
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, November 30, 2013


Proton masih mengeluarkan kereta baharu hasil daripada projek ‘rebadge’, tetapi kali ini bukan lagi dengan Mitsubishi. Buat pertama kalinya Proton telah bekerjasama dengan Honda untuk mengeluarkan model pengganti Perdana, dengan menggunakan model Honda Accord generasi ke-8 sebagai asas pengeluarannya.

Spyshot : gambar rasmi pertama Proton Perdana baharu versi ‘rebadge’ Honda Accord didedahkan!

‘Rebadge’ merupakan perkataan dari Bahasa Inggeris, yang bermaksud melancarkan sesuatu produk di bawah jenama atau logo baharu. Dalam dunia automotif, Proton cukup dikenali dalam menghasilkan produk-produk ‘rebadge’ berasaskan kenderaan keluaran Mitsubishi.

Kali terakhir Proton mengeluarkan model kereta baharu yang dijenamakan semula ialah melalui pengenalan model Proton Inspira yang dilancarkan secara rasmi pada 10 November 2010, sebuah model sedan dalam segmen C yang diasaskan daripada model Mitsubishi Lancer.

Terkini, Proton masih mengeluarkan kereta baharu hasil daripada projek ‘rebadge’, tetapi kali ini bukan lagi dengan Mitsubishi. Buat pertama kalinya Proton telah bekerjasama dengan Honda untuk mengeluarkan model pengganti Perdana, dengan menggunakan model Honda Accord generasi ke-8 sebagai asas pengeluarannya.

Sebelum ini anda sudah melihat ‘spyshot’ model pengganti Proton Perdana iaitu sebuah Honda Accord berwarna hitam dengan logo Proton yang ditutup sedang menjalani ujian di jalan raya, dan kini giliran gambar rasmi Perdana-Accord baharu pula bocor di internet.

Gambar di atas dengan jelas menunjukkan itulah Proton Perdana baharu yang sebenarnya adalah model Honda Accord generasi ke-8 yang menggunakan logo Proton.

Proton masih belum mengeluarkan sebarang kenyataan rasmi bilakah model Perdana baharu versi ‘rebadge’ Honda Accord ini akan dilancarkan, namun jangkaan sebelum ini menyebut pelancarannya akan diadakan dalam bulan Disember 2013 akan datang.

Kazim Elias digelar "TOK GURU TEROMPAH" oleh Mantan KB UMNO Bukit Gantang

Saya mengucapkan "TAHNIAH" kepada Peresiden UMNO Malaysia yang telah melantik Ahli Agama sebagai MT tambahan. Tahniah kepada Ustaz Qazim Elias Al Hafiz moga dapat merperjuangkan soal agama dari dalam. Tapi percayalah akan ada kumpulan yang akan berkata "TOK GURU TEROMPAH". - FB Rosli Husin mantan ADUN Terong
Dalam para macai-macai UMNO Munafiqkun dok sibuk ucap tahniah,syabas dan macam-macam kata penghargaan kat Kazim Elias sempena dilantik menjadi Ahli Majlis Tertinggi UMNO semalam,rupanya ada juga sorang mantan YB ADUN Terong yang juga mantan Ketua UMNO Bahagian sempat ucap tahniah disamping menyindir Kazim Elias sebagai "TOK GURU TEROMPAH".

Konon-nya bakal ada kumpulan yang akan berkata "TOK GURU TEROMPAH" kat Kazim Elias....hahaha... nampaknya belum sempat orang lain atau orang luar dari UMNO gelar Kazim apa-apa lagi,Rosli Husin dah agak Kazim bakal terima gelaran amat busuk ini iaitu sebagai "TOK GURU TEROMPAH".

Korang tahukah apa maksud "TOK GURU TEROMPAH"..???

Maksud tersiratnya macam ni.... korang tentu pernah pegi ke mana-mana tandas awam,tandas surau atau tandas masjid...kasut terompah kayu amat popular disediakan untuk digunakan untuk masuk tandas dan tujuan masuk tandas..sebab masuk tandas tak perlulah Orangni nak ulas...hahaha...

Selesai urusan dalam tandas...kayu terompah kayu ini akan ditinggalkan setelah selesai tugasnya menjadi alas kaki untuk membawa seseorang untuk urusan melepaskan bahan buangan...hahaha...

Kasut terompah kayu hanya jadi alas kaki untuk masuk dalam tandas saja_dah selsesai hajat ditandas terompah tidak digunakan lagi.

Haaa...Faham tak lagi..?? Macam tu lah maksud busuk yang tersirat untuk gelaran "TOK GURU TEROMPAH" didalam UMNO.

Orang macam Kazim ini hanya akan jadi alas kaki bagi puak pemimpin UMNO Munafiqkun dalam isu agama,setelah selesai mempertahankan mereka,menjawap segala isu dalam hal agama semata-mata untuk kepentingan diri,sepertimana terompah kayu menjadi alas kaki seseorang dari terpijak bahan najis dalam tandas,maka ia akan ditinggalkan dan akan digunakan bila keperluan untuk hajat membuang najis sahaja.

