
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Banjir : Pekan, Kuantan Baik Stand By

The flood waters in the Sungai Pahang are moving downriver. Here are some pictures of Temerloh.

Temerloh is downstream from Jerantut. Pahang folks say that the waters in the swollen rivers are moving downstream. 

The flood may reach Pekan in a few days. Kuantan too is at risk as other rivers like the Sg Lembing traverse the area.

There are also high tides now and the water cannot flow out to sea as quickly. If it rains some more upstream  (the third wave), plus high tides, then Kuantan and Pekan may just tenggelam.

Please take note everyone. By right the Kaji Cuaca people should be giving us daily reports on the winds, rains, high tides etc. The Perparitan dan Saliran people should also be put in front of the TV cameras.

Then the Bomba,  Penyelamat, Kebajikan,  ATM folks should chip in on their preparedness. 

The situation in Kelantan is chaotic. No one really knows the fate of the folks in the interior. Yesterday a guy walked into our store and said he had lost contact with his parents in Gua Musang for five days. "Dah lari ke bukit" he said. He is praying for the best. I dont mind sleeping in the bukit but with camping gear and our trusty FWD. But how do old people 'lari ke bukit' for five days ?  Where do they leep at night? Food? Water?

Not only Kota Bharu but Jerantut is completely out of water. The water treatment plant is also under water. News is even after the waters subside, it will take at least a month to repair the water treatment plant.

Prime Minister Najib Razak - this is WHY you have to be on the scene. One MONTH to fix a water treatment plant is NOT acceptable. Ask the JKR, the engineers, the State govt etc to start preparing now to fix the water treatment plants in ONE WEEK max.

Meantime people will need alternative sources of clean water.  Singapore is sending three mobile water purification plants which weigh about three tons each. That will help but may not be enough. 

The Keretapi Tanah Melayu has said it may take until end January 2015 to restore rail services to the East Coast.  Bridges, railway tracks etc have to be repaired. Perhaps the Army Engineering Corps can be called out. They have the equipment and the men to fix bridges and rebuild embankments etc. Chip in to help the KTM.

Someone should be thinking about all this.  These are unusual circumstances.We cannot have people waiting one month for fresh water or wait one month for train services to resume.

The Majlis Keselamatan Negara must really be on top of things here to coordinate everything - especially after the waters have subsided.

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