
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, February 19, 2012

Why would Sabah Umno back RCI on Project IC?

YOURSAY 'Ongkili and Dompok should know that their real bosses in Sabah are the Umno fellows who were the main beneficiaries of the IC scam.'

Najib leaves Sabah with no RCI on Project IC

your sayHello: Mentioning the RCI (royal commission of inquiry) on Project IC is just meant to calm the emotions of the component parties within the Sabah BN.

PM Najib Razak has not the guts to announce one, even though it was decided at the cabinet meeting as a lot of Umno members involved in Project IC are still very influential within the party to this day.

Does one ever wonder why it is sometimes called Project M?

Alan Goh: Najib has left Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) deputy president Maximus Ongkili and United PasokMomogun KadazanDusun Murut Organisation (Upko) president Bernard Dompok both red-faced when he failed to announce the RCI on Project IC during his two-day tour in Sabah.

Every Malaysian knows that Project IC was the brainchild of Dr Mahathir Mohamad, and that was why it was also known as Project M.

All the talk about an RCI on Project IC is just bull, because it is typical of Umno-BN - talking is easy but walking the talk is difficult.

Sabahans, wake up to the 55 years of cheap talk, abuses and corruption under Umno-BN. Be master of your own fate, don't just remain BN's fixed deposit and get played out again for another five years.

Abasir: Ongkili and Dompok should know that they are in the cabinet as token representatives of a marginalised group. They are window dressing, nothing more, nothing less.

They should know that their real bosses in Sabah are the Umno fellows who were the main beneficiaries of the IC scam - planned and executed by none other than the one whose memory fails him at critical times.

Now, why would Sabah Umno support a RCI?

Ksn: PBS deputy president Ongkili's words should form the terms of reference of the RCI on the illegals in Sabah, which comes quite late in the day.

But then, better late than never in our quest to establish the truth on this matter and punish those involved severely. All the three points by the PBS can be answered by Mahathir and former chief minister Harris Salleh.

A few others were involved, but these two are the main characters in the story of betrayal of Sabah and the Sabahans.

Anonymous: Although this is a not unexpected U-turn, it sadly goes to show the leaders of the people of Sabah had sold out the Sabahans for personal gains.

May God have mercy on them, over the hardship caused to the current and future generations of Sabahans.

Eric12: Project IC is a brilliant plan by an evil mind to stay in power; it took more than 20 years for innocent Sabahans to realise its evil intentions.

Now it's too late to solve this problem. Our local 'heroes' still can't do anything even when power is in their hands, they can only talk.

Magic Mountain: There is quite a credible theory that Project IC was formulated when PBS left BN in 1990 when the latter won two-thirds majority in the state assembly.

At that time, PBS was campaigning for 50-50 share of oil royalties, being the contributor of one-fifth of the oil revenue in Malaysia.

When PBS left and joined forces with Semangat 46 and DAP, I still remember those tumultuous times when we attended the announcement in Yayasan Sabah with Lim Kit Siang and Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, the traffic was miles long leading to the building.

Later that evening, we saw on national TV that Mahathir was certainly not pleased. Project IC was initiated to take away the power of the Kadazan Dusun. Mahathir had decided these bunch of people could not be trusted.

Sabah was soon began flooded with illegal immigrants. They were a social menace. If you look across from Kota Kinabalu city to Pulau Gaya, you see a huge blight of illegally constructed shacks. Apparently, all our Sabah ministers choose not to look in that direction.

There are illegals living and bathing on fishing boats in front of Sutera Harbour. They run food stalls, stalls in the fish market to sell all sorts of trinkets openly. Our city councils know about it.

Come on Sabahans, rise up and unite in this GE 13 and do something about this - if BN will not help us, we must help ourselves.

Black Mamba: Sabah is the richest state in Malaysia. Unfortunately the wealth is not equally and widely distributed among the indigenous residents.

The illegal immigrants have since set up a strong foothold in Kota Kinabalu. They initially reside on Gaya Island but have now moved to the heart of the city.

You can find their heavy presence along the waterfront wet market behind Hyatt Hotel. They are all over Sinsuran Complex which was previously occupied by Chinese businesses. They have driven the local businessmen inwards to Luyang and Damai Complex.

Their numbers are big and they rent premises from the locals to cater to the needs of their fellow countrymen. Today, most of them are legitimate Sabahans with voting rights and they can out vote the original citizens.

It maybe a little too late and too little to set up the RCI. The Kadazans and the local Chinese will be end up living in the interior soon.

Sadirah: Ongkili and Dompok, where is your sense of self-respect? Do you accept that you are second-class and remain with BN just to enjoy your positions and privileges?

You do not have the moral guts to stand up for your people and that is why you are now a minority in your own state.

I remember the time when several ministers in BN had sent a memorandum on the matter to then PM Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. The controversy this created, and the need to withdraw the memo, was an insult that you all took.

Now another insult, and you still want to be with BN. I have no respect for either of you. You will sell your soul, your faith and your convictions to promote the status quo so as to live with what you get in terms of money and titles. You two are a disgrace.

1Best: How many Sabahans have to come to the mainland for work? Countless, and they are deprived the opportunity to vote in even the next GE13 as it is too costly for them to fly home.

Get serious, give a one-time loud and clear message to the BN goons - vote them out and save Sabah from further economic plunder.

Alfy: Of course, Najib will leave Sabah without an RCI, because the major bank of votes are all sitting there - in the form of illegal immigrants.

Bystander: To get Najib to order an RCI on Project IC is akin to the old Chinese saying, ‘Like asking a monk to lend you his comb.'

That is, even if he wished to he can't as he has not got the full mandate to do so. - Malaysiakini

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