
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, December 7, 2013

GLC CEOs ordered to help bumis, to be part of their KPI

Umno president and Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak has warned chief executive officers (CEOs) of government-linked corporations (GLCs) that the empowerment of the bumiputera entrepreneurs is a key part of the national agenda and failure to comply with this would affect their posts when their performance is evaluated at the end of the year.

NONEHe said he has made it a point that this matter will be included in the report, or score, cards for the CEOs of all GLCs.

“Let me say that we are committed to the demands sought by the party in this (giving more bumiputera entrepreneurs an opportunity to benefit) from the GLCs. 

“I have met and hold meetings with all CEOs of GLCs. I told them that the empowerment of the bumiputera is a national agenda and all of them being CEOs are required to implement it to the best of their ability. 

“We will have a key performance indicator (KPI) to ensure this agenda is implemented and this shows our determination,” Najib said in his winding-up speech.

Najib warned that at the end of each year, he would examine the score card of the CEOs.

“If it is good then we will extend (the CEO's contract). This is what we hope to implement and we need not be apologetic as this is part of social justice,” he said.

‘Malaysia is unique’

Najib said he had explained in a CNN interview that Malaysia's condition is unique compared to other countries, where governments play a role in helping the minority community to uplift their economy.

However, he said in Malaysia 67 percent of the population are Malays and bumiputera and most of them are poor and should receive help.

At the press conference after closing the four-day party general assembly, Najib again stressed that it is part of the CEOs’ responsibility to meet their KPI.

“We want it to be properly planned and improved further without affecting the principles of good governance,” he added.

It was previously reported that Umno delegates had raised theproblem of GLCs not helping Malay entrepreneurs during the assembly.

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