Orangni bagi satu contoh Kazim akan menjadi "TOK GURU TEROMPAH",andaikata ada soalan atau isu mengenai seorang isteri PM yang suka menjojolkan rambut (mendedahkan aurat) maka jawapan pasti isteri PM tidak salah,PM tidak salah dan UMNO itu tidak salah dengan jawapan-jawapan yang direka oleh Kazim malah pihak yang mempertikaikan isteri PM pula akan salah kerana mempertikaikan...itulah "TOK GURU TEROMPAH" didalam UMNO Munafiqkun. Selamat menjadi "TOK GURU TEROMPAH" sebagai alas kaki puak pemimpin UMNO kepada Kazim diucapkan....hahaha....

Sanggupkah anda lakukan sebegini..Demi CINTA anda..?

Nauzubillah min zalik, jauhi perangai syaitan, hindari dari menjadi mangsa syaitan ye adik-adik yg tgh cuti sekolah. sila lah berkhawin kalau dah tak tahan, dah merengek nak jadi suami/ isteri pasangan impian anda dari tambah dosa.

Photo: Nauzubillah min zalik, jauhi perangai syaitan, hindari dari menjadi mangsa syaitan ye adik-adik yg tgh cuti sekolah. sila lah berkhawin kalau dah tak tahan, dah merengek nak jadi suami/ isteri pasangan impian anda dari tambah dosa.

Siti Aishah Akan Pulang dalam Masa Sembilan Bulan Lagi

[AA] KUALA LUMPUR: Siti Aishah Abdul Wahab yang menjadi hamba psikologi selama 30 tahun di London berjanji akan pulang ke Malaysia dalam masa sembilan bulan.

Hasrat itu dinyatakan kepada kakaknya Kamarmahtum yang berkesempatan mengadakan pertemuan selama lebih kurang 40 minit.

Kamarmahtum menerusi perbualan telefon dengan Astro AWANI memaklumkan dalam pertemuan itu Aishah juga berjanji akan pulang ke tanah air selepas segalanya selesai.

"Dalam pertemuan itu dia (Aishah) kata selepas sembilan bulan selepas siasatan selesai dia akan balik,

“Tapi itu pun kalau dia tidak pulang, hanya Allah saja yang mengetahui, itu antara dia dengan Allah,” kata ketika dihubungi.

Menurut Kamarmahtum sepanjang pertemuan itu juga, dia tidak berkesempatan untuk bertanyakan mengenai penghambaan adiknya itu.

"Kami hanya berjumpa dalam tempoh lebih kurang 40 minit jadi hanya itu masa yang saya ada untuk marah dia, peluk dia, cium dia dan itulah masanya saya hendak memberinya nasihat,” ujarnya lagi.

Kamarmahtum juga berharap Aishah tidak melupakan identitinya dan pulang ke tanah air satu hari nanti.

"Pertamanya, dia mesti menjadi seorang Muslim yang baik, kedua dia mesti baca Al-Quran, ketiga dia mesti balik ke Malaysia. Ini harapan saya dan saya harap harapan saya ini akan dimakbulkan Allah dan ia tidak sia-sia," katanya sebelum menaiki penerbangan pulang ke Malaysia.

Sebelum ini Pesuruhjaya Tinggi Malaysia Datuk Seri Zakaria Sulong mengesahkan Kamarmahtum Abdul Wahab telah berjumpa dengan Siti Aishah di suatu lokasi rahsia.

Perjumpaan selama setengah jam itu dilakukan di sebuah lokasi yang dirahsiakan oleh pihak Scotland Yard, dan ia merupakan perjumpaan pertama bersendirian di antara kedua-duanya.

Dalam pertemuan itu, Kamarmahtum meminta adiknya agar mengutus surat buat ahli keluarga yang masih diingatinya di Malaysia.

Pada 26 November lalu Kamarmahtum terbang ke United Kingdom untuk berjumpa adiknya dan dijangka tiba di Malaysia pada Ahad bersama anak saudaranya Zan Azlee Zainal Abidin yang juga merupakan Editor Majalah Astro AWANI.

Edisi Kantoi....KAHKAKKAH..... Kini melibatkan Puteri UMNGOK bersama warga Myamar.

Kini melibatkan Puteri UMNGOK bersama warga Myamar.

Bila Diserbu,Lelaki Myamar ni menipu kata " takda olang.."
Bila diselak bawah Tilam...Jeng3x,..!!

Apa yang mengejutkan.. wanita ni adalah seorang Puteri UMNGOK
Cawangan Negeri penyu..! dan dia pernah berkempen habis2an
Pilihanraya DUN kuala Besut yang lalu...!

