyding as a Dr Hyde:) in luxurious exile in UK — who has become IRRELEVANT since about two years ago.
I once believed RPK cared enough promoting and fighting for a Better Malaysia, hence his FAC leadership to get then sacked DPM Anwar Ibrahim a fair trail on corruption and SODOMY I charges.
But over the past decade, is there anything that is substantively different in Sodomy II from Sodomy II (ERRATA now added: Sodomy I). NIL, and RPK has turned 180degrees –Sdr DinM, not 360 if that’s what you are implying!, and is now an ardent supporter of UMNO system. We all know since the sacking of Tun Salleh Abas as Lord President, the Malaysian judiciary has been largely COMPROMISED.
But there are still a FEW GOOD MEN IN POSITIONS OF INFLUENCE LIKE THE AUDITOR-GENERAL who released the 2010 annual report condemning the NFC as “in a mess”. And RPK still wants to sell the poisonous medicine that Najib is capable seising the bull by the horns and of doing drastic surgery of UMNO politic.
It’s like squeezing water from a rock, and as a once wellinformed blogger, RPK really has SOUL’D OUT the Reformasi cause he headed while Anwar was incarcerated! You still want to give the system whose IGP was capable of giving a detainee (no less than a former DPM!) the black eye? God help us from those who have eyes but wear a blind after receiving some incentives.
Sdr Din, ap AP New Year and to your esteemed READERS, let’s VOTE ABU at GE13~~ YL, Desi
PS: I urge my ER to visit dinM's blog to read readers Didi's and michatan2000's comments. Also, please read oneDON's insightful views, hit a resounding chord with Desi's beat!:)
- http://desiderata2000.blogspot.com/

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