
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, December 23, 2013

Tee Yong, lopsided toll agreements still BN's fault

YOURSAY 'Even if Anwar Ibrahim had signed the lopsided deals, how come Umno could go along with it for the next 30 years and do nothing to save the situation?'

Tee Yong blames Anwar for awry highway concessions

your say, YoursayAnonymous_4196: Newly elected MCA VP Chua Tee Yong's analysis is childish. When former finance minister Anwar Ibrahim was making those highway toll agreements, he was representing BN. It is BN's fault.

Blame him all you want but it is BN's collective approval to go with the agreement at the time. Should you then not blame former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad, transport minister Samy Vellu and the GLCs involved?

Who benefited the most from this agreement? Is it not the Umno-owned companies or it's cronies? Today, how about the unnecessary energy and water hikes? Is it not the decision of the current BN leaders?

Are they not representing BN? Are you going to blame the individuals in 10 years' time for their decision while working under BN's rules? Tee Yong, your analysis just shows how immature and incapable you are.

Bamboo: This Chua Tee Yong is at his old tricks again. In the Talamgate 'scandal', he was trying to throw mud at Selangor MB Khalid Ibrahim and it failed to stick because he was twisting the facts. Now another attempt to tar Anwar Ibrahim.

If Anwar was responsible for the highway lopsided toll agreements, surely BN would have disclosed the agreements with the toll concessionaires long ago. Otherwise why hide the agreements under the Official Secrets Act (OSA)?

Lim Chong Leong: So even if Anwar had signed the lopsided deals, how come Umno could go along with it for the next 30 years and do nothing to save the situation? Or are they just too happy to earn the extremely vulgar profits?

Ontoi: Tee Yong, was it Anwar who is responsible for the lopsided toll agreements? And all this while several MCA leaders were the ones who held the post of transport minister when Dr Mahathir Mohamad was the PM?

JustChange: You mean Anwar could make the final decision on his own? Doesn't it have to be agreed by the whole cabinet?

Siang Malam: I wonder why he did not blame former Minister of Transport Ling Liong Sik?
Armageddon: Tee Yong doesn't know that finance minister reports to the prime minister?

James_3392: Chua, even if your research is right that Anwar was the culprit, and the policy error committed by Anwar was so great that the BN government couldn't right the error during the past 20 years?

Then it's better to put Anwar and his team back to theirs previous jobs, and let them be responsible to make right what was wronged by them then.

DarthVader: I figure most of them like to say they have sources but why hold up, show it to everyone. What research was it that you did? Please share.

Anonymous_40c3: Chua Tee Yong, if what you say is true, all the more reason for these toll agreements to be relooked and if need be, disclosed to all to determine the extent of Anwar Ibrahim's alleged incompetence as you claim.

Shibboleth: Hello Chua Jr, Anwar may be the minister who signed the agreement on the BN government's behalf. But it was either an instruction from the Dr M or the cabinet. In any event, agreements are not cast in stone.

Think, have you never renegotiated an agreement? In this case the government of Malaysia is a party. Surely, she has the clout to renegotiate better terms for the rakyat.

Thana55: Pending Anwar's clarification, Chua's passing of the buck is not very helpful. He should focus on how we can get out of the lopsided agreements. Then only all those involved in signing off these lopsided agreements should be named and shamed with maximum fanfare.

Nusantara: MCA should convince the government to set up the royal commission of inquiry (RCI) on highway concessionaires so that the rakyat will know who are the real culprits.

Samurai: Well, since Chua has so cleverly admitted to the public that the toll agreements under BN's rule are indeed lopsided as we have all been claiming, I challenge him to call on BN to open up all the rogue agreements for public scrutiny.

Do you dare? Yes, since you are making this an issue, let's have the contracts redrawn. If the concessionaires resist, take them to court for unfair contracts. Since Chua can testify that they are lopsided, who is the BN-friendly judges to not support it?

Let's see if Chua will put his money where his mouth is. Maybe when the moon turns blue.

Black Mamba: Every time he blames someone for some issue, he has never gotten his facts right. He accused the Selangor government of bailing out Talam Corp before and ended up with Talam suing him in court.

He points fingers frivolously without substantiating it. If he wants to be a smart politician, I suggest he comes under the apprenticeship of Pakatan whistleblowers Rafizi Ramli, Tony Pua or Khalid Samad.

Sleepy: Accusing someone of doing wrong is not going to make it right. Do constructive actions to benefit toll users instead of taking politics. Show that MCA made the right choice by electing you VP, if not, you and your party will become insignificant to the people.

CiViC: Tee Yong, we don't give a damn if it was Anwar or who. To everyone's understanding, it was BN, and it is still BN who had given out the contracts, and still maintaining the contracts, and yet refuse to make a stand for the benefit of the rakyat.

If a kid grows up to be a crook, it's not the fault of the parents who had conceived him, it's those who had brought him up and made him that way.

Geronimo: Hello, small boy. We are talking about the pending increase of toll rates in 2014, and not who started the toll operations back in the 90s. So, don't start helping Umno Baru to shift the blame. You are nothing but a true-blue running dog, and a low breed one too.

Iizme: Next, he may one day say the Anwar was the one who fixed the video system in his father Chua Soi Lek's hotel room. - Malaysiakini

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