# Penyokong UMNGOK pasni bersihkan hati,betulkan niat.
Pemimpin kamu bermaharajalela skandal buat dosa sana sini,
kamu ttp memangkah UMNGOK terus berkuasa menjadi dosa.
Apa yg dipaparkan sekadar pendedahan yg TIDAK mungkin kuar TV.

THROW AWAY assessment hike notices, NEW ones to be issued Jan 1 - Ku Nan

THROW AWAY assessment hike notices, NEW ones to be issued Jan 1 - Ku Nan
PUTRAJAYA — In yet another attempt to dispel confusion over Kuala Lumpur’s controversial property assessment increase, Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor told owners today to discard the notices they received from KL City Hall (DBKL).
The Federal Territories minister said these should have been letters to inform owners of the proposal to increase the valuation of their properties, as well as to notify them of the December 17 deadline to file their disputes over the move.
New and finalised notices will, however, be issued on January 1, he said.
“When I gave the instructions, I should have told the director or the PKP 'please, before you issue, show me first'... they should have come up with a letter, not the notices first.
“Now I'm caught because the notices have been given out, but the notices, you can discard it,” he told reporters after launching the “Back to School” programme at his ministry here.
The Putrajaya MP claimed that while the new notices to be sent out on January 1 will be final, KL property owners need not make any payment until the special panel on the assessment hike decides on the rate.
“We will have all the unhappiness or complaints or whatever they want to write to us, the day would be December 17 and I was told that opposition MPs want to rally at DBKL.
“I advise them 'no need to rally la' let the rakyat send it to us, it's pointless because I will solve the problem because towards the end, it comes back to me,” he said.
Today, Tengku Adnan reiterated the need for DBKL to increase the property valuation used to determine assessment payments, so that it is consistent with that of independent valuers.
“We have used seven criteria to get the actual value of the rental value of the properties.
“And we're not increasing the rate yet, we have not decided to increase the rate,” he said, adding that the rate could be reduced down to 1 per cent from the current 6 per cent for home owners.
The proposed increase in assessment led to public outcry in recent weeks, after homeowners received notices from the local authority informing them of hikes between 100 and 250 per cent to their existing annual rates.
The issue was exacerbated by the confusion arising from the conflicting announcements made that has left ratepayers uncertain over how much and when they must fork out for their bi-annual assessment payments.
There are 507,800 properties listed under DBKL, 56 per cent or slightly over 284,300 are commercial structures while the remaining 44 per cent or around 223,400 are residential properties.

An ex-journalist himself, yet Palanivel makes it tough for the press to do their work at MIC meet

An ex-journalist himself, yet Palanivel makes it tough for the press to do their work at MIC meet
MELAKA - The 67th General Assembly of the MIC, the third largest party in the country, which officially opens today reveals various restrictions being placed on journalists at the hotel where it is being held.
Media members appeared quite disappointed to being 'confined' in the press room which was located in a remote corner where their movements were 'limited' making it difficult for media personnel to move about in the course of their duties.
Photographers were given only two to three minutes to videotape or take pictures of delegates casting their votes.
This is the first time the MIC has strictly restricted photographers, allowing them only the first two minutes to shoot or take pictures of party president Datuk Seri G. Palanivel casting his vote before being asked to leave the voting area.
Bernama TV photographer Abu Kassim Chik expressed regret over the photographers being treated in such a manner making it difficult for them to carry out their responsibilities and work.
"This is the first time photographers were given just two minutes to record the voting process. This made our work very difficult. We journalists regret this regulation," he told Bernama when met at the media centre at the Equatorial Hotel here, today.
M.Sunthar, a Tamil Nesan photographer, said he was surprised by the new rule which will only made the photographers' work more difficult.
"This is because we often take turns to take pictures of a leader. In the event, we are only given two minutes, how can we all record or take pictures of the MIC president voting.
Meanwhile, one of the vice-presidential candidates Datuk M. Saravanan also expressed regret over such treatment of the media. – Bernama

Electronic fence to be built along Malaysia-Thai border in Kelantan to block SMUGGLING - Zahid

Electronic fence to be built along M'sia-Thai border in Kelantan to block SMUGGLING - Zahid
An electronic fence will be installed along the Malaysia-Thai border in Kelantan to curb smuggling, said Home Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.
He said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak had agreed in principle on the installation of the electronic fence.
The project would involve 121km of river boundary and 20km of land boundary from Pengkalan Kubor, Tumpat until Jeli, he in Kota Baru today.
Ahmad Zahid said his ministry would get the cooperation of the Kelantan state government because the fence would involve land belonging to the state government and local residents.
He said the construction of the fence was important to eradicate smuggling activities including drug, firearms and human trafficking.
Asked on the cost of the project, he said the Finance Ministry would make the announcement. The project was expected to be completed in 36 months. - Bernama

'I myself have used a VULGAR Hokkien word but I immediately apologized' - Anwar advises Jeff Ooi

