
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, August 28, 2012


CHUNK......By hijacking Merdeka celebrations as a BN election campaign, the government has ostracised a large chunk of the Malaysian population.


KOTA KINABALU: Barisan Nasional’s Merdeka Day slogan 'Janji DiTepati' is a ‘big blunder’ that is likely to cost the coalition in Sabah and Sarawak. The slogan has already courted controversy in the peninsular and is seeing further rejection in the Borneo states.

According to Sabah STAR Deputy Chairman, Daniel John Jambun, BN’s bid to psychologically manipulate Malaysian by celebrating its ‘own successes’ is ‘plain arrogance’.
“Claiming the national celebration its own celebration is plain arrogance (on the part fo BN). BN has forgotten that the national celebration is for all Malaysians regardless of party affiliation,

“(Now) by doing so, BN has alienated the rakyat who are in the opposition. Now there is no reason for the opposition to celebrate the national day together because it has become ‘BN’s Day’!

“There is no reason for people in the opposition to be patriotic with the national day because to celebrate it means to support BN!” he said.

He said this was probably the reason why there were hardly any national flags – Jalur Gemilang – on the streets in Sabah.

“BN has forgotten that its duty is to celebrate the national day on behalf of all the people, and that the national day belongs to the people not to BN!

“No wonder the number of flags being put up on shops, offices, houses and vehicles have suddenly dwindled to almost zero compared to previous years.

“Now even the Jalur Gemilang has a strong tinge of BN’s arrogance so much so that many people no longer feel any patriotic feeling when they see it flapping in the wind,” he lamented.

New meaning of patriotism

Jambun said, it was increasingly obvious that the ruling BN is either ‘desperate’ and worried that it may lose the next general election or ‘simply over-confident’.

“It (BN) is using everything and anything it can get its hands on, even the people’s patriotic heritage to glorify itself?

“They are either desperate, over-confident or simply super-arrogant that it thinks that it will gain a lot of political mileage by making it a part of the BN.

“Over-confidence more likely because they have hijacked and damaged the whole meaning of patriotism.

“We know that from the BN’s viewpoint patriotism means supporting the BN while from the viewpoint of the opposition patriotism means saving the nation from the abuses of the BN.

“So now it is meaningless for the BN to appeal to the people’s sense of patriotism because when the prime minister or any top BN leader talks about patriotism they know it means only one thing, ‘Come and support the BN!’” - Sabahkini


  1. Selamat menyambut hari kemerdekaan yang ke 55 untuk Malaysia. Mari kita sama-sama menghayati hari kemerdekaan ini.

  2. Kita jangan terpedaya dengan kata-kata pembangkang mengenai kemerdekaan yang cuba mengelirukan kita semua.

    1. Malaysia is a blessed country, and not just lucky that we are where we are today compared with many other nations whose people are multi-ethnic and multi religious but do not have that distinct racial unity that Malaysia is so known for.

  3. it was a time for Malaysians to close ranks and remember the event

  4. Sambutlah hari yang mulia ini dengan hati yang terbuka.

  5. Ada juga pihak memainkan isu ini untuk kepentingan diri.

  6. Semoga semua rakyay menikmati keindahan di hari kemerdekaan ini.

  7. Kemerdekaan tidak harus dipolitikkan.

  8. let see how many seats that BN manage to win in coming PRu13.

  9. betul.. itulah kesannya bila pebangkang asyik mempolitikkan tarikh kemerdekaan hingga rakyat sendiri keliru dengan tarikh kemerdekaan sebenar..

  10. kalau pembangkang memerintah negara ini, nescaya makin banyak tarikh kemerdekaan disambut di negara ini hingga menjadi bahan lawak di negara2 maju.. tidak mustahil, negeri2 di semenanjung juga akan mengkaji semula sejarah kemerdekaan mereka dan menuntut tarikh yang berasingan dari kerajaan pusat..

  11. The national flags are seen at government buildings and main roads that are maintained by local authorities. Unfortunately, those living in some residential areas and villages are not following suit.

  12. Johor Youth and Sports committee chairman Md Jais Sarday said that despite the awareness campaigns, there were less people hoisting the Jalur Gemilang this year and the same went for vehicles.He said this in his speech at a prize-giving ceremony held in conjunction with the Merdeka Creativity Competition 2012 in here recently. Also present was Johor State information director, Hamdan Kasnan.

  13. There have been many campaigns and much publicity that encourage one to hoist the Jalur Gemilang during the Merdeka month. However, the number who are showing their patriotic spirit is less this year compared to previous years.

  14. Md Jais said he hoped the monthly campaigns will continue to create a wider awareness on the importance of embracing patriotism.“We have to set a good example for the young so that they, too, will have the patriotic spirit,” he said.

  15. Md Jais also presented cash and trophies to eight winners of the competition in various categories that included private buildings, government buildings, residence, 1Malaysia community, school and arch. In appreciation of the media’s support and contribution toward the event, Md Jais also presented plaques to representatives from New Straits Times , TV3, NTV7 and Harian Metro among others, at the event.


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