
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, March 28, 2015

Arrested, Charged In Court, Case Appealed - What For ?

Image result for Rafizi, Mat Sabu, Tian Chua arrested

1. I just read that the PAS dunggu Mohamed Sabu was nabbed by police  wearing ski masks at about midnight (last nite) in Seberang Jaya, Penang. 

To me Mat Sabu is a clown. Or worse. A moron. But why does the police have to arrest him? Whatever for? 

2. I also heard that Rafizi Ramli the PKR MP has also been arrested. Again whatever for? 

The talk is these guys were planning some demonstration or to disrupt some dinner or something. Biaq pi lah kat depa. There have been demonstrations before. Just cordon off the area and let them let off steam.  Also from past experience, arresting these clowns is not going to prevent their supporters from demonstrating.  

So why arrest them? The news says the psychos have started running around the streets again around Masjid Jamek, Masjid India, Jalan TAR, Sogo etc demanding that liwat be released.  Macam lah negeri ini bapak depa punya.  Arrest or no arrest they still run around like psychos.

By the way folks, we are no more doing business in Jalan Masjid India.  The rentals were going too sky high (RM40,000 per month !!) So we moved out last October, 2014 to our own premises. We are now back to where we began our business 17 years ago in 1998. We are not affected by the demonstrations, the bicycle races and the Bazaar Ramadhans anymore.

3. Why are the agama fellows appealing the case against that bookshop supervisor girl ? Kedai buku itu bukan dia punya. Orang lain yang punya. The book that is the subject of the complaint was not written by her. The book was written by some lesbian woman from some foreign country. 

Look at it this way lah. Zaman ini paling ramai bebudak Melayu menganggur - samada tak ada peluang kerja atau depa tak mahu kerja. Depa lebih suka jadi Mat Rempit.  Tak hairanlah bebudak Melayu di kawasan bandar jadi miskin, hidup susah and things like that.

But this girl Nik Raina has a job. She gets up every morning and goes to work. Nik Raina rajin bangun pagi dan rajin pergi kerja.  And what do you do? Pi tangkap dia pasal dia jadi pekerja di kedai buku kepunyaan orang lain. Bukan kedai buku dia pun. 

Nak masukkan Nik Raina pula dalam penjara sebab kedai buku tu jual buku yang ditulis oleh lesbian entah dari mana. Bukan buku dia pun. Plus, the book was not banned yet when Nik Raina was arrested.

Yang tulis buku lesbian tu orang lain, yang sudah jadi kaya sebab buku dia laku. Yang tuan punya kedai buku pun orang lain, juga sudah jadi kaya sebab kedai buku dia untung. 

Tetapi yang jadi miskin pula bebudak Melayu yang hanya kerja kuli di kedai buku itu. Kalau dia masuk penjara, bebudak Melayu itu akan jadi miskin lah. 

I appeal to those people who have brains - can you please help to stop this persecution of this Malay girl? It is just showing to the whole world how much brains you have. People are just laughing at you.

4. Then now the latest is that Police report and investigation against that radio broadcaster who made a video about PAS political gimmick.  It is just a political gimmick by PAS. The IGP has suddenly become a religious expert. 

Tuan IGP, Islam cannot be insulted. Only people can feel insulted. How do you measure insults? Can you quantify it? 

There are people in mental institutions who are there because they take insult at every single thing. They could suffer acute paranoia, acute schizophrenia, hallucinations or a combination of all three.  They simply cannot be allowed to walk freely in society because there is no guarantee how they will behave if they hear something or see something that they do not like.  They can take insult at every small thing. Thats why they end up in mental institutions.  

Intelligent and rational people should not behave like paranoids or acute schizoids.  Please grow up and be more mature. If someone draws a circle on the sand and says 'Ini kepala bapak awak' please dont feel insulted. It is just a drawing of a circle on the sand. We used to do this when we were small children. We are not children anymore. We are not childish anymore.

5. I dont agree with Nurul Izzah and I certainly do not agree with her "good for nothing" father who is now in jail for liwat. 

But having said that, she still is a Member of Parliament. The Parliament House is our bastion of free speech. Plus the Courts. In Parliament and in Court you should be able to say anything you want. And Nurul Izzah is an MP. 

But how can an MP be charged in Court (for sedition?) for something that the MP said INSIDE Parliament during a session of Parliament? This does not seem to make sense. 

If the elected Wakil Rakyat cannot speak freely (no matter how ridiculous they sound) inside Parliament then what is the purpose of the Dewan Rakyat as a "dewan" where elected representatives can speak their minds freely? 

And isnt it the job of the Speaker of the Dewan Rakyat to monitor the debates and throw out any MP who disrupts the rules of the Dewan? 

If Nurul Izzah's speech was so seditious, why didnt the Speaker stop Nurul Izzah and have her thrown out of the Dewan? That is the prerogative of the Speaker. That is why the job of the Speaker of the Dewan Rakyat exists.

Why are the authorities embarking on this path of arresting and charging people in Court for every other thing? This does not reflect a mature or righteous society.

Nik Raina's case takes the cake. A poor Malay girl, who has enough discipline to get a job and hold the job, compared to the tens of thousands of Mat Rempits and others who do not even bother looking for a job. 

She is just a bookshop supervisor. She did not write that book and neither does she own the bookshop.  But they keep going after her - wasting taxpayers' money to prosecute her.

Something is seriously wrong with these folks. Seriously wrong. This cr*p can only sustain itself because of the easy money that floats around the country. As long as Petronas keeps pumping the oil, all this cr*p will float.  

No need to think, no need to be intelligent, no need to be productive and no need to be right. 

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