
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, February 6, 2012

Third Force? If Hasan Ali is so genuine, quit politics and be a full-time preacher!

Third Force? If Hasan Ali is so genuine, quit politics and be a full-time preacher!
Let's take a look at the new NGO JATI or so called 3rd force to be launched on 21st February 2012 (coincidence it's my birthday) by its founder-president Hassan Ali.
The name JATI was chosen because it means PURE, or so they said, but the Kamus Bestari Dwibahasa says JATI means genuine or real. For PURE the dictionary says the word should BERSIH, but that's a taboo word to Prime Minister Najib Razak and his Umno party. Alternatives include JERNIH and SUCI.
Now whatever its meaning, can Hassan Ali live up to the meaning of the word JATI or genuine. For you to be a JATI person, you need to have strong character, immense will power and lastly be a God-fearing person. Politicians can never be JATI, for as we all know, no politician in this country or in any part of the world is genuine.
If at all there are genuine politicians, they would not last a second in a political world that is full of lies and conniving people. One good example is Aung San Suu Kyi - she can never be a genuine politician in Myanmar. The Junta will simply find ways to finish her off.
And yet over here, Hassan Ali wants to ride on JATI and become the country's 3rd force. He dreams of JATI becoming the deciding factor for millions of Malay voters. He is urging all the Genuine NGOs to merge with him in JATI, so that they can be the third force.
Now what is a 3rd force? Can an NGO born in the wake of the 13th General Election be a 3rd force in a country which has a "democracy" that has spanned 54 years. Even PAS, formed in 1956, and DAP, in 1966, have been around for more than 40 years, while PKR was formed in 1999. It was only after huge obstacles that these three parties have become a formidable opponent to UMNO, formed in 1946, and the Barisan National, formed in 1973.
So, how can a minnow call itself a 3rd force? This action alone shows the true colours of Hassan Ali - he is leading a false cause. Will the NGOs who live day-to-day on government grants and aid fall for this political ploy? Whatever good the genuine NGOs are fighting in their cause will be smeared by joining JATI in hope of being a 3rd force that will never materialize.
Still working for UMNO
Hassan Ali is still working for his master UMNO , it is where his bread is buttered. He can't accept the fact that after 11 years with PAS and with an Executive Councilor post, he was booted out unceremoniously. Well, Mr Hassan Ali this is politics . You tried to play politics and got yourself burned. So don't blame others or call them parasite. They can say the same of you!
Now, in order to stay relevant, you say you want to form a 3rd force in Malaysia and mind you, this is still politics - then what happened to your proclaimed desire of only wishing to protect Islam. Are you sincere in protecting Islam in this country, which in the first place doesn't need to be protected at all as all good Muslims in this country know the value of Islam, and its rights are also fully protected by the Sultans and the King. They are the true protectors of Islam in this country and the others races respect them and Islam as the official religion.
Malaysians obey the laws of this country, which has been this way for the last fifty years. So is there a need for you to protect Islam in this country unless it is just an excuse for a greater ambition. If you really want to be a protector of Islam, then denounce everything and become a preacher and you will be respected by everyone irrespective of race, color, creed and religion in Malaysia and abroad.
The Great Pretenders and the Real Third Force
There were the great political pretenders like Raja Petra Kamarudin, Zaid Ibrahim, and to an extent Harris Ibrahim who felt they could be the 3rd force in Malaysia, with MCLM and KITA. But just before they could start their engines, these caught fire and down they go just like the song by the evergreen Platters -  Oh yes, I'm the great Pretender....
Dear readers of Malaysia Chronicle, online papers, bloggers, new age writers and commentators you are the 3rd Force. And no one can deny this. WE are the THIRD FORCE, we who want a better Malaysia without corruption, cronyism, racial and religious disintegration. WE who want a Malaysia for ALL, not a farcical 1Malaysia, WE ARE AND WILL BE THE THIRD FORCE.
Malaysia Chronicle

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