
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, December 19, 2013

MCA youth education bureau chief Chong Sin Woon is new Youth chief

Newly elected Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA) Youth Chief Chong Sin Woon (C) is hoisted by supporters after the announcement of the election results at the party's Annual General Meeting in Kuala Lumpur on December 19, 2013. - Pic by Najjua Zulkefli/The Malaysian Insider, December 19, 2013.Newly elected Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA) Youth Chief Chong Sin Woon (C) is hoisted by supporters after the announcement of the election results at the party's Annual General Meeting in Kuala Lumpur on December 19, 2013. - Pic by Najjua Zulkefli/The Malaysian Insider, December 19, 2013.MCA Youth education bureau chief Chong Sin Woon is now the party youth chief, defeating his opponent, Batu division youth chief Datuk Goh Gaik Meng with a 93-vote majority. Chong received 794 votes while Goh only managed to get 701 votes.
Chong's win is expected as he is seen as the protege of outgoing youth chief Datuk Wee Ka Siong.
In thanking those who voted for him, a jubilant Chong said he will improve political education among the wing's members. This would ensure members understand current issues and be better debaters to rebut accusations brought up by the Opposition.
The deputy chief post was won by Lee Ching Yong with 844 votes, defeating Ting Tai Fook who obtained 650 votes.
Tomorrow, the Wanita wing will have its election where the post of Wanita chief will see a straight fight between Perak Wanita MCA chief Datuk Heng Seai Kie and former Penang Wanita MCA chief Datuk Tan Cheng Liang.
The parent body will have its election on Saturday, before convening the annual general assembly the next day.

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