
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, March 19, 2015

Raja Bahrin rips Tee to shreds for his un-Islamic behaviour

PAS MP feels “duty-bound” to urge the IGP to look into the case of the “un-Islamic” Tee who he accuses of bringing Islam into disrepute.
raja baharin, ridhuan tee2KUALA LUMPUR: Kuala Terengganu MP, Raja Kamarul Bahrin Raja Ahmad today strongly condemned the preachings of a ‘self proclaimed authority’ on Islam and Chinese culture, Riduan Tee Adbullah, saying the scholar’s irresponsible statements on Islam were very “un-Islamic.”
At a press conference at Parliament lobby, Raja Bahrin said, “The impression that we get is that Ridhuan Tee feels that he has to do a lot to gain acceptance in his new race and religion, that he is willing to ‘spit’ (I’m sorry to use such word) on his own race, and not only that, but his own father.
“In his article, he even reveals certain things that are not very nice about his own father, when he used to work in the family business in the past … which, in Islam is forbidden.”
Relationships and good ties with one’s parents, even after one has converted to Islam has to be maintained even when the parents aren’t Muslim, Raja Bahrin explained.
“This is what Islam is all about and Ridhuan Tee is very un-Islamic and giving Islam a bad name.”
The PAS MP also expressed his shock over Tee’s own admission that his comments may make some people distance themselves from Islam.
“He knows what he is saying is damaging to Islam….But why is he doing it? Even the Prophet himself, does not allow any discrimination or prejudice.
“Tok Guru Nik Aziz went to the extent of building a mosque in the shape of a pagoda, trying to break the racial and mental block of Chinese Muslims and non-Muslims.
“This is how far our great Muslim leaders have gone and what Ridhuan Tee is doing is destroying the very thing that we have been trying to nurture among (our) multi-racial society,” he said.
Tee also apparently lauded Minister of Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry, Ismail Sabri when he made a “damaging” statement a few weeks back suggesting Chinese traders were solely responsible for raising the prices of general goods, and went so far as to advise the Minister against apologising to the Chinese community for the remark.
“The Minister made very wide and unfair statements about the Chinese, whereas we know that other essential goods such as sugar and rice are controlled by a monopoly owned by Syed Mokthar (Al-Bukhary).
“Why (are) people like Syed Mokthar, who owns a monopoly, not singled out? Why (are) the Chinese, the only ones singled out?
The problem is also perpetuated by the selective action taken by IGP Khalid Abu Bakar.
“Small statements by students and parliamentarians, (cause them to be) dragged to police stations and remanded overnight – just for insignificant statements.
“But these are blatantly racist and volatile statements, but (the perpetrators) are being let go. First, by Ismail Sabri and now Ridhuan Tee,” Raja Bahrin pointed out.
“Now our question is: ‘Who’s next?’,” he asked, adding that Tee’s latest commentary published by Sinar Harian entitled, “Chinese are motivated by greed,” was the straw that broke the camel’s back for him.
Raja Bahrin said this was especially stinging because Tee lectured at Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, which was located in his home state of Terengganu.
He said, “I’m duty-bound and obligated to take up this issue with the Vice-Chancellor (Yahya Ibrahim) and press the IGP (Khalid Abu Bakar) to look into this statement which we consider to be highly seditious.
“He has already passed the first chance to nip it in the bud when Ismail Sabri made the statement, and now another guy (is) openly supporting him, and he is a lecturer.

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