
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, March 20, 2015

Malaysia will soon be a nation of amputees

YOURSAY ‘Many of our Malay brethren will lose their legs and stoned to death.’

'Convert non-Muslim MPs on Hudud Bill'             

Ferdtan: In Selangor, DAP have 15 state assemblypersons and PKR, 14, making 29 against 27 (PAS, 15, and Umno, 12). PKR and DAP have a very slim majority of two.

If one were to cross over, most likely with inducements, Selangor government will be toppled. We don't envy the pro-Pakatan Rakyat leaders in the three parties.

They have a problem in their hand, especially with Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim in jail. That possibly could be the singular reason why he was sent to prison in the first place.

We have waited patiently for the progressives to do something, whatever, about the recalcitrant PAS ulamas faction who insisted in breaking the agreed ‘Common Manifesto’ with its Pakatan allies.

This shows that the progressives are weak and powerless and are not able to contain the disruptive opposing faction, now or in the future. Therefore we have no guarantees at all in spite of pleads from the progressives faction to hold on to the Pakatan alliance.

Given this, we call upon DAP and PKR to suspend ties with PAS until they can settle once for all who they want to be with. The Penang government is no problem as there are no PAS exco members.

In Selangor, PAS exco members must be asked to resign while the suspension is in force. That way it will compel the progressives to action, if they are sincere.

Meanwhile, after such action has been taken by DAP and PKR, they can then dared MCA, MIC and Gerakan to do likewise in BN.

From the survey by Merdeka Center, 81 percent Malay/Muslim respondents interviewed across the peninsula think that Kelantan government should concentrate on flood relief operations instead of implementing hudud.

Another survey carried out in April last year revealed that a majority (58 percent) of Malay respondents thought that the country is not ready for hudud implementation. These are huge percentages.

The polls confirmed one thing - the Muslims themselves are not agreeable to hudud for varied reasons. So it is not a political disaster for PKR and DAP to go against the hudud implementation at this stage.

Hey, they may even win the next election if these surveys are what they say.

Proarte: If the Pakatan government in Selangor falls because PAS is expelled or pulls out and ceases to be 'Pakatan friendly', I think this would be a welcome scenario.

The Merdeka poll on hudud exposed the sham that Malays are fanatical about hudud but instead revealed the reality that Malays, like most Malaysians, are more concerned about bread and butter issues which directly affect their well-being.

If PAS remains 'Pakatan friendly' then the issue of the Selangor government falling will not arise. Either way, it will show us PAS’ true colours.

With the example set by the Islamic State (IS) in the Middle East through its evil and barbaric actions, Malays are beginning to realise that an Islamic state is synonymous with barbarity and PAS’ hudud ambitions are a corroboration of this fact.

Without PAS, PKR and DAP can divide up the Selangor seats between themselves. Pakatan cannot hope to win Putrajaya by default. It must present a credible alternative to Umno’s rule by showing accountability and sticking to its 'Common Manifesto'.

SusahKes: "While for our BN friends, we have told them many times that hudud does not concern the non-Muslims,” said Kelantan Umno representative Md Alwi Che Ahmad.

If you could use state and court powers to withhold the use of one word by non-Muslims; if you could enforce conversion of minors without consideration or empathy for the non-Muslim spouse; if you could dictate use of public space for non-Muslims worship; if you could snatch bodies from funeral services; if you could fine a non-Muslim hair salon; if you could sit idly while extremists label non-Muslims as ultra kiasu; if you could issues fatwas that encroach into non-Muslims freedom to worship - then I don’t believe you when you say, hudud will not affect non-Muslims.

Kawak: In modern times, corrupt politicians engage in complex multi-company transactions across borders to steal taxpayers’ money. These corrupt politicians get away from amputation of their hands and legs, while small-time thieves have to suffer severely.

Kadir Sulong: If you follow the hudud law sincerely, many of our Malay brethren will lose their legs and will be stoned to death, especially those in Kelantan who have HIV for indulging with prostitutes across the border.

My Opinion: If you have already committed two offences of theft and with your right hand and left leg amputated, it is better not to repent.

Indeed, it would be better to commit theft the third time so that you have free lodging and food in prison for 15 years. Otherwise, how are you going to earn a living without your hand and leg?

MrT: It’s time to kick these MPs out of parliament before it’s too late. Otherwise, Malaysia will end up as a nation of amputees.

Kangkung: We can never trust both Umno and PAS again. It is a self-serving party which cannot live in a country which is multiracial and multireligious. I am not sure why DAP and PKR are dragging their feet on severing ties with PAS.

Paul Warren: So what are you going to do with the Muslim members of parliament from Umno, PAS and PKR who vote against the private member's bill? After all, that should be an act that is even worse than apostasy, isn't it?     

Fair Play: What makes you think that all the 132 Muslim MPs would lend their support. In order not to be seen as breaking away from rank, they would probably skip attending the parliamentary session convened for this purpose.

NX: As a non-Muslim, I agree that hudud bill should be implemented but for the first four years, it is only applied to all Muslim ‘wakil rakyat’ (elected representatives) and their families, Muslim ministers and their families and Muslim party division leaders and their families.

Also to be included, all personnel in Jawi, Jais and Jakim and all mosque committees and their families. Show by example that it is a fair law by implementing it first on those who champion it. -Mkini

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