
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Umno - hooliganism is becoming thy name

YOURSAY 'Instead of persuasion, Umno chooses coercion. Instead of abiding by the law of the land, Umno chooses to follow the law of the jungle.'

Umno supporters throw stones at Anwar's car

Holden: Mat rempits or Umno Youth? Same difference, it would seem. So the police were helpless in Sembrong, too, were they?

Could that be because they were busy picking up other Malaysians, like mechanic S Mogan, who are trying to make an honest living, and beating them up in police stations around the country?

Does the home minister have an explanation for the lawlessness of his enforcement agencies?

Kairos: We all know that Johor (besides Sabah and Sarawak) holds the key to the results of the next GE. Anwar knows that more than anybody else. That's why, despite great odds, he is now focusing on the hinterland of Johor, to convince the Malays that it is time for change.

That's clean and fair politics. Instead of responding in a matured way, Umno hires thugs to disrupt Anwar's travel. Instead of persuasion, Umno chooses coercion. Instead of abiding by the law of the land, Umno chooses to follow the law of the jungle.

All this unwarranted violence will only serve to alienate the peace-loving rural Malays and make them turn against the government.

Disgusted: When PM Najib Razak goes into Pakatan Rakyat's stronghold, they give him due respect as PM and do not do anything to cause trouble.

However, when Pakatan leaders go into BN strongholds they act like dogs and become territorial and causing all kinds of trouble for Pakatan people, of course, with the police closing not just one eye but both eyes.

This ‘samseng' or gangster culture seems to be prevalent and has permeated all strata of society in politics, civil service, police, NGOs even in schools and businesses (for example, the recent KFC incident).

With such role models in the leadership of the country how can we expect others to be civil. It is especially prevalent among Umnoputras and their supporting NGOs.

They bring disgrace to their race and religion by their uncouth and violent actions, instigated further by their bloggers and media, such as Utusan Malaysia.

We are back to the Wild Wild West days. There seems to be a breakdown of law and order with crime rate escalating. The rakyat do not feel safe in this country any more.
Don't Play Play: Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim would not have been accorded such treatment for no particular reason. He must have done something terrible to incur the wrath of the Malay Muslims so much so they cannot control their anger.

His comment in the Wall Street Journal, "I support all efforts to protect the security of the state of Israel" has infuriated the Muslims.

Palestinians youths throw stones and other objects at Israel forces. Anwar received the same treatment here for his stupid stance. See the similarity?

ACR: If only what Don't Play Play mentioned is the case, then there is less cause for worry.

But I'm sure the 15 to 18-year-old mat rempits who did this to DSAI (Anwar) know nuts about Israel-Palestinian politics. They were hired rowdies, perhaps paid, or just so beholden to Umno that they would do anything to ensure Umno remains in power to safeguard their future.

They should perhaps ask why at the age that they are, with no less than the home minister as their MP, they already leading such useless lives.

BTN: There you go all - these Umno supporters are not only ‘kurang ajar' but ‘biadap' as well. We may have differing views in terms of politics but violent conduct to the point of causing damage to property and possibly bodily harm is uncalled for.

You just wonder if all these Umno supporters know what human rights and respect is, and know what they are fighting for.

Moz: I urge every responsible citizen to stand up and post a comment in Malaysiakini to protest this unacceptable situation where the police allows these thugs to attack opposition members and civil society debates that are part of any democratic process.

We don't have to wait for the next election to speak up. Otherwise, we are allowing this beloved country of ours to descend into despotism like Robert Mugabe's Zimbabwe.

Senior Citizen: What is even more disgusting is to see the BN flags being happily carried around as if they were doing some kind of national service. This makes me sick to the core.

Appum: Umno supporters - it looks like hooliganism is thy name! Do you think Umno can ever have a decent debate with any opposition party?

Their supporters will probably yank out the microphones and break the chairs over their opponents' heads. Why? Because, obviously, that's the only language they know.

And what does this prove? Poor leadership.

Righteous: Yet again, this a poorly written and highly predictable orchestrated chain of events that will culminate in Najib declaring emergency rule to retain the BN's hold on their position of power.

When did it become retaining power at all cost, when it should be running the country efficiently and effectively and looking after the rakyat at all cost (without the massive debt they have already created)?

Wira: Compare the behaviour of these hooligans with that of Unit Amal PAS who directed crowd and traffic during the Bersih 2.0 walk and Pakatan ceramah. Umno has failed.

Versey: To Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein, the son of the former PM Hussein Onn and cousin of PM Najib, please tell your constituents "Keganasan adalah perlindungan terakhir ketidakcekapan".

Tell them their behaviour is doing discredit to your ability as the home minister and actually doing harm to your cousin as if he has lost control in managing the country.

Not just that, they are dishonouring your late father and grandfather's good name and made them to turn in their graves. They are also betraying the culture of the meek and gentle Malays.

Shame to you, Umno's ‘samseng' supporters.

Jiminy Qrikert: And what does MCA think of these attacks by Umno thugs? Are they silent partner to this or will they be willing to condemn such attacks which on the surface are 'political attacks' but could easily become racist attacks depending on Umno's need at the time?

Fast-forward to 2050. Chinese are only 10% of an estimated 45 million population, 80% Malays. Of the 80% Malays, half are 'poor' - that's about 18 million poor Malays, now struggling to keep afloat in urban ghettoes in a Malaysia that is 90% urbanised. Umno is still firmly in control and it is still ripping off the last of the nation's resources.

Just imagine what these poor, lowly-educated, urban ghetto thugs will be to Umno whenever Umno needs to teach the ‘pendatangs' a lesson Perkasa-style.

At the moment, these thugs are in the 'other-urban' and rural areas but urbanisation will quickly suck the rural population into concentrated slums where emotions run high and rational thinking is confined to processing Umno's instructions.

Ferdtan: Once the police cannot enforce the law - this is the end of the rule of law. Worse still, if the police are in cahoots with the hooligans, then it is a rule by law.

Police, don't play with fire by not taking any action. This time it may seem a small incident, but once the gangsters get bolder, you have chaos and anarchy on your hand. By then, it is too late, and it will be fault of the police.

We call upon all the good police, search your conscience and come out to defend the good name of the police force. There is nothing left of your reputation.

AGM: PKR, please maintain the high road as you have so well. All this Umno thuggery, baiting and instigating will only get worse. It is all they have the imagination for.

Continue with the Gandhi-like passivism, and let Umno show its true colours more and more. For thinking Malaysians, the right choice will become undeniably clear. Power to the peaceful. - Malaysiakini

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