
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, February 21, 2012

‘DBP can’t impose BM on Sarawak’

The 18-point agreement with the Federation of Malaya in 1963 clearly states the 'special position' of English language in Sarawak.
KUCHING: Dewan Bahasa Dan Pustaka (DBP) cannot make the Malay language as the only official language in Sarawak, says PKR chief Baru Bian.
He said that Sarawak was “not bound to adhere” to the National Language Act 1963/1967 which requires that Bahasa Malaysia be used for official purposes.
He said that English holds a “special position” and still remains one of the official languages in the state.
Bian, who is Ba’Kelalan assemblyman, was responding to DBP’s proposed audit to assess the usage of Bahasa Malaysia as the official language in government departments, agencies and ministries.
“With regard to the first principle of the audit, that is, the extent of compliance with the National Language policy, I wish to point out that Sarawak is in a special position in that English remains one of the official languages here.
“Our oft-forgotten 18-point agreement with Malaya provides particular protection for the use of the English language for Sabah (North Borneo) and Sarawak.
“Malay should be the national language of the federation, while English should continue to be used for a period of 10 years after Malaysia Day.
“English should be an official language of Borneo (Sarawak and Sabah) for all purposes, state or federal, without limitation of time,” Bian said.
Not applicable
Article 152 of the Federal Constitution, which was commemorated at the 152 Language Day on Feb 15, states that Malay language is the national language but everybody is free to learn and use other languages except on official purposes involving the government, federal or state, and any public authority.
All court proceedings, parliamentary documents and meetings must be conducted in the Malay language.
“It may be well and good that the DBP had decided to single out Article 152 for commemoration, but it must be borne in mind that for Sabah and Sarawak, Article 152 cannot be read in isolation from Article 161 in Part XIIA ‘Additional Protection for States of Sabah and Sarawak’,” Bian said.
“Article 161 provides that ‘… no act of Parliament terminating or restricting the use of the English language… shall come into operation… until the Act or relevant provision of it has been approved by an enactment of the legislature of that state.’
“This exemption preserves for Sabah and Sarawak the use of English in the courts, the Legislative State Assembly or for other official purposes (including the official purposes of the federal government…
“In Sarawak, the National Language Act 1963/1967 has not been approved by an enactment by the Sarawak State Legislative Assembly and hence its provisions do not apply here.
“Therefore it is not mandatory that Bahasa Malaysia be the only language used in our government departments and ministries, even for purposes of the federal government,” Bian said.
Constitutional provision
Bian said that Article 161 (5) of the Federal Constitution provides that “notwithstanding anything in Article 152, in the State of Sabah or Sarawak, a native language in current use in the state may be used in native courts or for any code of native law and custom, and in the case of Sarawak, until otherwise provided by enactment of the Legislature, may be used by a member addressing the Legislative Assembly or any committee thereof.”
“Similarly, Article 26 (8) of the Sarawak Constitution provides that ‘for a period of 10 years and thereafter until the Legislature by law otherwise provides, all proceedings in the Dewan may be in the English language, and subject to the standing orders of the Dewan Undangan Negeri, members may use any native language in addressing the Dewan.’”
Bian added that having set out the constitutional and legislative provisions regarding the use of English and Bahasa Malaysia in Sarawak, it did not mean that he was against the use of Bahasa Malaysia in Sarawak.
“What concerns me is that Sarawakians must know, understand and appreciate the uniqueness of our state and her people, and the efforts made by our forefathers to protect and safeguard this uniqueness.
“We have a particular richness in language and culture from our various ethnic groups, and we must value and maintain this heritage.
“Our past leaders made special provisions in the 18-point agreement to protect our rights in recognition of the fact that even in our diversity, we had an established sense of identity before joining the Federation of Malaysia.
“The safeguards were formulated to enable us to retain this sense of identity and to continue ‘to ensure that our beloved subjects shall ultimately enjoy their inherent right to control their own lives and destinies’ as proclaimed by Sir Charles Vyner Brooke in the first clause of Sarawak’s first written constitution in 1941.
“These safeguards include the freedom to conduct our business in English, Bahasa Malaysia, Chinese and the native dialects.”
Myopic view
“Sarawakians have always taken pride in our command of the English language, and we must continue to maintain this mastery for the sake of the future generations.
“The English language is a language which opens up the global world to us.
“It is the language of learning, and enables us to take our place in the world scene, whether it is in business, academia, the arts, diplomacy, research, science…
“It would be a great shame and a disservice for us and the future generations of Sarawakians to disown or neglect a language which has served us so well,” Bian said.
Whie noting the federal government’s desire to promote the use of Bahasa Malaysia, he said it would be a myopic view to restrict the use of other languages in the workplace and in Sarawakian lives.
“Once a culture is lost, there is no easy way of regaining it.
“Let us not promote one particular language to the exclusion of the others. Mastery of multiple languages is the key to education and to progress and development in this increasingly borderless world, ” he said.

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