'I myself have used a VULGAR Hokkien word but I immediately apologized' - Anwar advises Jeff Ooi
"Kucing kurap" is an insulting word regardless who it is directed at, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim (pic) said today in reference to a DAP lawmaker who had used the term against Penang Municipal Council (MPPP) staff.
The opposition leader said he would strongly reprimand any PKR member who uttered such a term against another.
He said the term would be offensive to anyone with even a basic knowledge of the Malay language, as it can be taken to describe someone as a diseased cat.
"The term is demeaning but he could have meant it differently. He should explain to clear the air.
"In a multiracial society, sometimes there is a lack of sensitivity. I myself have used a vulgar Hokkien word without understanding what it meant but after I found out, I immediately apologised," he told reporters today after officiating at the opening of Seberang Jaya assemblyman Dr Afif Bahardin's service centre in Taman Siakap.
Ooi reportedly made the infamous "kucing kurap" remark as he was unhappy with some MPPP officers who could not supply him with data on the illegal hawkers issue in the Jelutong market on November 16.
Ooi has since admitted that he said the words, which he was familiar with from a young age, but that he had only meant it to be similar to the English expression "small fry".
Although criticised and urged by various quarters, including his own Pakatan Rakyat colleagues, Barisan Nasional politicians and non-governmental organisations to apologise and retract the remark, Ooi has refused to do so.
Yesterday, Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng said Ooi should listen to state DAP chairman Chow Kon Yeow, who had criticised Ooi earlier on Tuesday for his outburst against the MPPP.
Lim said Chow's comments reflected the party and the state government's stand on the matter.
Chow had earlier this week said Ooi's remark does not reflect the state government nor the party's view of the civil service. He said Ooi was also being unfair, telling MPPP president Datuk Patahiyah Ismail to quit if she could not perform better than her predecessors.
Chow was also quoted as saying that it was up to Ooi to apologise or retract his remark.

'EVEN WITHOUT US, SHE CAN SURVIVE': A precious lesson from Siti Aishah to insular Malays back home

'EVEN WITHOUT US, SHE CAN SURVIVE': A precious lesson from Siti Aishah to insular Malays back home
KUALA LUMPUR - Siti Aishah Abdul Wahab, the 69-year old Malaysian `slave` rescued from the grasps of a south London-based Maoist sect, is happy in London and had a lot of friends, her sister was quoted as saying in The Telegraph.
Kamar Mahtum, 73, described the joy and sadness following her first emotional reunion with her sister in more than 40-years.
Siti Aishah, who was allegedly held against her will for more than 30-years, said she was happy in Britain and had a wide circle of friends who cared for her, fed her and loved her.
In the Nov 29 interview, the Telegraph quoted Kamar Mahtum as saying that Siti Aishah was so swept up in left-wing politics that she became totally isolated from her family and did not even know their mother passed away 19-years ago.
The two sisters were reportedly reunited at a secret location in the north of England after Karmar mahtum flew to London immediately after discovering her sister had been found.
Kamar Mahtum related to the English daily how Siti Aishah was doing well but was a different person compared to the fiercely bright quantity surveying student who left Malaysia full of ambition at the tail end of the 1960s.
How is mum? Mum is gone
The retired teacher said: “At first I did not recognise her. She looked very different of course; 40-years older, the beautiful young girl had gone. But then again I am also an old woman now.”
She said the first thing they did was to hug one another for a long time as the years of separation fell away.
“I cried, first out of relief, but then out of anger and then out of frustration. She asked me, ‘how is mum?’ and I said, ‘mum is gone’.
“She did not show any emotion at that point. She had tears in her eyes, but I think they were out of respect for me. But I had the sob of my life.
“The last time I sobbed like that was when I lost my mother in 1994. We could not contact Aishah to let her know because we did not know where she was.”
I love your smile
During the 40 minute reunion meeting, the pair did not discuss the conditions in which Miss Wahab and the other rescued women had been living, nor their alleged captors, Aravindan Balakrishnan and his wife Chanda Pattni.
She told The Daily Telegraph: “When I asked her about what had gone on she just clammed up. The only thing she wanted me to perceive is that she is happy.
“She told me, ‘I have got friends here, I work here. I do important work here’, but she could not reveal what it was she did.”
“Each time she said something that made me smile she would say, ‘oh I love your smile. Don’t frown, laugh, smile’.”
Siti Aishah and the other two alleged slaves – believed to be Josephine Herivel, 57, from Northern Ireland and 30-year-old Prem Davies – were released last month after the Freedom Charity received a call from one of the women complaining they had been held against their will for 30-years.
Police from the Met’s human trafficking unit described the case as unique and said as well as investigating allegations of physical assault they were also looking at the “invisible handcuffs” that had been used to keep them in “captivity”.
Hasnah Abdul Wahab holds an old portrait of her younger sister, Siti Aishah Abdul Wahab (C), during an interview with Agence France-Presse at her house in Jelebu, a district of Negeri Sembilan, outside Kuala Lumpur on November 27, 2013. Police in Kuala Lumpur said on November 27 one of three women allegedly held as slaves in London for 30 years was a Malaysian who went missing in the 1960s, prompting a joyous reaction from the long-lost woman's sister. AFP PHOTO / MOHD RASFAN
Even without us, she can survive
In the interview with the Telegraph, Kamar Mahtum said her instinct had been to reach out and help her little sister, but Siti Aishah insisted she had never been lonely in London and had people who looked out for her.
“Aishah said, ‘I’ve got enough’, ‘my friends feed me’, ‘my friends love me, I love them, they help me out.”
She added: “When she said that I felt that she was trying to tell me … that even without us, she can survive, as she has been for the last 40 years. We’re nothing that important. I felt a lot of disappointment.”
But she said Siti Aishah had promised to return to Malaysia to be reunited with the rest of her family once the investigation into allegations of slavery was complete, a process which could take at least a year.
She explained: “She promised that after the investigation was over she would come home. As the rest of her family I want her to come home very, very badly.
“I want her to know my children. I want my children to know her. Because part of her is me and part of her is in my children and I want them to recognise the similarity and the identity across the generations. I still feel emotional about it.”
Why do you speak in Malay: She could no longer read Malay
Kamar Mahtum admitted that her sister had been in London for so long that she now appeared to be more British than Malaysian.
“She was wearing a thick red cardigan and brown pants, very comfortable. She was commenting on my Malaysian attire, my attire is very delicate, velvety, she said this is not something to wear in this cold weather.
“When I tried to talk in Malay she said, ‘why do you speak in Malay, when I haven’t heard it for 40-years.
“I showed her the letter that I had written, but she said, ‘what is this word?’ she could no longer read Malay.”
Kamar Mahtum said the last time the pair had seen each other had been in 1967 when she won a place at university and moved to London with her fiancé.
Two years later when the older sister married in Malaysia, Siti Aishah failed to return.
She became more involved with radical politics, so the communication dried up and she has never met any of her older sister’s four children or 11 grandchildren.
40 years is nothing in time
Describing the meeting, which was attended by around 10 police officers and representatives from the Malaysian High Commission, Kamar Mahtum said seeing that her sister was safe meant she had achieved what she came to Britain to do.
She said: “It was a very emotional day, very revealing, but then I was contented that I got what I wanted and I can bring home the beautiful memories. I have a feeling that she does want to come home eventually and that we will work hard to persuade her.”
“At least I know that my feelings have never wavered, I love her as my sister as I loved her before. I think she loves me too but she’s not as ready to show it as much as I do.
She added: “The blood bonds us thickly as yet, 40-years doesn’t make much change as far as that is concerned.”
Balakrishnan and his wife Pattni have been bailed until a date in January. - Agencies

