
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Walla's take on Kleptocracy

I have another installment on the Kleptocracy article. It shall be posted in due course. In the meantime, I would like to share the intrepid commentator Walla's take on the first article. Here it is.

If it's already a gravy train for some people, you would wonder how it can then be an electric train for the rakyat.  The transport minister is inelegantly silent on the change of contractor. No explanation.

So how can the rakyat ever believe that the MCA is not under the thumbs of the Umno government? For that matter, how can the rakyat believe that the MACC which can jump when it comes to any whiff of Pakatan can remain stiff when it comes to Barisan?

Moreover, one would think a government which preaches transformation should be the first to remember the losses and shenanigans of PKFZ under its watch. Maybe it can't because it hasn't practiced reformation first. What do you think?

That's why it dares to do this in broad daylight. Organized crime by your local political syndicate which has successfully ruled this country for 54 years. Comparable vintage to the Mafia now ruling Italy now in the red.

In any case, if suppliers have to pay extras for deals, they will have to add extras to the bill failing which subtract quality from the goods in which case it may be faster to travel by bullock carts.  But then again, the NPC can't breed enough cows to draw the carts. They've spent all your money on condos instead. Money which could have been used to help cowherds in Felda settlements and elsewhere.

All the enforced hardiness will certainly strengthen our Malay fibre so that the race will never disappear, won't it?

So take note - just like how the Tajuddin Ramli out-of-court settlement is double the size of the NPC loss, rakyat money has again been blown. Like C4.

Najib is now courting the Chinese again, just as his sidekick has been trying to say nice things about them, coming from a 1M. That M could mean Malay or Mahathir. Depending on how you officially define 'chameleon'.

Najib said it is Umno's policies which have resulted in their becoming billionaires. Since when have supporters of Perkasa become so munificent to the Chinese?

Therefore it is cronyism. There is an exchange. I give you concession, you give me off-account political contributions. Unless these can be substantiated, they cannot be expensed off. So tax will have to be paid. Which means the contributors will have to pass-on the cost of contribution to other taxpayers. Meaning the rakyat. Again!

So you think with so much shadow contribution, the Umno government will be running a hunky-dory national balance sheet?

Nope, on top of the half a trillion ringgit in federal debt, and you can add to that sum another fifty billion ringgit from the MRT for other cronies, it hides another ninety six billion ringgit of contingent liabilities of some of its GLCs. They're all bleeding and there's no way to get back the money. If there is, they would have.

And that's why the debt is not 53% of GDP but 65% of GDP. Ask any economist or local banker worth his salt whether the national language will have to be Greek soon.

We are all standing at a precipice. That's why the drop will be precipitous. Namely the shares and assets that Najib said you have. Besides those the amanah's and your EPF have invested in, six percent dividend notwithstanding.

So the PM is asking the rakyat to do the right thing by giving Barisan the mandate to rule again?
 Now why should the rakyat do that?

Will they have mansions and condos to live in or branded marques to ride in? Will they be able to afford gems of the highest order or handbags they can only view behind showcases in Suria KLCC? Will they get all-expense paid holidays every month and jump into soft beds in six star hotels in exotic cities and visit the latest boutiques and be feted by the occidentals?

Will their children get no payback no tie-up extended scholarships to ivy leagues in faraway lands so that they can return with London haircuts and skin fair from living long in cool climes in preparation for cushy jobs in bleeding GLCs? Will they be protected from tearing their hair out and working to the bones to meet their monthly payments so that they can afford another family at your local friendly race-agnostic KFC?

Will they be blessed by not having to face long traffic jams caused by roadblocks set up to deter people from going to listen to a visiting Opposition member by a police force soon to be armed even more but still unable to stop hooligans from throwing pebbles at official cars of Opposition members, for that matter showing limpid enthusiasm to catch culprits who disrupt peaceful meetings of the Opposition again?

Will they read what has been done to prevent such things happening again? In the much enlightening and enlightened MSM, an organ true to the spirit of democracy because for twenty two years a certain medical doctor (not from Curtin) in remembering his Hippocratic oath did not turn to the dark side of the force and started practicing a hypocritic oath of his own making instead?

So what shall the final answer be this time?

It is not a simple (Malay versus Malay). It is (right Malay) versus (wrong Malay).  But how will matters pan out, you ask, while trying to look askance?

 At the filing of votes.

 Take the indelible ink. A group can file the postal vote say two days before GE13. Given so many phantom voters and false registrants in the voter database, what is to prevent them from also walking into the polling station and filing another vote a second time? The ink mark has no meaning because the first vote has already been cast.

That's beside the other matter of unfair gerrymandering.

You want Umno to get into parliament again with fifty one percent seats from only fifteen percent popular votes?

For all you know, all these discussions are merely academic because it could well have been with the dubious stand of the EC to date, Pakatan might have won the last general elections all along. ven with those foreigner votes from Project IC courtesy of our man who wades on water, and his bunch of proto-human Cro-Magnons.

 So the blogger is right. No democracy. Just kleptocracy.

 Adil? Time for ABU, people.     And you know it.

Posted by sakmongkol AK47

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