A Sabah PKR leader has taken Sabah federal cabinet ministers to task over their failure to seek action from the federal government to address the problems of illegal immigrants, fake ICs, and foreigners made dubious citizens through ‘Project IC'.

azlanPKR Wanita deputy chief Jen Lasimbang said while these BN leaders have been making a lot of noise in Sabah over the presence of illegal immigrants and Project IC, they seem to be so quiet in the cabinet on these issues.

"What have all the BN federal cabinet ministers from Sabah been doing?" she queried, in a statement today.

Jen said thousands of Sabahans had complained about the presence of hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants and Project IC holders.
Yet the federal cabinet ministers from the state have not been unable to nudge the PM to act on the "biggest threat engulfing Sabah now".

"Logic tells us that whenever the police, Rela and Civil Defence Department conduct operations to nab illegal immigrants, these officers must be equipped with the equipment such as MyKad biometric scanners that will enable them to access the National Registration Department database instantaneously."

Currently, most of the inspections are done through visual examination. However syndicates can now produce high quality fake MyKads that are hard to detect with the eye, she explained.

NONEJen added that allocations were also required for other aspects such as logistics, detention centres, and vehicles to transport illegal immigrants back to their countries of origin.

These require massive funding but Sabahans don't want to hear any more excuses from the State government, especially that they face financial constraints in tackling these issues, she held.

She also took the Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman (right) and Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi to task, asking where were the major operations against illegal immigrants that they have harped about.