'PKR wouldn't have reps calling others kucing kurap'

Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim said if any of his party representatives were to use the term 'kucing kurap' on junior officers, they would be strongly reprimanded.

NONEAnwar said it is demeaning to use the word although Jelutong MP Jeff Ooi may have meant it differently.

"Sometimes in a multiracial society, certain sensitivities (in people) may be lacking," Anwar said when met at the launching of Seberang Jaya assemblyperson Afif Bahardin's service centre in Tingkat Siakap 3, Taman Siakap.

"In Malay, the term 'kucing kurap' is really insulting to the lowest rank of society," he added.

"It also means a diseased cat and should not be used against the lowest," he said.

NONEAnwar was referring to Ooi's remark on Nov 16 when the two-term MP was angered when low-ranking Penang Municipal Council (MPPP) workers met him over his complaints on illegal hawkering in Jelutong.

Ooi's comment irked several quarters, including state DAP chief Chow Kon Yeow and PKR Nibong Tebal MP and state PKR chief Mansor Othman.

Chow told Ooi his statement against MPPP was unfair, while Mansor said he should retract his remark as it was disrespectful.

Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng also said Ooi, his former chief of staff, should listen to Chow as his comment reflects that of the state government and party.

'Ooi should apologise'

On Wednesday, four workers' unions representing 2,000 workers, including those in the council, demanded Ooi to apologise and retract his remark but the latter has refused.

NONEAnwar said Ooi (left) should explain himself if he did not mean to insult the officers.

Ooi had defended himself saying he grew up in a kampung and was familiar with the term, which he meant as 'small fry'.

Anwar meanwhile said, "I (once) used a vulgar Hokkien word before before knowing what it meant. When I found out I quickly apologised.".

"He (Ooi) may have grown up with the word, but to the public it is a very demeaning word."

Asked if Ooi should apologise for his remarks, Anwar said, "Yes, he should."

MIC elections witness confusion, tension

MIC's first party elections since 2009, which sees the top two positions uncontested, ended after a lengthy affair in Malacca today which witnessed confusion and also some early morning tension.

The fact that there are 96 candidates vying for top positions; eight for three vice-president seats and a party record of 88 for 23 central working committee (CWC) seats, was always bound to create tension and bizzare campaigning methods.

