
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, December 19, 2013

Dr Jeff: UBF to continue efforts to enlighten the people (also in BM)

KOTA KINABALU - “The United Borneo Front (UBF) will continue with efforts to with its programs to enlighten the people especially in Sabah and Sarawak on the true and accurate history and the rights and autonomy of the Borneo States” declared Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan in conjunction with the 3rd anniversary of the establishment of UBF.

Dr. Jeffrey who is also the President of UBF and the State Assemblyman for Bingkor further asserted that although UBF has only turned 3 years, its achievements have been commendable.

“The increase in the number of seats won by the opposition in Sabah is also attributable to the efforts of the UBF in enlightening the people of the rights and autonomy of Sabah and Sarawak” added Dr. Jeffrey.

Since its launch on 16 December 2010, UBF has conducted nearly 5,000 Borneo Tea parties (BTPs) throughout Sabah and several locations in Sarawak and the Peninsula.  For the record, the BTP is an adaption of the Boston Tea Party organized by the Americans on 16 December 1773 against the then British colonial masters and led to the nationalistic movement amongst Americans and the independence of America.

Dr. Jeffrey further clarified that through the BTPs, the people especially in Sabah and Sarawak are enlightened with the true facts of history on Sabah, the formation of Malaysia in particular the essence of the Malaysia Agreement under Article VIII and the 20-Points.  The people are further enlightened regarding the indoctrination of the mind-set and the neo-colonial and unequal policies imposed on Sabah and Sarawak.

Commencing 2004, UBF will step up efforts to empower the people in Sabah and Sarawak with an updated BTP module and curriculum, additional training of BTP coordinators and presenters as well as activating UBF throughout Sabah and other areas.

At the same time, UBF will strengthen its cooperation with other NGOs and other bodies that have the same objectives especially envisioned under the Borneo Agenda and the restoration of the rights and autonomy of Sabah and Sarawak.

Dr. Jeffrey further stressed that the correction of the distortion of the historical facts will further enhance the solidarity and patriotism for Sabah amongst all Malaysians in Sabah regardless of race, religion or political affiliation.  With the growing support, the younger generation in Sabah and Sarawak are encouraged to take up the mantle and fight for the restoration of their rights for a better future for them and their children.

In conjunction with its 3rd anniversary, UBF have held several community activities including blood donation campaign as well as a gathering will be held on 20th December 2013 to commemorate the 3rd anniversary at its UBF headquarters in Kota Kinabalu.

BM version -----------------------------------------------------


“United Borneo Front (UBF) akan terus melaksanakan program pendidikan untuk memberi ilmu kepada rakyat khasnya di Sabah dan Sarawak mengenai sejarah yang benar dan tepat serta hak-hak kemerdekaan Sabah dan Sarawak”, demikian dinyatakan oleh YB Dtk Dr.Jeffrey G.Kitingan sempena ulangtahun ke-3 penubuhan UBF.

YB Dtk Dr.Jeffrey G.Kitingan selaku pengerusi UBF dan ADUN Bingkor turut menjelaskan bahawa walaupun usia UBF baru genap 3 tahun tetapi pencapaiannya amatlah membanggakan.

Beliau juga berpendapat bahawa penambahan kerusi yang dimenang oleh pihak pembangkang di Sabah juga dicapai melalui sumbangan usaha UBF memperkasakan rakyat tentang hak-hak kemerdekaan dan autonomi Sabah dan Sarawak.

Bergerak melalui program “Borneo Tea Party” (BTP), UBF telah Berjaya mengadakan hampir 5,000 BTP di seluruh Sabah sejak dilancarkan pada 16 Disember 2011.   Malah BTP juga telah diadakan di merata tempat di Sarawak dan Semenanjung Malaysia.  Sebagai rekod istilah BTP diadaptasi dari peristiwa Boston Tea Party (BTP) yang berlaku pada 16 Disember 1773, yang mana telah menyemarakkan semangat nasionalisme di kalangan rakyat Amerika Syarikat dan kemerdekaan Negara itu.

Menjelaskan dengan lebih lanjut, beliau berkata bahawa melalui BTP, rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak khasnya dan rakyat Malayasia amnya didedahkan dengan fakta sejarah yang benar tentang Sabah, proses penubuhan Malaysia, khususnya intipati dalam Perjanjian Malaysia iaitu Artikel VIII dan 20-Perkara.   Rakyat juga disedarkan tentang penjajahan minda dan polisi yang tidak adil terhadap Sabah dan Sarawak sejak pembentukan Malaysia pada 16 September 1963.

Menjelang tahun 2104, beliau menegaskan bahawa UBF akan terus bergerak maju memperkasakan rakyat di Sabah dan Sarawak.  Untuk itu modul dan kurikulum BTP telah diperkemaskinikan, penambahan latihan kepada para penceramah BTP dan mengaktifkan UBF di seluruh Sabah dan kawasan-kawasan lain.

Pada masa yang sama, UBF akan terus bekerjasama dengan badan-badan NGO yang turut mempunyai misi yang sama, khususnya yang berpaksi kepada Agenda Borneo dan perjuangan memulihkan hak-hak kemerdekaan dan autonomi Sabah dan Sarawak.

Beliau menegaskan bahawa pendidikan sejarah yang tepat akan menyemarakkan solidariti dan semangat cintakan Sabah di kalangan rakyat Malaysia di Sabah tanpa mengira perbezaan agama, kaum dan fahaman politik.   Justeru itu dengan sokongan yang sekian bertambah kukuh, beliau mendorong supaya lebih ramai rakyat Sabah, khususnya generasi muda yang tampil berjuang melalui UBF untuk memulihan hak-hak mereka demi masa depan yang lebih cerah untuk mereka dan cucu-cicit mereka.

Bersempena ulangtahun ke-3, UBF telah mengadakan beberapa aktiviti kemasyarakatan termasuk kempen derma darah dan juga suatu acara memperkenangan ulangtahun akan diadakan pada 20hb. Disember 2013 di ibu pejabat UBF di Kota Kinabalu.

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