
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Only top Umno leaders my foes, says Anwar

Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim turned his guns on Umno's top leaders at a rally in Seremban, Negri Sembilan last night highlighting their weak points.

"Umno members and bottom level Umno leaders are not my enemies, onlt the top Umno leaders who are attacking me non-stop from every corner with all sorts of slanders and lies.

"These are the leaders who rob the people's money, are involved in bribery, commissions and cows. Umno's only weapon is playing the racial card and disunite the various races.

anwar ceramah in melaka 040112"The poverty and marginalisation of Malays are due to Umno. Who is the responsible for the failures?

"The prime minister, deputy prime minister, finance minister and agriculture minister, all of them are Malays from Umno", Anwar charged at the 901 rally in Seremban last night, drawing roars from the 1,000-strong crowd.

He also drew on his personal experience as deputy prime minister to illustrate his point .

Anwar told the crowd how when he fetched his daughter, Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah to enroll her at the Petronas University in Tronoh, one of its officials told him that there was no need for any fees as Nurul Izzah will be assured full scholarship because of his position.
Saying one thing, doing another
"But I insisted on paying the fees from my own pocket as I could afford it .

"I can't tell the people that the government must help the poor and deserving children while at the same time abuse the privilege for my own benefit.

"Tell me which Umno minister and leaders pay from their own pockets for their children's studies? But day and night they are attacking me through television and newspapers.

"Even scholarships I didn't take because I wanted to be with the rakyat.

"There are poor deserving Malays, Chinese and Indians who need scholarships", he said to yet another explosive round of applause from the crowd.

NONEAnwar told his audience that Umno must be defeated in order to free Malaysians from all the irregularities happening under the current Umno-BN government.

He suggested three outcomes from the Kuala Lumpur High Court on Monday.

"I should be released as I'm not guilty. This is the work of evil, the work of the bad. Based on the evidence submitted in court I should not be defending myself in court in the first place.

"The second scenario is that I may be found guilty and allowed to be free on bail until my case is heard at the Appeals Court. But this effectively will prohibit me from contesting in the coming general election.

"In the third scenario I will be found guilty, bail will be denied and I will be put in jail.

"Whatever happens, Umno must be defeated. Party members, especially the young please work hard to succeed in this aim," he said.


  1. Protests against injustice & evil are a citizen's duty – with God's blessing. Even a child can see the corruption and evil of UMNO & BN! I speak from a country ranked top 3 in the world for democracy and non-corruption. The world now see too clearly! Those in power will do anything to stay in power & plunder for riches. They will lie, cheat, deceive, control the media, make up stories, fabricate crime accused on the opposition (like the injustice on Anwar), they will arrest, torture and even kill like Gaddaffi. Now they say demonstration undermines peace...bla bla bla. You know well what will befall you for supporting an evil & criminal politicians. God bless all the rest that suffer injustice.

  2. The sudden surge in the exposures of Umno/BN wrong doing is the will of God, at a time close to the general election. It's God's way of telling the government that enough is enough. The exposures can no longer be kept out of public notice. The final word to Umno/BN – Change or be changed.

  3. The M’sian Leadership is sheltering multi-billion corruption. Taib, Shahrizat.............a long list. Defence kickbacks, submarines & Mongolian's death... This is tentamount to collusion, duplicity & deception of his people. In certain countries Najib would be arrested & impeached. A betrayal of trust placed in a PM. This is tantamount to Treason - violating one's allegiance to one’s country.

  4. RM400 million a day of black money disappeared from Malaysia! Based on the reported RM150 billion/year that vanished. According to the Washington-based financial watchdog Global Financial Integrity (GFI), in 2009 alone RM 150 billion (US$47 billion) in illicit money was illegally siphoned out of Malaysia. The latest GFI report, by economists Sarah Freitas and Dev Kar, who is a former senior economist at the International Monetary Fund, stressed that these illicit outflows are basically illicit transfers of the proceeds of bribery, theft, kickbacks and tax evasion." In other words, it refers to corruption money or black money that is obtained illegally…… ENOUGH OF TAIB, ENOUGH OF UMNO, NOT ANOTHER DAY!


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