And the day started with former CWC member KP Samy allegedly throwing Tamil daily Tamil Nesan's newspapers in the dustbin after reading a "negative" report about him in the paper, causing him to be confronted by the paper's owner, S Vell Paari, the son of former president S Samy Vellu.

Though the election ended without any major incidences, it was not without its share of terse moments as delegates appeared confused about their voting turns, causing them to flood the lobby of the hotel where the election is taking place.

It also did not help that the media personnel were denied from covering the election process proper, with photographers also denied the opportunity to take pictures of the voting process.

Eight models roped in

A running sideshow to the contest were some of the candidates' odd way of campaigning, including former Youth chief T Mohan, now vying for a vice-president post, handing out T-shirts to rickshaw drivers near the hotel which calls for delegates to vote for Mohan.

A textile giant, R Raghu Moorthy, brought along eight models from his saree clothing line to campaign for him and urging delegates to back his bid to be elected to the CWC.

Incumbent vice-presidents M Saravanan and SK Devamany are both facing a tough time to retain their positions thanks to the eight-cornered fight.

Even if the duo do retain their posts, there would still be a closely fought battle to fill up the third VP post because the seat has been vacant since Samy Vellu vacated his president's seat in 2010, which in turn resulted in S Subramaniam moving up to deputy president from vice-president.

Among those in running are party treasurer-general Jaspal Singh, Mohan, another former Youth chief A Vigneswaran, and former deputy minister S Sothinathan.

The election counting process is currently ongoing and is expected to be announced later tonight.

Sister believes Siti Aishah wants to come home

Hasnah Abdul Wahab holds an old portrait of her younger sister, Siti Aishah Abdul Wahab, during an interview with Agence France-Presse at her house in Jelebu, a district of Negeri Sembilan, outside Kuala Lumpur on November 27, 2013. — AFP picHasnah Abdul Wahab holds an old portrait of her younger sister, Siti Aishah Abdul Wahab, during an interview with Agence France-Presse at her house in Jelebu, a district of Negeri Sembilan, outside Kuala Lumpur on November 27, 2013. — AFP picKUALA LUMPUR, Nov 30 — Reunited after 30 years apart, Kamar Mahtum Abdul Wahab came away with the belief that long-lost sister and so-called London “slave” Siti Aishah Abdul Wahab desired an eventual homecoming.
Earlier this week, Kamar, a 73-year-old retired teacher, flew to London clinging on to little more than the hope that a 69-year-old Malaysian rescued from a Maoist compound in the British capital would turn out to be her sister, Siti Aishah, who disappeared some three decades ago.
On Thursday night, this hope was realised when they were finally reunited, albeit briefly.
“But then I was contented, I got what I wanted and I can bring home the beautiful memories and I’ve a feeling that she do (sic) want to come home eventually and we will work hard to persuade her,” Kamar was quoted as saying by British daily The Telegraph.
Prior to their meeting, Kamar had reportedly penned a heartfelt letter in her bid to secure a meeting with the one-time student activist.
“I hope the letter and the fact that I came here to London will make my sister realise that she is loved by her family. It is my dream and sincere hope that we will soon be reunited and we can catch up on all the years we have lost,” read an excerpt of the letter reproduced in reports.
But a report today by news portal The Malaysian Insider cited an activist, who accompanied Kamar to London, as claiming that Siti Aishah insisted she had not been held captive and has no desire to return.
According to previous reports, Siti Aishah was currently being treated at an undisclosed London hospital for a recent stroke.
She was one of three women who were “rescued” from a Maoist commune by British police on October 25, after one of them contacted London-based Freedom Charity to say they were being held captive, but recent reports now appear to suggest they may not have been physically prevented from leaving the sect.
The leaders of the Maoist sect, India-born Aravindan Balakrishnan and his Tanzanian-Indian wife Chandra Pattni, were arrested the same day but later freed on bail.
Siti Aishah’s identity was confirmed on Wednesday by Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar, who also said she has been a student activist who fled to the UK in the 70s to avoid police action for communist links.
- malaymail

[EKSKLUSIF] Fadhilat Dan Kelebihan Wanita | MESTI BACA

Wahai suami2 dan bakal suami2 sekelian, tolong sampaikan dan bagitau bini masing2 ya. Fadillah wanita:

1. Doa seorang isteri yg taat memiliki kekuatan 70 wali
baca lagi klik TAJUK ENTRI ni
2. Isteri yg membuatkan minum suami tanpa di minta, pahalanya 3 x khatam Al Qur’an

3. Masakan isteri yg di lakukan secara sunnah dan di makan suami beserta keluarga pahalanya semua untuk isteri dan do’a suami yg memakan masakannya menjadi do’a yang di ijabah

