
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Senators who play politics

A Philippines senator's demands and statements are akin to war mongering and action should be initiated to reprimand her actions.
The eastern border of Malaysia is under attack by Filipino gunmen. The crisis has devastated the economy of Sabah leaving it in a state of Emergency. Over 70 people have been killed so far. It continues to be a grave threat to our sensitive Malaysian political climate.
The Filipino government is not spared either, with President Benigno Aquino’s government under fire and under intense pressure. But there are Filipino senators out there willing to take advantage of the delicate situation to further their dark personal agenda.
“The Philippines may be entitled to deploy troops to Sabah to rescue Filipinos allegedly in danger from a Malaysian operation to flush out Sulu gunmen there,” according to a Philippine senator.
Senator Miriam Defensor-Santiago has claimed that the republic’s armed forces were allowed to rescue their citizens if Malaysia cannot guarantee their safety, although international law barred the use of force.
“As much as possible, we want to avoid the use of force, but if this is the attitude of Malaysia … then we shall avail this exception to use force,” said the former chair of the Philippine senate’s foreign relations committee.
Santiago also condemned Malaysia’s use of fighter jets and air strikes to flush out the Sulu militants in Lahad Datu saying: “It’s like using a scud missile to kill a fly.”
The Philippine senate has also demanded its government to hold Malaysia accountable for possible human rights violations against the 800,000-strong Filipino migrant community in Sabah.
Bantilan Esmail II, and Sulu “Sultan” Jamalul Kiram III, have complained to the Philippine Daily Inquirer that Malaysian authorities have allegedly been ill-treating Filipinos in Sabah long before the Sulu incursion began. The words of such great men should be taken seriously.
The plot
Nearly six weeks ago, a band of militants armed to the teeth and disguised as settlers managed to evade security to enter Sabah. They immediately demanded for the return of Sabah which they claim belongs to them. They actually thought Malaysia was going to hand Sabah over to them on a silver platter.
The Malaysian government took a soft approach, preferring to negotiate with the delusional intruders, reasoned with them and urged them gently to leave by providing them with a safety corridor as long as they disarm and bury their weapons.
Which government in the world would be so patient and understanding? And yet Filipino refugees are fabricating claims that Filipinos were abused and badly treated!
If there were any truth to such allegations, why would 800,000 Filipinos continue to reside in Sabah? Everyone would have left ages ago. Today, more and more Filipinos are sneaking into Sabah like as if it is the “Promised Land”.
In fact, Malaysians are calling on Senator Rodriguez to take back the 800,000 Filipinos and provide them with proper jobs and housing, instead of subjecting them to alleged atrocities under Malaysian authorities.
Apparently, our warm Malaysian hospitality is being taken literally for granted. It is time for the Filipino government to take on the role to provide them hospitality.
War mongering statements
The senator’s demands and statements are akin to war mongering and action should be initiated to reprimand her actions. Her open criticism is arousing a hornet’s nest while the Malaysian government is trying its level best to resolve the crisis with as little bloodshed as possible.
Her cries for Filipino troops to enter Sabah are tantamount to a declaration of war, and such statements may cause Filipino nationalists to take her word for granted and cause an international incident.
Filipino troops are not welcomed to Malaysia and such resources are better used by Filipino troops to guard the borders against any future foreign intrusion.
The senator should be thankful that there were minimum casualties resulting from such a stupid act by Filipino nationals. The last thing is to shift the blame on the Malaysian government, while the Filipino government sits around helpless, open-mouthed to stare at the drama unfolding before their very eyes.
Sending a mercy ship to Sabah to evacuate the women and children is a feeble effort on the part of the Philippines to resolve this grave crisis.
Six weeks have gone by, and no action has been taken against the chief culprit, the self-proclaimed Sultan of Sulu and his henchmen. Even a subpoena that was served on them was immediately withdrawn hours later.
Today, the Sultan of Sulu seats in his modest palace calling the shots and pulling the strings, issuing royal decrees for his royal army not to surrender.
When Malaysians were kidnapped by Filipino bandits, did Malaysian troops invade Philippines?
Malaysians are disappointed
Malaysia has no quarrel with the Philippines, but the senator’s rash remarks have agitated Malaysians who are mourning the untimely and unnecessary deaths of 10 of our uniformed servicemen.
Malaysians have been called to “chill out” and not get over agitated by such unkind statements, as the Filipino government also has its share of idiotic and moronic politicians, like everywhere in the world.
It was the Filipino militants who invaded first, gunned down and mutilated our servicemen, and now they are saying Malaysia is being unreasonable by using fighter jets which they term as overkill.
Why should we risk the lives of our soldiers and police unnecessarily by flushing them out conventionally?
If the Philippines senate wants to hold Malaysia accountable, then Malaysia should hold them accountable for the Sulu pirates’ damage to Malaysian property and the loss of Malaysian lives.
The usage of our fighter jets were to shock and awe, and to ferret out the bumbling marauders from their rabbit holes. If it were meant to kill like scud missiles as in the words of the senator, there would be no one left to spill the beans, let alone flies.
It looks like Malaysian diplomacy and reasoning have failed to impress the Filipino government of our good intentions, and some of their politicians are bent on prolonging the conflict.
Almost every war in the world is started as a result of greedy land grabbing, and the Senator’s irresponsible statements are not helping to promote peace. In fact her war mongering actions are causing anti-Malaysian sentiments among Filipino nationals and causing Malaysians to look upon Filipinos with distrust and hate.
The Filipino government should rein in such opportunistic senators who speaks with one foot in the mouth.
Tour consultant, sports pilot and naturalist Iskandar Dzulkarnain has been writing a few years now. He is a FMT columnist.

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