
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Do you want a Malay prime minister or a Chinese prime minister?

Did you all know why is this question being asked? Very awkward indeed, but this question has been moving around in our nation's political scene for too long. Everyone of us are already fed up with such questions and comments on whether we want a Malay prime minister or a Chinese prime minister. We just want a Malaysian prime minister. That's it!

Well, this is what MCA and Umno has been harping on. As we all know both MCA and Umno are currently in the Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition which governs the federal administration. MCA claims to represent the Chinese community at large while Umno says Malays would not survive if Umno were to be defeated in the next election. So does MIC, the alleged representative for the Indian community. It seems that even though the BN claim to stand as 1Malaysia in concept but politics within the coalition of these component parties are still individualistically racialism.

During their political events, each of every of these BN component parties speak of different tones and focusing more to the respective ethnics which they claimed to represent.

Let us look at MCA first. The current party president Chua Soi Lek, ever since he assumed the party leadership, he has been touring the MCA divisions and branches nationwide, held many press conferences declaring that if the Chinese community here vote for DAP, and if Pakatan were to take over the federal government in Putrajaya come next general elections, PAS would eventually take up the post of the prime minister and the Hudud law would be implemented nationwide on everyone regardless of whether he or she is a Muslim or otherwise.

This is the way the MCA president is trying to instill fear onto the Chinese community here on the danger if the Hudud law is to be implemented in our entire nation. Chua and the other MCa leaders are always telling us that DAP is a mere puppet in the Pakatan, while PAS and PKR make all the important decisions. With such effort, Chua is hoping that the entire community that he is "representing" would ditch DAP and swing their votes back to MCA and BN in general.

Almost everyday, Chua is mentioning about Hudud and its consequences whenever he meets with the community at large, thinking that they (the Chinese community) are always forgetful that PAS and Pakatan had already pledged that Hudud cannot and will not be implemented at the federal level.

Aside, Chua is also keep harping on the Hudud hoping that we also could not remember that there is a PAS Supporters Congress (DHPP) which consist of Chinese, Indians, Siamese and the rest who are strongly supporting and behind PAS. Chua is also repeating the Hudud issue every now and then so that we will always forget that PAS has changed to a better, fundamental and even more Islamic-ally purer than Umno.

And on the other side of the BN corner, Umno with its core leaders, Najib Razak, Hishammuddin Hussein, Muhyiddin Yassin, Khairy Jamaluddin and the rest are all saying the different thing. They all went to the villages and rural areas nationwide and telling these Malay folks that if Pakatan Rakyat (opposition coalition of PAS, PKR and DAP) were to win in the next general elections, DAP would eventually dominate the government and a leader from the said party who is a Chinese would become the prime minister.

And when a Chinese DAP leader is appointed prime minister of our nation, he would eventually set to Christianize the entire nation regardless if he or she is a Muslim or otherwise. These Umno leaders are instilling fear and hatred among the Malay community in hoping that they would later switch their votes and support Umno and BN in the next general election instead of PKR and PAS. These Umno leader repeatedly told the Malay masses that PKR and PAS were merely being made use of by DAP and DAP are the ones who is dominating the Pakatan coalition.

So, in the BN, they are two different stands being made by two of its leaders, each alleged to be "representing" their communities respectively. Whether we want a Malay prime minister or do we want a Chinese prime minister.

If the prime minister is simply only a Malay, will he serve the entire nation effectively? It is certain that he will not. Same goes to if the prime minister is just simply a Chinese. Will he be able to effectively serve the nation of multiracial diversity? The answer is also a no!

What we all wanted is a Malaysian prime minister who always have all races in his heart, who identify himself as a Malaysian first, then his personal ethnicity second, put the entire nation and unity first, rather than a single supreme race, and uphold every single article mentioned in our nation's Federal Constitution.

Keep harping on whether we want a Malay prime minister or a Chinese prime minister is something that will move our nation backward, causing chaos, violence and disunity at large.

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