
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, December 19, 2013

No end in sight over 'Allah' row

YOURSAY 'What's Abim really scared of? That the new head of the Catholic Church will have wisdom, common sense and logic?'

Cut ties with Vatican to stem 'Allah' row, says Abim

your say, YoursayOdin: Those Muslim Malaysians who are against Christians using of the word ‘Allah' are all too clearly unbelievably arrogant or severely lacking in intelligence or knowledge. Or even in both.

The following are only three examples. One, you have a dishonourable judge who would have us believe that he was an authority on the Christian faith after doing a quick research on the Internet; whereas, those wishing to go into priesthood or pastorship have to spend years studying at a seminary or theological college.

And to further prove to us his partiality as well as severe lack of inquiry, and thus unfit to do his job, he asserted that the word ‘Allah' was not found in the Bible.

Obviously, he has never looked at the holy book published in languages such as Arabic and Iban. But of course, he has not, in the short time he has devoted to what he called his ‘research'.

Two, you have a Muslim reader here who has said that the Vatican is a religious organisation and thus needed no embassy. It is too obvious for words that the ignoramus has no idea what the Vatican is.

Three, you have Amidi Abd Manan and his Abim (Islamic Youth Movement of Malaysia) who obviously think that the Allah issue will be resolved if Malaysia cuts off ties with the Vatican. This rationale amply illustrates the mentality of these people to be clearly too undeveloped, their capacity for logic too abysmal.

You can't go into a debate with these sort of people and hope to come to a mutually satisfying conclusion, because it would amount to exactly the same thing as trying to squeeze blood from stone.

ACR: This is a very disappointing stand by Abim, which is no different from Umno's - that is, rule with weak minority leaders so they will be compliant to majoritarianism.

Abim has a track record of working with non-Muslim NGOs. Its only concern should be what is just and righteous. What is there to be afraid of a more firm archbishop, so long as he is righteous?

Muslim Malaysian NGOs should look at the Middle East in this regard. We are a laughing stock of the world vis-a-vis this 'Allah issue'.

Oriole: What's Abim really scared of? That the new head of the Catholic Church will have wisdom, common sense and logic? Three things that they themselves clearly lack?

Abim, mind your own business and your own faith. Look at the injustice and inequalities in the nation and try to do something about that with your energies, instead of channelling it into hate acts.

Avoid seeking to control other people's faiths because in doing so you make a mockery of your own faith and your lack of depth and foundation.

Stop focusing on petty issues like what to call God. The world - including Muslims and non-Muslims - is literally laughing at you, so are you going to cut ties with the whole world?

Malaysian 1st: Can severing ties with the Vatican solve the problem? I think The Herald should say: "It's all right. In the interest of harmony, we agree not to use the 'A' word in The Herald."

The 'A' word is Arabic. So what is the issue here? Meantime, people in Sabah and Sarawak, and those who are worshipping anywhere in Bahasa Malaysia or Bahasa Indonesia, can use the 'A' word because they are used to it and cannot get it out of their system.

If someone asks you to walk one mile, go with him two miles. If someone asks you for a shirt, give him your coat too. These are the teachings of Jesus Christ. Followers of Jesus Christ must give.

Kairos: It is not by coincidence that the day Abim comes up with the preposterous idea of cutting off all ties with the Vatican because it is so fanatical about the use of the word ‘Allah', Pope Francis has been given the honour to be chosen as Time Magazine's Person of the Year for 2013. So much for the ‘katak di-bawah tempurong' mentality!

Onyourtoes: Why so much of animosity and discord over religions? Those who constantly champion religions should seriously look at religions and their impact on human society, especially in Malaysia today.

Look around us, religious bigots and fanatics - see for yourselves the number of GROs (guest relations officers) and prostitution outlets in all major towns and cities of our country. Is this number bigger than London, Sydney and Tokyo put together?

Look at the rich and the powerful and see for yourselves how they fornicate, drink and enjoy themselves in exclusive clubs, private joints and six-star hotels. Look at the endemic corruption, the blatant abuse of power and the unashamed depravity that are so brilliantly manifested for all to see.

Religious bigots, I suggest you look at all these before turning to the Vatican or Mecca.

Geronimo: Here we go again, that the Muslims are the only group of people who are sensitive. People of other faiths are nothing but zombies or robots, and have no feelings at all.

Spare us, please, your shallow rhetoric. This is a matter for the Church to resolve and it is none of your business. I am sure you would not like us to interfere in your Muslim affairs, would you?
Antoine Ross Deliones: The Vatican is entitled to choose whoever it considers best to lead the Catholic Church in Malaysia. Abim is entitled to its own view too, but whether its view is worth any consideration is another matter.

Dizzer: There's one hard and fast rule in Malaysian politics. Without fail, individuals claiming 'sensitivities' as justification for whatever hare-brained reaction pops into their heads are always the most insensitive nincompoops in the country.

I've got a little list - in fact rather a long one.

James Dean: Abim, why don't you also urge Malaysia to cut ties with Shiite Iran and Syria? - Malaysiakini

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