4. Isteri yg membangunkan suami untuk solat / menyuruh solat berjamaah di masjid pahalanya 27+1

5. Isteri yg kelelahan bangun malam kerana anaknya minta susu sama dgn pahala 70 x haji mabrur

6. Seorang ibu yg menyusui setiap titis susunya senilai 2008 sollat khusu' wal khudu' dan doanya di ijabah

7. Burung di udara dan malaikat di langit akan selalu memintakan ampunan kepada Allah selama isteri dlm keredhaan suami

8. Bila seorang suami pulang dengan gelisah dan isteri menghiburnya maka isteri mendapatkan 10 pahala jihad

9. Bila seorang wanita hamil solatnya dua rakaat adalah lebih baik dari 80 rakaat solat wanita yang tidak hamil

10. Bila seorang wanita hamil akan mendapatkan pahala 70 tahun solat nafil dan 70 tahun puasa

11. Wanita yg mencuci pakaian suami dan anak-anaknya akan mendapat 1000 kebaikan dan akan diampuni kesalahannya, bahkan segala sesuatu yg di sinari matahari memintakan ampun baginya dan Allah SWT mengangkat darjatnya 1000 tingkat

12. Wanita yang menyusui anaknya, maka setiap titisan air susu tersebut akan mendapatkan 1 pahala dan apabila cukup 2 tahun menyusui maka malaikat dilangit akan mengabarkan berita bahawa SYURGA WAJIB BAGINYA

13. Apabila seorang wanita kedatangan haid maka haidnya akan menghapus dosa-dosanya

14. Apabila ia membaca pada hari pertama haid “Alhamdulillahi 'ala kulli haalin wa astagfirullaha min kulli zanbin” maka ALLAH akan membebaskannya dr jahanam, shirat & azab

15. Setiap hari haidnya ALLAH tinggikan dia dgn pahala 40 orang mati syahid apabila ia berzikir


Subhanallah!!! ... Tahniah diucapkan kepada Ustaz Syed Abd Kadir Syed Hussin Aljoofre yang telah selamat diijabkabulkan menjadi suami yang sah kepada Salima AF4.

Pihak Omak Kau difahamkan, pernikahan dan majlis resepsi diantara Ustaz Syed Abd Kadir Aljoofre dan Salima telah berlangsung di kampung halaman Salima di Chemor, Perak.

Kepada Ustaz Syed Abd Kadir dan Salima, Omak Kau ucapkan tahniah sekali lagi dan doa ini ditujukan khas buat pasangan raja sehari ini. 
Semoga dapat meluaskan lagi pengaruh dakwah di bumi Malaysia

Barakallahu lakuma wabarakah ‘alaikuma wajama’a baina kuma fikhair.

Makcik terkejut kena bayar zakat barang kemas yang dipakainya!

zakat barang kemas wanita

Mungkin ramai yang tak pernah dengar bahawa ada zakat barang kemas wanita yang mereka pakai. Selama ini kita hanya mendengar kewajipan membayar zakat emas simpanan termasuklah segala barang kemas wanita yang tidak digunakan. Tetapi kalau barang kemas itu berupa barang perhiasan dan digunakan senantiasa di lengan atau leher para wanita, itu dikecualikan.

Pusat zakat Pulau Pinang mengejutkan makcik-makcik kampung

Cerita ini saya dengar ketika balik kampung ke Kubang Semang baru-baru ini. Dalam satu kursus mengerjakan haji di salah satu kampung di Seberang Perai Tengah sana, pengendali kursus haji telah menjemput tiga orang wakil daripada pusat zakat Pulau Pinang untuk memberikan penerangan berkenaan zakat barang kemas wanita.

Dalam majlis penerangan itu semua kaum ibu yang terdiri daripada makcik-makcik yang yang menjadikan pemakaian gelang dan rantai emas penuh di badan sebagai hobi terkejut besar apabila diperkenalkan pada kewajipan mengeluarkan zakat barang kemas yang sedang dipakai mereka selama ini.

Mereka bertambah terkejut apabila jumlah wang yang perlu dikeluarkan bukannya sedikit, ada yang kena bayar RM500, ada yang RM800 dan ada juga yang lebih banyak dari itu setelah dinilai dan dikira oleh pegawai kutip zakat.

Demi untuk menunaikan kewajipan dan takut berdosa, maka berebutlah para makcik menyegerakan pembayaran. Tetapi bukannya semua jenis gelabah sebegitu terus taat dan buat bayaran. Ada di kalangan makcik yang hadir bukannya jahil sangat, mereka dan bertahun-tahun mengikuti kuliah agama dari para ilmuan kampung seperti Ustaz Bakar dan juga Ustaz Mutalib.

Tak pernah pula mereka dengar fatwa dari kedua-dua Ustaz tersebut bahawa mereka wajib bayar zakat gelang emas yang mereka pakai selama ini. kalau betul ianya wajib sudah tentu dah lama disaound oleh kedua-duanya yang bukannya buta melihat betapa beratnya lengan dan leher makcik-makcik yang sering pergi mengaji agama kepada mereka. Berat sebab terlalu banyak gelang dan rantai emas.

