
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, March 19, 2015

HOW TO OUST NAJIB: Is Dr Mahathir losing Umno's mother of all battles

HOW TO OUST NAJIB: Is Dr Mahathir losing Umno's mother of all battles
When Umno leaders are in power they will gain everything and that is why every Umno leader wants to have that power or at least be with the one with power. Thus losing that power means they will lose everything. And no, it is not about the people and the country; it is all about their self-interest.
Thus the efforts to remove Datuk Seri Najib Razak from power began the moment he took over from Tun Abdullah Badawi. The efforts to remove Najib have built up, gained momentum and even have peaked just recently without us realizing it and it seems that the efforts have started to lose steam.
This shows that the efforts are simply not good enough and not well organized. Najib and his gang have done well!
It is only Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad and Datuk A. Kadir Jasin who are persistent in attacking Najib. Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yasin is simply hopeless; he has no guts. Datuk Zainuddin Maidin has chickened out much earlier and Tun Daim Zainuddin seems to care no more. But why should he care anyway? What about Ku Li? He has his own whatever agenda.
Ku Li’s speech in parliament recently criticizing the government has gone to deaf ears. He just stated the obvious which we already know. Najib could just say, “So what?” in response to Ku Li’s comments!
Has Najib showed any signs of being vulnerable? Seemingly yes, when he conceded to let the Auditor General to audit 1MDB, but it is only for show and it won’t prove any wrong doings. Instead the audit will give a clean bill to the all the business dealings and transactions. Those involved had made sure that the documents are all in order. This will only prove that all the critics are wrong!
Rosmah still calling the shots
Ku Li
To prove that Najib is still powerful we have been surprised again by Rafizi Ramli that Najib has bought a new executive jet for Rosmah to use! She has been purportedly been involved in the refurbishment of the plane and surely to her wishes and taste.
The Permaisuri Agong and the Sultanahs had no say in this refurbishment at all! Yet the plane would also cater for them and the Sultans too? This is a whole load of bull! Najib is powerful enough to sideline the Sultans!
Najib has not been bothered to answer or response to his attackers; he has 160 or so sycophants surrounding him. Najib has a network of other sycophants within the media and cyber world. He has the IGP Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar to do all the dirty works for him. The IGP is not focused on the safety and security of the people anymore, his focus is only to protect Najib. But that is another story.
The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) Chairman Datuk Nur Jazlan has shown some sort of initiative to check on other questionable government bodies. But that is also for show.
It gives the impression that the government under Najib is being scrutinized, that’s all. Because Najib is still Nur Jazlan’s boss and the PAC has no teeth.
Dr M has run out of bullets
Now it seems that Dr. Mahathir and gang have no more bullets to attack Najib. They have lost steam and getting weaker by the day. Najib on the other hand is getting stronger and more powerful.
Najib could not be bothered with Dr. Mahathir anymore and he is on a dragnet to detain every opposition leader and squash the opposition for good.
Rosmah confident
Ahmad (right) having a chat with Rosmah before the start of his talk on the GST in Kuala Lumpur
We can see how confident Rosmah is despite the pressure on her husband. Rosmah is still going on with her with her usual extravagant life style.
There must be a united front to remove Najib from power. If Dr. Mahathir is really serious in removing Najib, then he must gather every individual, NGOs, bloggers, the media and even the opposition parties in a concerted effort to do it. Put aside the differences, at least for the time being.
Tun Dr. Mahathir, you cannot do it alone anymore. So far, the entire effort by the anti-Najib Umno group is like a long duration of foreplay ending with a pre-mature ejaculation! - MAILBAG

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