
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, August 30, 2013

Petisyen pilihan raya dan fakta di sebalik Tandas Putera...

Parti Pakatan Rakyat di Perak perlu menanggung hampir RM1 juta sebagai kos dalam 11 petisyen pilihan raya di negeri itu, yang kesemuanya ditolak atas alasan teknikal.

MP DAP Taiping Ng Kor Ming berkata keseluruhan kos yang ditanggung Pakatan itu berjumlah hampir RM965,000.

Kos paling tinggi yang dikenakan adalah untuk petisyen pilihan raya bagi kerusi parlimen Tapah, sebanyak RM150,000.

Ia diikuti dua petisyen pilihan raya di Pasir Panjang (masing-masing RM120,000 dalam bentuk kos) dan Selama, di mana Pakatan diarah membayar RM110,000 dalam bentuk kos.-malaysiakini

Perak Pakatan to pay nearly RM1mil in polls petition costs...

Pakatan Rakyat in Perak have to bear nearly RM1 million in costs for all their 11 election petitions in the state, which were all rejected on technical grounds.

DAP’s Taiping MP Nga Kor Ming said that the total cost awarded by the courts against Pakatan came to RM965,000.

The highest amount of costs awarded was for the election petition for the Tapah parliamentary seat, which was RM150,000.

This is followed by two election petitions in Pasir Panjang, which each incurred RM120,000 in costs, and Selama, where Pakatan were ordered to pay RM110,000 in costs.

Nga pointed out that under the Election Offences Act 1954, the judge is not allowed to award costs but to tax it before the registrar.

“The decision by the Election Court sent a very wrong message to the rakyat that the court will penalise or punish the petitioners should anyone wish to challenge the result of the elections, irregardless of whether it is conducted in a fraudulent manner,” Nga said in a statement today.

Nga stressed that even the judiciary is not above the law.

“I wish to state that the judiciary is not above the law and the people will judge their conduct and should they fail to uphold justice, they are not fit to judge others. 

The cardinal principle is that, “Justice must not only be done, it must be seen to be done”. In this respect, unfortunately, it fails miserably,” he added.

“I urge the Chief Justice, Arifin Zakaria, to explain to the rakyat whether there was any secret meeting called among the judges to issue a directive that the election petition shall be dismissed summarily so as not to affect the status quo, or was there any directive from a third party to the judges that all election petitions filed by Pakatan Rakyat shall be dismissed?” Nga questioned.

“No one is allowed to interfere in the process of decision making, even the Chief Justice himself,” he added. -malaysiakini

Bagaimana ada kereta Protong Saga era milinieum pada tahun 1969?

Lori tu....Lori zaman bila??? hahaha...yang pukul dan yang kena pukul tu senyum je....

1969 got CCTV - can you see it on the top right side of this picture

Poor turnout for three screenings of Tanda Putera at Mid Valley...

Controversial film Tanda Putera, whose producers were denied approval to screen it three times in the last year, drew few viewers at its first public screening in a local mall today.

The government movie directed by Datin Paduka Shuhaimi Baba had 12 viewers in the large cinema hall at Mid Valley Megamall, Kuala Lumpur. Those who attended the 11am screening, however, were happy with what they saw after all the controversy that surrounded it.

"To me, this is such a great movie. It shows what a true statesman is and how they would do anything for the country," said Hanim Azira, 29, a broker who took a day off from work to watch it.

She did not fault the director for including racially sensitive scenes. Instead, Hanim thought it was necessary to have the scenes of the riots included.

"Since the film is about the statesmen during the 1969 period, it is natural to have scenes of the riots which have elements of racism," she told The Malaysian Insider.

Zaidi Sidek, 33, felt the film aimed to stir one's patriotism.

"I do not think the movie is racist. It is just portraying a storyline. Moreover, it is about historical facts," said Mohd Razif Ahmad Fuad, 30, a civil servant.

The 1pm and 4.20pm shows saw a collective turnout of 25 patrons.

Yang mana satukah dilihat lebih berguna?

Tanda Putera has been repeatedly condemned by netizens and the DAP, who said it stoked racial hatred by showing scenes in which the Chinese appeared to be ones who caused May 13.

The first half of the movie repeatedly showed Chinese rioters with DAP flags looking to attack Malays. Lines such as "Melayu balik kampung" (Malays go back home) and "Melayu pergi mati" (Malays go die) were also uttered.

At the TGV cineplex in KLCC, ticket sales for the movie were just as poor. There were 23 patrons for the 6.50pm show and 21 for the 9.30pm show. -malaysian insider

Boycott Tanda Putera

di Malaysia cam mana pulak???

 Selepas saman menyaman, identiti “Awang Selamat” Utusan akan didedahkan...


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