Hantar rombongan mendapatkan penjelasan

Untuk mendapatkan kepastian maka berpakatlah beberapa makcik yang berani ke depan menemui Ustaz rujukan mereka untuk mendapatkan penjelasan. Sah!!! UsTaz Bakar dan Ustaz Mutalib juga pasti tak ada zakat barang kemas yang dipakai. Maka legalah para makcik yang cerdik itu terlepas dari kena keluarkan wang tambahan yang tak pernah mereka keluarkan selama ini dari muda sampai ke tua.

Saya juga tak pernah dengar berkenaan fatwa tersebut dan merasa pelik dengan tindakatan para pegawai pusat zakat. Kenapa mereka berusaha mengutip wang zakat barang kemas wanita sekeliling kampung pula secara tiba-tiba?, wang zakat dah tak cukup untuk menampung kebanjiran fakir miskin di Pulau Pinang kah?

Puas saya berfikir dan akhirnya mengambil sikap berbaik sangka. Mereka yang berurusan dengan zakat bukanlah orang-orang yang jahil, bahkan semuanya para ustaz yang dalil serta nas perpahat kemas dalam kepala masing-masing. Lagipun jika orang jahil macam saya menyuarakan sesuatu hukum itu tidak pernah didengari, bukan bermaksud hukum itu tak wujud, tapi lebih kepada disebabkan saya jahil.

Lainlah jika seorang alim ulama menyuarakan tak pernah dengar sesuatu hukum atau fatwa, sudah tentu berkemungkinan besar hukum atau fatwa itu memang tak ada. Itulah bezanya antara si jahil dengan si alim. Maka sebagai si jahil saya diamkan diri dan mula bertanya mendapatkan maklumat.

Rupanya ada fatwa bayar zakat barang kemas yang dipakai

Selepas bertanyakan pada para ustaz dan kawan-kawan yang lebih alim, mereka juga berkata tak pernah dengar lagi hukum atau fatwa sedemikian. Saya masih mencari dan tak puas hati. Lalu saya menuntut bantuan Google. Walaupun ada ramai ustaz yang sering mengherdik pada orang ramai yang mendekati ilmu agama melalui pencarian maklumat di Google, saya rasa google merupakan salah satu sumber ilmu yang cukup popular, mudah dan pantas di zaman ini. Nak kata ustaz googlepun katalah, saya perlukan maklumat pantas dan mudah untuk dicerna.

Ternyata ada maklumat yang saya cari. Dari google saya dapat tahu ada dua kumpulan berbeza yang memberikan fatwa berkenaan zakat barang kemas wanita yang dipakai.

#1. Pendapat yang mengataan tak perlu

Pendapat yang mengatakan tidak wajib zakat ke atas emas yang dipakai sebagai perhiasan terdiri daripada Abdullah bin Umar, Aisyah, Jabir bin Abdullah, Anas bin Malik, Asma binti Abu Bakr dan beberapa orang lagi. Mazhab Maliki, Hambali dan pendapat yang ketara daripada Syafie dan Ja'fariyyah juga mendokong pendapat kedua ni.

#2. Pendapat yang mengatakan wajib

Pandangan ini dikeluarkan oleh Umar bin al-Khattab, Abdullah bin Mas'ud, Abdullah bin Abbas, Abdullah bin Amr bin 'Ash, Sa'id bin al-Musayyab, Sa'id bin Jabir, 'Atha', Mujahid dan lain-lain lagi. Mazhab Hanafi, Zahiri dan Zaidiyah juga menyokong pendapat ini.

(Bersumberkan daripada Utusan yang memetik kenyataan Eksekutif Zakat PPZ-MAIWP, Ahmad Husni Abd. Rahman)

Rupanya banyak lagi yang saya tak tahu!!!

Ternyata andaian saya jahil yang tak tahu wujudnya sesuatu fatwa memang tepat sekali. Dapatlah saya satu maklumat baru daripada apa yang berlaku ketika singgahan singkat ke kampung baru-baru ini. Ada caranya untuk mengira jumlah yang wajib dikeluarkan zakat pada barang kemas wanita yang dipakai. Semua ini menambahkan lagi sumber baru pada pegawai zakat bagi mengumpul timbunan dana zakat kerajaan.

Sebelum ini kita dikejutkan lama dulu dengan kemunculan zakat pendapatan dan sekarang koleksi zakat pendapatan dari semua para pekerja makan gaji dan menjadi satu perkara biasa walaupun ada tentangan dari para ustaz yang bertegas ia tak adalah aliran mazhab yang kita pegang di Malaysia selama ini.

Entah apa pula zakat selepas ini akan berjaya dicungkil oleh para ustaz pengurus pusat zakat tak tahulah. Sama-samalah kita tunggu dan lihat. Buat masa ini, kita bahaskan dulu bab zakat barang kemas wanita yang sedang mereka pakai...apa pendapat anda???