
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, March 8, 2013

Penang slams protesters who tried to break Komtar doors

Demonstrators pushing against the glass door entrance to the state administration's offices at level three of Komtar, Penang, March 8, 2013. – Picture by Opalyn MokGEORGE TOWN, March 8 - Protesters tried to break the glass doors leading to the state administration’s offices in Komtar today, earning the ire of the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) government.
The members of various Malay non-governmental organisations, were protesting against the “Allah” issue but were stopped from going to Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng’s office on Level 28, said security officials.
They proceeded to kick and hit at the doors to gain entry but failed, the officials added.
Condemning the violent actions of the group, Lim said whatever they want to protest against, they should not resort to violence.
“This is the action of gangsters and hoodlums. These people only know the language of hate and acts of violence,” he said.
Lim told a press conference that the group almost broke down the glass door.
He said he was not surprised that the group had acted this way, but he was surprised that the police had allowed the group to act with such impunity.
“The police must explain to the people why they allow the group to act this way while using racist language,” Lim said.
Concerned over the safety of civil servants in the tower that houses various government departments and agencies, Lim also said he will instruct the state secretary to strengthen the security of the state administration offices in Komtar.
“The glass door is very strong and yet they almost broke it so I will ask the state secretary to strengthen it. We need something more solid,” he said.
He also demanded an explanation from the police on why the demonstrators were allowed to act violently and why no arrest had been made.
Earlier, the group of about 100 people, marched from Masjid Jamek Banggali in Leith Street to Komtar after Friday prayers.
The group consist of members from the National Silat Federation, Pertubuhan Kebajikan Islamiah dan Dakwah, Penang Muslim Network, Federation of Peninsula Malay Students, Penang Pencinta Malaysia Association, Perkasa and Pertubuhan Kebajikan Al-Ehsan.
A spokesman of the group Arshad Kassim said the demonstration was to demand that Lim withdraw his statement made in last December where he had asked that the word “Allah” be allowed in the Malay versions of the Bible in East Malaysia.
“We want him to apologise and withdraw his statement,” he said.

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