
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, February 18, 2012

Frustrated, of course; jealous, not really!

Dr Rosmah sparks debate: Frustrated, of course; jealous, not really!
A few days ago, she slammed her critics, meaning you and me, us ordinary Malaysians, for being “frustrated” and “jealous” over her recent conferment of an honorary doctorate by one of Australia’s top university.
She cited several reasons for this honor. She claimed herself to possess leadership qualities. I think she was right. There was a photo of her walking ahead of her husband at an official function. She led and he followed. She also led other ladies in her circle to shopping sprees overseas. She was indeed a leader, don’t you agree? At least that university agreed and saw it deemed to honor her for that feat.
Another reason she offered is the speeches she gave in other countries. What is so extraordinary about reading somebody’s speeches? Just go up the stage, read the text and then return to your seat. I can’t see the reason why a university should confer a doctorate on her for doing just that. Really pity those who have to work long and hard over their theses when someone could so easily get a doctorate without having to lift her finger or crack her brain.
Now coming to her pet program called Permata,  may I know why is it that this program only nurtured a group of elite bright sparks? How about those from the other end of the spectrum – children with learning disabilities who also deserved equal help and attention? What about them? What plans does she have for these unfortunate children? Is she going to look into the eyes of their parents and said, “Go away, I have nothing for your kids?”
In our country, schools for special children are far in between. Only a handful of teachers were trained to handle these children. Many of them were put into mainstream schools and they have a hard time there – being bullied by their peers and neglected by the teachers. Some were simply labeled as “naughty”, “hopeless” or “stupid.” In the end, they were left behind and most drop out along the way. So yes, she was right again – I am very frustrated with her, for doing so little for these unfortunate children.
Last year, some NGOs even approached her to do something for the poor young Penan girls of interior Sarawak who had endured so much injustice but she chose to ignore them. With her position she could do so much for them but she did nothing. This made me even more frustrated with her.
Coming to the jealousy part, there is nothing I should be jealous of her. For a start, I do not have the type of husband that she does. Her husband and mine are from different poles, so what is there to be jealous about? On the other hand, she should be jealous of me for I have a husband who does not flirt around!
Maybe she was referring to the infamous diamond ring then? Remember, she started to save for it as a very little girl (sejak kecil kecil lagi, as she puts it); I didn’t. Even at such a tender age, she had the strongest determination to own such a big and expensive diamond ring one day while at her age I was all taken up by toys and games, so what right do I have to be jealous of her now?
Or maybe she was hinting about the expensive bags and boutique dresses she ordered by the dozens? No, I am not jealous of these either. I can still get some good bargains at Metrojaya’s or Parkson’s sales. Though very pale in comparison in terms of prices and qualities against what she had, my purchases gave me a greater sense of satisfaction for I knew I used my own money to buy them. I can say I wear my dresses and carry my handbags with pride although they are not from Paris or Sydney.
So can you see I am more frustrated than jealous?

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