
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, December 23, 2013

Ku Li suruh orang Melayu sedaq diri sikit...

Ku Li mahu orang Melayu menilai semula mengapa mereka gagal dalam aktiviti ekonomi. - Gambar The Malaysian Insider oleh Afif Abd Halim, 22 Disember, 2013.
Tanya diri kamu mengapa kamu telah ketinggalan dalam perlumbaan kekayaan, Ku Li memberitahu orang2 Melayu...

Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah menasihatkan orang Melayu untuk menilai semula mengapa mereka gagal dan ketinggalan dalam aktiviti ekonomi berbanding merungut dan membuat tuntutan tidak munasabah.

Bekas menteri kewangan itu yang lebih mesra dengan gelaran Ku Li berkata, bilangan “key-personnel” daripada kalangan orang Melayu di sektor korporat menurun dengan sangat signifikan berbanding tahun-tahun sebelumnya.

Beliau berkata, sementara Felda Global Ventures (FGV) yang diasaskan oleh Felda sudah berkembang luas dengan jumlah dagangan besar, orang Melayu dan Bumiputera masih gagal untuk menerajuinya.

“Industri produk halal yang besar juga difahamkan dikawal oleh orang bukan Melayu/Bumiputera, dan sangat mendukacitakan apabila pemilik asal beberapa syarikat orang Melayu yang sudah berjaya akhirnya menjadi pekerja kepada pemilik syarikat yang baru.

“Perkembangan ini tidak ada kaitan dengan isu perkauman atau hak orang Melayu yang dinafikan, tetapi lebih merupakan masalah orang Melayu yang tidak mampu bertahan dalam saingan dan kesulitan alam perniagaan yang semakin kompleks,” kata veteran Umno itu semasa ucapan perasmian Persidangan Perkasa ke 4 di Pusat Islam, Kuala Lumpur hari ini.

Ku Li turut menggesa Perkasa memperjuangkan masyarakat Melayu Malaysia lebih berdisiplin, dilatih dan diberikan ilmu pengetahuan dan pendedahan.

“Ini membolehkan kita bertahan dan bersaing dengan siapa pun dan dalam keadaan apa pun dan dengan pelbagai peluang dan kemudahan serta bantuan, masyarakat orang Melayu dan Bumiputera tidak boleh menyalahkan orang lain kalau mereka masih tidak berjaya.

“Banyak yang boleh diperbuat untuk mengangkat dan memartabatkan orang Melayu dan Bumiputera yang sebahagian besar masih berada di strata bawah dalam struktur ekonomi,” katanya.

Beliau berkata, pelaksanaan aktiviti ekonomi berkelompok dan membolehkan Malaysia mencapai negara berpendapatan tinggi dengan lebih menyeluruh dan cepat.

“Sekiranya perkembangan ekonomi dipacu oleh daya pengeluaran yang meningkat dan rakyat menikmati pendapatan yang agak tinggi sama ada mereka ini petani, penangkap ikan, penoreh getah atau pekerja ladang dengan pelaksanaan gaji minimum dalam suasana bebas dan aman,” katanya.-TMI

Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah advised Perkasa to take a good look at itself and ask why it is mocked. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Nazir Sufari, December 22, 2013.
Ask yourselves why you’ve been left behind in wealth race, Ku Li tells Malays...

Instead of wailing, lamenting and demanding more Bumiputera participation in the economy, Malays should take a good look at themselves and ask why they have been left behind, said veteran politician Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah.

Tengku Razaleigh, or known as Ku Li, noted that the number of Malays holding key positions in the corporate sector had decreased compared with previous years.

While Felda Global Ventures (FGV) has spread its wings to other countries and boosted trade, it did not involve many Malays.

"The halal product industry is sadly controlled and dominated by non-Malays. The most disappointing thing is that several Malays, who founded local businesses, are no longer the owners but workers of the companies," Ku Li said when opening the 4th Perkasa general assembly in Kuala Lumpur today.

"Let me make it clear, these developments are not related to racial issues or the special rights of Malays being ignored.

“The core of the issue is that Malays have lost their edge in an increasingly competitive business arena."

Malays can no longer blame others for monopolising economic wealth in Malaysia because they have been given numerous opportunities and aid.

It is time for them to equip themselves with the necessary knowledge to succeed in the business arena.

Ku Li said the Malays should be taught skills and knowledge so that they would learn how to be independent instead of constantly relying on the Government.

He said if Malays continued to be dependent on Putrajaya, they would be swallowed by globalisation.

Ku Li also said Perkasa should take a good look at itself and ask why it has been mocked and ignored by the Malay community whose rights the party professes to struggle for.

He said Perkasa was perceived by many as the cause of splits between the various ethnic communities in Malaysia. 

He said this was a damaging view of the party as national unity was prized in Malaysia.

"Hopefully, this is not a common perception and only the view of a few extremists," he said.

He said when reports emerged that he would be officiating the Perkasa general assembly, many questions were raised.

He said he has typically been viewed as a veteran politician who was contemporary, liberal and open-minded, which was the opposite of Perkasa.

"The way in which we think is not a vital factor. What is more important is that every Perkasa member understands the rationale and reason for the formation of this Malay rights group and what it stands for.

"We must not act rashly based on our emotions, more so when we are angry. Our actions should be based on logic and common sense rather than irrational behaviour," Ku Li said.

He added that everything should be balanced and taken into consideration before acting-TMI 




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