Malah, kemungkinan pada masa sekarang, pergerakan keluar masuk mereka adalah bebas,seperti keadaan sebelum tercetusnya peristiwa keganasan menjelang pilihan raya umum yang lalu.
Berbeza dengan Serikandi YB Nurul Izzah, kemasukan beliau ke Sabah dihalang. Kita tak fikir beliau membawa masuk senjata. Mungkin pihak ketua Menteri Sabah merasakan lidah yang dibawa oleh Nurul Izzah itu lebih berbahaya berbanding ratusan pengganas Sulu yang bersenjata lengkap.
Betapa hebatnya aura seorang Serikandi, Puteri Reformasi hingga mengakibatkan Ketua Menteri Sabah kehilangan kedua-dua butir teloqnye....
Nurul Izzah tidak dibenar masuk Sabah
Nurul Izzah blocked from entering Sabah...
According to the Lembah Pantai MP, the immigration officers at the Kota Kinabalu International Airport are currently arranging for her deportation.
"I have been stopped by Sabah Immigration and instructed to return (home) by the Sabah Chief Minister's Office. Such is democracy post-13th general election. Just you wait, BN!" she said defiantly on Twitter at about 7.30pm this evening.
She also said that she was not allowed to meet Penampang MP Darell Leiking who is acting as her lawyer.
Nurul Izzah is the second PKR vice president to be not allowed entry, with fellow veep and Batu MP Tian Chua put on the Sabah immigration blacklist soon after the Lahad Datu incident broke out in February.
"There are other MPs who will be denied entry into Sabah. When pressed for the names (of those who will be) denied access (immigration said it is) deemed a secret," Nurul Izzah added.
Previously, PKR deputy president Azmin Ali's aide Hilman Idham was also stopped from entering the state, along with Bersih 2.0 steering committee member Syukri Razab, who is a Sabah native.
At about 8.20pm, Nurul tweeted that she was denied access to her lawyers and was escorted by three Sabah immigration officers on board a plane.-malaysiakini
Nurul Izzah denied entry into Sabah
30 MEI 2013
30 MEI 2013
Di Penjara Sungai Buloh...
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