
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, December 19, 2013


Dream on! First learn how to guard your mouth before we talk about a non-racial Malaysia. Your mouth is your worst enemy that is keeping racism in Malaysia alive. Hell, you cannot even marry outside your own race so who are you to call others a racist?
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Ex-rebels killed ‘nearly 1,000’ in two day Bangui rampage
Amnesty International said today the Central African Republic’s mostly Muslim ex-rebels killed nearly 1,000 people in the capital Bangui two weeks ago in a rampage avenging deadly Christian militia attacks.
The two-day spasm of violence began when Christian militias known as “anti-balaka” (anti-machete) went door-to-door in some districts in the capital “and killed approximately 60 Muslim men,” Amnesty said in a statement.
Some readers are not too happy with my response to the comments of others. They perceive my comments as racist in nature. They also resent the fact that I always refer to them as Malays, Chinese, Indians or natives of East Malaysia when I talk about Malaysians. They feel we should no longer be called or referred to as Malays, Chinese, Indians or natives of East Malaysia but just be called Malaysians.
That would be ideal, of course. But how can we achieve that when the Indians are fighting for Kampung Chetti in Melaka, the Chinese for Kampung Hakka in Negeri Sembilan, and the Malays for Kampung Baru in Kuala Lumpur?
Is this not a race-based fight or struggle?
When I speak to the Chinese capitalists they agree, naturally, that Kampung Baru should be demolished because it sits smack in the middle of the Golden Triangle in Kuala Lumpur. Kampung Baru, which is currently worth about RM5 billion, is ‘wasted’ land and if developed can be worth tens or even hundreds of billions.
Kampung Baru, a creation of the British in 1900, sits on Malay Reservation land. The British created Kampung Baru to ensure that there would be at least some Malays who get to live in Kuala Lumpur. If not then Kuala Lumpur would be turned into a Chinese town.
But to be able to develop Kampung Baru the government must first declassify Kampung Baru and remove the Malay Reservation status. Then Kampung Baru can be developed because only then can the developed properties in Kampung Baru be sold to the non-Malays. If not then only the Malays can buy those properties and they can never be sold for hundreds of billions because the Malays do not have that kind of money. You need to be able to sell the properties to the non-Malays for the development of Kampung Baru to be viable.
Are the British then racists for classifying Kampung Baru as Malay Reservation land to ensure that the non-Malays would not be able to touch the properties there? If they are then why did they insist that the Chinese and Indians be guaranteed citizenship before independence for Malaya can be considered? And why did they insist that independence be jointly negotiated by a coalition of Umno, MCA and MIC (called the Alliance Party) and would not entertain any negotiation by just Umno alone?
The British realised that race would always be an issue in an independent Malaya. You can never eliminate the racial divide. What they need to do instead is to bridge this divide and come out with a system where the different races accommodate each other and learn how to coexist.
And that is how to keep Malaysia peaceful. The different races need to understand and respect each other’s sensitivities (regarding religion, customs, traditions, and so on) and learn how to live and let live.
But when the non-Malays make statements such as Islam is keeping the Malays backward (meaning Islam is a bad religion) and the Malays can never be successful unless they first discard the New Economic Policy (meaning the Malays are failures) how do you think the Malays feel? Do you honestly think that these statements are in the spirit of respecting the sensitivities of the other races?
Read the news item above regarding the fight between the Christians and the Muslims in Africa. This is just one story of many similar stories. And this problem has been ongoing all over the world for a long time now.
Do you think that Malaysian Malays are that ignorant and do not have access to international news? Do you think that Malaysian Malays are not aware of world affairs? And when the non-Malays suggest that progress can only be achieved once Malays are allowed to leave Islam and/or become Christians, do you really honestly think that this improves the relationship between the Muslims and the non-Muslims in Malaysia?
Non-Muslims are quick to comment on Islam. Of course, the argument here is that since Islam is the religion of the Federation (and therefore is the official religion of the nation) that gives non-Muslims the right to comment about Islam. I can buy that as I, too, have said that once you drag Islam into the public domain you run the risk of Islam being debated.
However, in the same breath they will say that non-Christians should not talk about Christianity because non-Christians know nothing regarding Christianity and, therefore, are not qualified to comment. So it is absolutely one-sided. We can comment on Islam but you cannot comment on Christianity.
Taking this situation under consideration and after reading the many news reports from all over the world, do you not see how the Malays would come to a conclusion that Islam is under siege? This may only be the perception but is not politics and everything else about perception? You even have the perception that I am a racist because of what I say.
I, Raja Petra Kamarudin, am a racist? I have a non-Malay mother, an Orang Asli great-grandmother, a Bugis great-grandfather, a Thai-Chinese wife, and I am a racist? And who are those who call me a racist? A Chinese who has a Chinese spouse and Chinese parents and Chinese grandparents and those who vilify Malays who have an Indian parent or grandparent?
Since when did Mamak become a dirty word like Pariah?
Some Chinese try to justify their hatred of the Malays by telling stories about how they had to pay for the own education and did not receive any government aid like those less qualified Malays did.
Stop feeling sorry for yourself. The fact that you could go overseas without any government aid means you have money. I, too, had to put two daughters through university without any government aid. My two daughters spent a total of eight years in university at a cost of about RM100,000 per year. One went to Kent and the other to Middlesex and I paid for this myself.
And I do not have money like many of you Chinese do. In fact, as many of you already know, I was declared a bankrupt because I was not able to pay my debts. Yet I sent my two daughters to England without the help of the government. But I do not grumble about it like you who have plenty of money do, just because you think you are cleverer or smarter than those Malays who received government aid.
It takes two hands to clap. It also takes two to end racism. You want the Malays to stop being racists while you reserve the right to continue to be a racist because you have been unfairly treated and hence have earned the right to be a racist.
No, humankind will never stop being racist. What humankind needs to do is to learn to live with one another without killing each other. And before we can learn how to live with one other of different races we must first learn how to live with each other of the same race but of different religions.
Hell, even Catholic Christians and non-Catholic Christians cannot accept each other — or Sunni Muslims and non-Sunni Muslims cannot accept each other. So how do those of the same race but of different religions accept each other? And you want those of different races AND different religions to live together as brothers and sisters?
Dream on! First learn how to guard your mouth before we talk about a non-racial Malaysia. Your mouth is your worst enemy that is keeping racism in Malaysia alive. Hell, you cannot even marry outside your own race so who are you to call others a racist?

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