
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, December 20, 2013

Having failed, Waytha provokes PM to sack him

YOURSAY 'For heaven's sake, you are in the cabinet and have power at your disposal (or is it?) to do something about them.'

Waytha: After Bujang Valley, now Kg Chitty under threat

your say, YoursaySlumdog: Persatuan Hindraf Malaysia chairperson P Waythamoorthy, you are complicit in the government's vandalism and destruction of cultural, historical and world heritage sites.

These sites should be treated as national treasures. Can you imagine any government in the world that would destroy an 11th century historical site (except for the Taliban who destroyed thousand year- old statues)?

I hope you are proud of your achievements in the short time that you have become a backdoor senator in PM Najib Razak's government. No amount of your timid protests will change anything.

Najib got the Indian support at GE13, thanks to you, and that is all that matters.

Swipenter: Waythamoorthy, go back to London and recommence your self-imposed exile there where you can better "serve" the cause of Malaysians of Indian origin fighting for justice, equal rights and equal opportunity.

Back home you are in fact doing a disservice to the Malaysians of Indian origin. You were used by Najib and Umno Baru to trick and split the Indians and to vote for BN in GE13. Post-GE13 you are cold storaged and the Indians forgotten.

This is what Mahathir did to the Chinese community in 1999. Remember the Suqui movement fighting for universal suffrage for all Malaysians?

After winning the GE with the support of the Chinese community, Mahathir turned around and even branded the Suqui movement as communist inspired and instigated Umno Youth to protest and threatened to burn down SCAH (Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall) using Chinese vernacular education as an excuse.

The Chinese community has not forgotten this betrayal by Mahathir and Umno Baru, done with the connivance of MCA.

Bianca Lee: How could an area that was gazetted as national heritage site be sacrificed? Not only Hindraf should object to this, but Malaysians should speak up and object to this senseless move by the Malacca state government and the Jabatan Warisan.

Kampong Chitty with its rich history should be preserved for good.

Ferdtan: Deputy Minister Waythamoorthy, stop your pitiful lamentations. You decry so often against your own BN government as well as the opposition in issues relating to you that you sound so pathetic.
For heaven's sake, you are in the cabinet and have power at your disposal (or is it?) to do something about them.

You thought that by issuing some press statements here and there, you have discharged your duty as an appointed minister for ‘Indian affairs'? Waythamoorthy, try harder.

Proarte: How did Hindraf by selling out and joining BN help to prevent Lembah Bujang from blatant and callous destruction? Now you expect us to believe your crocodile tears over Kampong Chitty?

If you really cared about Indians and Malaysian culture you would resign from BN immediately.

Disgusted: Waythamoorthy proudly stood beside Najib and asked Indian Malaysians to vote for the BN and return the BN with two-thirds majority as though he had the influence to do so.

Now he and his ‘fake' Hindraf as well as all Indians who voted for the BN are getting royally screwed by Najib and Umno. Unfortunately the rest who voted against the BN are also made to suffer along with these idiots who voted for them.

What happened to the so-called memorandum of understanding (MOU) between Hindraf and the BN?

Aswathaama: The Gelang Patah Declaration by DAP leader Lim Kit Siang spoke about education, eradication of poverty and so on. Did Lim implement it in Penang and Selangor?

Anonymous$&@?: Hello, the Gelang Patah Declaration is the responsibility of the government of the day. Which part of it that you don't understand?

Before you question others, why don't you check the Hindraf blueprint - how much of it had been implemented? This is especially so as Hindraf is now part of the government of the day.

Rupert Jason: It is time people think out of the box. What is clear is politicians no matter who they are, be they BN or Pakatan Rakyat, are all the same. They would exploit the poor and the defenceless. Heritage is not their concern.

Waythamoorthy risks sacking for speaking out against the Malacca CM. Let us see what the BN leadership is going to do about it. Is it going to take action against him?

Anyway the MIC and other so-called multiracial politicians, including those in PKR and DAP, are taking the smart approach of being silent.

Fernz: Waythamoorthy's latest strategy is to provoke Najib into sacking him. Najib, as I have commented so many times, has degenerated into the ‘Father of All Bullshit'.

He's a person with no character and no personality. He has no philosophy, principles, motto, vision or mission. He does not say what he means and he does not mean what he says. Instead, he beats around the bush.

Wira: Nelson Mandela negotiated with the then white South Africa government with a fixed timeline which the white supremacist government honoured.

Waythamoorthy signed an MOU with Najib who even reneged on his pre-election promise of reducing road tolls over the next five years as part of BN's ‘Promises Fulfilled' campaign.

What has Waythamoorthy delivered in his first 100 days in office? A big fat zero. - Malaysiakini

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