
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, November 17, 2014

Retards Now Deny Stupid Guillotine Idea

Now the retards are denying that they came up with the guillotine idea. "It was just a telephone conversation" they say. Predictably the guy who said it is quiet now. His 'aide' made a statement.  

They are also saying that the reporter of The Star made the suggestion for the guillotine. So now Wong Chun Wai has become pakar rujuk for hudud.

Report on guillotine plan inaccurate, Kelantan deputy MB aide says
  • An aide to Kelantan deputy mentri besar Mohd Amar Abdullah said today that a news report claiming the state’s hudud committee is considering introducing the guillotine to punish offenders is inaccurate
  •  the reporter ..had been the one who suggested the possibility 
  • Mohd Amar said the suggestion can be considered and discussed  
  • linking him to the suggestion was the reporter’s mistake
  • Mohd Amar quoted saying Kelantan hudud committee contemplating guillotine
  • According to the Kelantan PAS leader surgeons would no longer be needed
This is typical retard style denial of what they said. If you press them they may then say 'It was his personal opinion, this is not the party's official stand'.


Yesterday it was reported that the PAS-led state’s hudud law technical committee, said to be facing problems finding suitable methods to amputate limbs of those convicted of stealing.

Mohd Amar said probable methods to mete out punishment including the chopping off of limbs of offenders under Syariah Criminal Code II 1993, were discussed in a meeting chaired by Kota Baru MP Datuk Takiyuddin Hassan recently.  He said among those who attended the meeting were eight muftis and several doctors.

“I plan to attend the next meeting and propose the mini guillotine idea for detailed discussions,” he said.

My comments :  PAS sudah anti hadith ke? Sudah anti sunnah?  What do they mean by 
"PAS-led state’s hudud law technical committee, said to be facing problems finding suitable methods to amputate limbs"?

They dont have any problems in Saudi Arabia or Sudan or Afghanistan or in ISIS. They just grab a sword or parang and chop off peoples' heads, hands, feet or whatever. 

Why does PAS suddenly want to feel shy about this job?

May I make a suggestion to PAS. They already import foreign football players. Just go to Afghanistan or to ISIS and import a few chop head and chop hand experts.

Let them bring their own weapons (since PAS is so confused about what instrument to use).

Here are some possible candidates :

 Above : Khalid the Head Chopper from Aleppo 
Since the recapture of Aleppo he is unemployed

Below : Yaheeya The Insane from Raqqa
He did not know right hand from left. Got fired 
and is looking for a job

Below : A specially designed cleaver to cut the hands of fat people.


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