
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, August 30, 2013

Why is Umno so eager to show Tanda Putera?

YOURSAY ‘We want to know why Umno leaders are so adamant in wanting to show this movie. Who really has the evil agenda here?'

KJ: Hold outdoor screening of Tanda Putera in Penang

your saySee3: Youth and Sports Minister Khairy Jamaluddin, go read Suaram advisor Kua Kia Soong's book on May 13 before you start passing this garbage off as history.

Is showing a person of a particular ethnicity peeing on a flag pole creative licence or an irresponsible attempt at causing racial chaos?

CiViC: Why all the powers in support of one miserable local production? Since when does the federal government have so much free time on their hands to look after the welfare of one miserable film?

Haveagreatday: No, Khairy I do not think LGE (Penang CM Lim Guan Eng) is slighted. I have not seen the film nor will I want to see it as nothing you have said warrants a change in my position.

The fact remains that the shifting the blame for 513 (May 13) to the Chinese is manifestly unjust, especially since it's a rakyat-funded project.

Conspiracy theories abound and the fact that the government is still keeping the event under wraps point to the guilt involved.

Onyourtoes: As much as you are against those who do not want ‘Tanda Putera' shown, we, on the other hand, would also want to know why you and Umno leaders are so vehement in wanting to show this movie. Who really has the bigger evil agenda here?

Sabahan: Khairy, born after the May 13 incident, is not aware that the film director herself has declared that inflammatory scenes in the movie are fictitious.

The purpose of including these scenes is to divide the different races, and to ensure the survival of Umno in the future.

Senior Citizen: I'm calling all people involved in running the government, please get your priorities right. Whether it is a historical or a creative movie, it does not matter.

Let those who want to watch just do so. There is no reason for the government to get involved. It's an utter waste of time. The country today has far too many problems.

There are hundreds of historical films since the last 100 years. ‘Gandhi' was an excellent film and the Indian government never got itself involved in it.

Be careful, if the priorities involving bread-and-butter issues, such as public safety, racial hate, financial crisis and other forms of racial injustices are not corrected immediately, then we are in a serious crisis.

Believe me, Malaysia is at the crossroads of a national disaster. Forget about the movie. To me, it looks the producer of the movie is stiff scared of financial ruin and therefore finding excuses to justify her losses.

Hero325: Just screen it and let the people evaluate. After all, the opposition is promoting freedom of expression and civil liberties.

Lim Guan Eng has one set of democratic values and norms for himself, and another set for others. This is the problem, where a lot of people claim to champion human rights but when it comes to practice, exhibit double standards.

DAP used to attack Umno over undemocratic practices, but what is the difference between Umno and DAP now?

Abasir: "Such a historical film should be viewed as it tells the story of fellow statesmen who rescued the nation following the May 13, 1969 racial riots," said Khairy. Sure, screen it on TV1, 2 and 3.

Better still, make DVDs and distribute it for free at Mydin outlets. And for good measure, screen it at all the Malaysian missions overseas and invite Umno's friends over for a taste of its fermented lies.

Ruhaizan Muhd Fikri: Just when people started having some confidence in Khairy, he starts his immature stunts. Is he asking to be left in the political wilderness again? Grow up, Khairy. This is not a game. It's the nation we are talking about.

Appum: Umno Baruputeras are so transparent. The party election is around the corner, everybody knows that. Now is not the time to care about the economy, people's bread and butter, and crime rates, etc.

These issues are only for pre-election time. Now the issues will only be about race and religion. And for the Umno hopefuls, the more extreme, the better their chances. Haven't these scenes been enacted, time and again?

Fair&Just: The truth is that many defenceless Chinese and Indians were mercilessly mowed down by gunfire. Where were these gunshots coming from?

This gross injustice has not been answered and accounted for and the cry for justice shall wail woefully along the corridor of the unjust and its memory forever etched for karmic redemption and retribution.

2LAN: How about ‘New Village'? It is also based on history. This is obviously another double standards.

Blackmoon: I believe that Penangites are smart people. By their responses to CM Lim's "request" for the cinemas in Penang not to screen ‘Tanda Putera', we can see that they do not support his calling.

Penangites is capable of determining for themselves what is good and what is bad. They are not afraid to face the truth of history.

Ann: Khairy, is this part of your campaign for the Umno elections? Tsk tsk. Sad indeed.

Headhunter: "Suddenly when there is a film based on history, they asked it not to be screened. This is double standards," said Khairy.

Yes, history scripted by Umno to promote Umno using the rakyat's money. - Malaysiakini

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