
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, December 20, 2013

Former HK star Yammie Nam claims she was RAPED IN SINGAPORE

Former HK star Yammie Nam claims she was RAPED IN S'PORE
HONG KONG - Former Hong Kong star Yammie Nam Kit Ying was once known as the "prettiest on the five station hill", but due to emotional problems her career was ground to a halt.
According to a report on HKTopTen, she was suddenly rumored to have gone "missing" last month. Her friend, Yeung Man Lei, was able to contact her and confirmed that she was safe.
Yeung revealed that Nam had told her about a very famous show business boss raping her.
According to a Hong Kong magazine, it said that it received a video of a Chinese media interview that Nam did.
The content included her revealing that she slashed her wrist in a suicide attempt years ago and her claim that two film industry bigwigs raped her.
The rape allegedly occured when one of then men was drunk, and happened while she was in Singapore to visit a film set.
Nam explained that she did not contact the police then because she was afraid that she would get into big trouble; in addition, she felt that he was drunk and was not himself when it happened.
But she went to see a doctor for the 'morning-after' pill, as she was afraid that she would get pregnant.
Yeung said that years ago Nam Kit Ying had mentioned the rapes to her, but each time she talked about it she was very upset and was unwilling to mention the rapists. In recent years she has not mentioned them again.
Yeung also did not know when Nam did the Mandarin interview.
She said, "Actually I haven't seen her in two years. Last month when she was rumored to be missing and I called her.
"At the time she was very mad and told me not to talk about her with the media anymore. She also told me not to call her and would call me if she needed help.
"Now I don't where she lives. I wanted to recommend her to make a series in the Mainland, but she turned it down. She said that she was working.
"I don't know why she is mad at me either! I was very worried about her, years ago she had a benign tumor in her uterus and she refused treatment.
"I took her to see a Chinese medicine practitioner, after one visit she refused to go again."
Actress Carina Lau was in the same training class as Nam Kit Ying and fellow "Nine Dragon Girl" member.
At a recent store opening, she told reporters that she had not read about Yammie Nam's rape ordeal.
Instead she asked reporters, "Was it her most recent interview? Have you interviewed her? (Do you believe that film industry big brothers raped her?) I haven't read it, I have no comment."
She looked worried as she tearfully said, "I am pretty worried about her condition, I hope everyone can extend a helping hand to her.
"I contacted her a long time ago, at the time I already sensed that her physical condition was poor.
"Now I can't even contact her, only finding a little about about her occasionally from (Eric) Tsang Chi Wai and (Michael) Miu Kiu Wai; but nothing substantial because Nam Kit Ying seems to have retreated from the world."
When asked if she would like to talk to her, she said: "I leave it to Tsang Chi Wai, he is a master and has ways to resolve matters. He can talk to her. Other people might not be able to get into her world."
Lau has not seen Nam in years and only heard about her from newspapers and magazines.
Ka Ling said, "In training class she was an excellent student, she was a very pretty girl.
"Now seeing her like this, I feel unhappy and upset. I hope she will get well soon."  -  Lollipop

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