
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, March 20, 2013


INSPECT.... Edward inspect Jalan Yayasan – Kibagu

SABAH DAP Vice Chairman cum the Local Government and Housing Bureau Chief Edward Ewol Mujie said he received complaints from the villagers who are living in various kampongs here that the six kilometers road from1 Borneo – Kibagu or 'Buffalo Road' behind 1 Borneo hypermall has not been sealed yet until now.

Karambunai Assemblywoman, Datuk Jainab Ahmad has announced in November 2011 that the road will be upgraded and sealed for RM20 million and the work will began in early 2012 and expected to be completed end of 2012, but Edward said during his recent visit to the area, he noticed that the road is in a very bad shape with plenty of potholes.
Edward said there are many villages here with a big population of more than 5,000 people. The villagers are suffering from the constant difficulties of getting in and out especially during rainy days when the whole stretch of road become very muddy and slippery.

The mini bus operators are the one who have complained the most as their vehicles has broken many times and maintenance are very high.

Edward said it is very interesting to know what happened to the contract for the upgrading and sealing to this road, and when will be the final date of completion. This is a very typical BN style of executing a contract, "slow and until nothing happen"!

Edward said he does see any reason why the road has not been upgraded as promised as this area is densely populated and the villagers complaints that besides their vehicles always broken down.

During the dry season they are suffering from the dust and has to keep the windows of their houses closed all the times and had one way or another affected their health, and during the rainy season all the potholes will be filled with water, muddy and become dangerous to drive especially at night.

Edward urges the relevant government department to act immediately to upgrade the road as promised to comply to it slogan “JANJI DITEPATI” as the 13th General Election is around the corner.

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